To tell the truth, these Funeral Instrument Mountain disciples at this time were also a bit confused.

Because there is a powerful Ground Level Elite Formation around the Burial Instrument Mountain, if it is not a person of the Burial Instrument Mountain, then it needs to be certified by the people of the Alchemist Guild to enter the Ground Rank Alchemist!

However, even on the Burial Instrument Mountain, every Ground Level Alchemist was an elder-level figure.

How could a master alchemist turn over the garbage here in a gray face.

“Cough cough cough! You must be from the Burial Instrument Mountain, in the lower Yu Batian, the alchemist guild certified under the ground level alchemist!! Today is ready to join the funeral hill I don’t know if you can introduce it!? ”

Yu Batian, who was caught coughing a little, slowly flew into the sky, and after a wave of true qi on his body, he directly shook all the dirty things on his body and disappeared into the sky.

As the dirty things on his body disappeared, the silver Danding under Yu Batian’s clothes appeared very well, and the power contained in the shining star above made the faces of these law enforcement team members change slightly.

As a law enforcement team, they were naturally basically force-based in this alchemy-based sect, although the middle-aged man who was the leader was also a strong man in the Shenqiao Realm Realm, but his status in the face of a ground level alchemist was much lower.

“It turned out to be Master Yu disrespectful and disrespectful, in the next law enforcement team captain Haneda, since the master is here to join me funeral mountain, then my funeral instrument mountain is naturally very welcome, before there are many offenses and ask the master to forgive!”

After seeing the alchemist’s robe issued by the Alchemist’s Guild on Yu Batian’s body, Haneda’s attitude suddenly took a big turn of more than one hundred and eighty degrees.

It should be known that even the Funeral Instrument Mountain, which is the first major sect gate of the refiner, has extremely high treatment for the alchemists of the earth level.

After all, in this era when there were no Heavenly Order alchemists, the most powerful alchemist was only the Earth Order.

Although he was only an alchemist of the lower grades, he could also mix an elder in the Funeral Instrument Mountain.

“Hahaha, no problem, it’s too rude for me, then please take the road!”

Yu Batian smiled slightly, naturally he would not say anything.

As for Yu Batian’s previous behavior, there was naturally nothing wrong with his current identity.

“Master Yu please!!!”

Haneda hurriedly led the way in front!


Yuba Tian smiled slightly and flew towards the sky under Haneda’s guidance.

After flying for hundreds of thousands of meters, a huge mountain peak appeared in front of Yu Batian’s eyes after crossing a lot of cloud sky.

As a former holy place, the small mountain levitation technique is still very simple.

Under the power of mountain levitation, such a terrifying mountain covering hundreds of kilometers stands tall in the sky.

Fortunately, the strength of both of them was very strong, and the speed of flight was extremely terrifying, and in just a few minutes, the two of them arrived at the Kunyun Hall of the Funeral Instrument Mountain.

Kunyun Hall is an office palace that is here every time other external cultivators come to the funeral hill to prepare to join.

Of course, those alchemists are also here, but compared to the scattered cultivation of the Shenqiao Realm, Yu Batian, as an alchemist, is naturally a VIP channel, and there is someone responsible for it just after arriving.

Only to see a mid-level alchemist slowly come out from the depths of the hall and look at Yu Batian.

“Elder Luo Yu?”

“It’s actually Elder Luo Yu, is it his turn to be on duty this time!?”

“I’ve seen Elder Luo Yu!!”



A respectful voice spread throughout the great hall,

Elder Luo Yu also responded with a smile.

“Could it be that this one is ready to join me in the funeral mountain?”

However, after Elder Luo Yu came to Yu Batian, he asked in a friendly way,

“That’s right, juniors!!”

Yu Ba nodded slightly, of course, claiming to be a junior did not mean that his alchemist strength was not as strong as the Luo Yu Elder in front of him, but because his age was not even one percent of the other party’s self-proclaimed junior, which was naturally very humble.

“You don’t have to be so polite, if the instrument friend joins my funeral instrument mountain, it will be the old man’s colleague!”

Elder Luo Yu smiled slightly.

“Since the Alchemist is here to join my Funeral Instrument Mountain, can you show the old man the certified Jade Jane of the Alchemist’s Guild, if there is a certified Jade Jane, you don’t need to do too much testing!”

Elder Luo Yu said with a smile.

The Alchemist’s Guild, in fact, to put it bluntly, can be regarded as something that the Funeral Instrument Mountain and several other top alchemist sects have made together.

As the most powerful alchemist sect gate on the Dragon Teng Continent, the alchemist’s guild was also a subordinate department of his burial instrument mountain to a certain extent.

“Nature has !!!”

After Yu Batian finished speaking, he directly took out a jade medal in his storage ring.

After Elder Luo Yu resulted in Jade Jane, he subconsciously sank his consciousness directly into this Jade Jane.


In an instant, a stream of information that recorded Yu Batian’s appearance, strength, alchemist level, and some basic data all poured into Elder Luo Yu’s mind.

However, at this moment, Elder Luo Yu’s face turned white in an instant.

“You are Master Yu!?”

An exclamation erupted from Elder Luo Yu’s mouth.

His exclamation startled the people around him.

“Yes! Who are you talking about Master Yu? Although I am also surnamed Yu, I am not a master in front of Elder Luo Yu, right!? ”

Yu Batian said with some helplessness.

After hearing his words, Elder Luo Yu slightly calmed his mood.

“Master Yu smiled, what you said is naturally you, do you remember the ascension technique you used when the Alchemist Guild in Xuling City certified the alchemist level more than ten days ago?”

That technique was a powerful refining technique that had been lost for hundreds of millions of years throughout the Dragon Teng Continent, and if you hadn’t used it, we wouldn’t have known that such a technique still existed in the world! ”

Elder Luo Yu said solemnly to Yu Batian.

“Oh, you’re talking about the weapon that was sold by your Alchemist’s Guild for ten times the price?” Of course I remember! ”

Yu Batian smiled slightly, ten times the price, this kind of wronged head naturally he will not remember!

“Hahaha, since Master Yu remembers it, according to the data, Master Yu is not a member of the Middle Domain, right?” Maybe you don’t know, in my Middle Domain, the alchemist who has understood such a lost technique is the Ground Rank Ultimate Alchemist who must call you a master or teacher!! ”

Elder Luo Yu said to Yu Batian, with great respect.

There was a big change in attitude of more than one hundred and eighty degrees from before.

“That’s the way it is, but you don’t have to be so polite, it’s just a refining technique, and if the funeral vessel mountain needs it, I can give it to you!”

Yu Batian’s indifference said that a small ascension technique could only be regarded as a middle and lower level among the forbidden techniques that Yu Feng had taught him.

However, his words made Elder Luo Yu suddenly confused!

“Funeral Vessel Hill too!?”

How noble is the virtue of the person in front of him!!!

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