At this time, the entire Dragon Continent was confused.

Again? How many times has this been the first time of the month?

“What exactly does this Excalibur Alliance want to unseal the Heavenly Sword every day?” Idle egg hurts or what!? ”

“Cautious words, the current Excalibur Alliance has a new Sword Saint, if the Lone Sword Saint is still there, it is a Double Sword Saint, and the name of the world’s largest sect has been deserved!”



The countless powerful people above the Dragon Teng Continent were all discussing madly, and it was necessary to know that the current Excalibur Alliance could no longer be viewed with the previous eyes.

Of course, even before, the Excalibur Alliance was the most powerful sect among the five holy places.

However, Di Yan, who had just arrived in the Middle Realm on this side, had a slight change in his face.

“Has it already begun?” Sword Cloud Heaven, you boy don’t die!! ”

Thinking of this, Di Yan’s heart suddenly crossed, and a little moment under his feet instantly flew towards the distance with an extremely terrifying speed.

However, he didn’t know that the sword cloud heaven that was going to die in his eyes now was extremely excited in his heart.

Because the next moment he would be able to obtain a weapon that belonged to his Heavenly Class, and if he had this weapon, he might actually be able to explore that place.


One after another terrifying aura descended from the sky.

At the same time, a series of thunderbolts that made the heavens and the earth shudder fell on the long sword that had just been taken out of the Divine Dragon Fire by Yu Feng.


With a sound of the sword, the long sword soared into the sky and turned into a sword and rushed towards the sky, the speed was that of a super strong person of the Immortal Realm, and even if it could only be compared with it, it could not be surpassed.

The sword plunged straight into the sky into the endless clouds.


A series of terrifying Haoran swords burst out from above the sword body.

This stream of sword intent turned into a series of terrifying forces that tore the black clouds around them madly.

In just a few seconds, the black clouds around them were actually swept away, and at the same time, the endless horror atmosphere slowly disappeared from the sky.


With a wave of fluctuations, a huge stream of energy in the depths of the endless void in the sky surged towards the sword like a flood.

And this was the reward of heaven and earth for these weapons, and as the power of these rewards poured into the sword madly, Sword Yuntian was surprised to find that the power emitted by the sword also began to increase rapidly.

This time was the moment when the sword truly reached the Heavenly Rank Realm.


There was a sword sound, and the long sword instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards Yu Feng.

Yu Feng casually took it down, and at the same time, a huge stream of breath also erupted from above the long sword.

It was as if he was very excited to see Yu Feng.

“From now on your master will be him!”

Yu Feng smiled slightly, and then waved his hand slightly to give the long sword in his hand to Sword Yuntian.

Sword Yuntian respectfully took the sword, he was still a little incredulous before, but now that the sword was in his hand, the feeling of blood connection let him know that this sword was definitely for him.

However, giving such a powerful weapon to himself for reasons made Jian Yuntian a little incredulous.

“There is also a reason why the old man gave this sword to the Sword Sect Lord, there is a place, I don’t know if the Sword Cloud Heavenly Sect Lord knows!?”

At this moment, Yu Feng opened his mouth, and Sword Yuntian was suddenly stunned, and then his face became serious.

“I don’t know where the place the seniors say is, but if the juniors know, they will know everything!!”

Sword Yuntian respectfully arched his hand at Yu Feng.

“Since this is the case, Lao Fu asked, Lao Fu and Zhang Tian are people from the Northern Realm outside the Middle Domain, this point the Sword Cloud Heavenly Sect Lord should know, but tens of thousands of kilometers east of the Northern Domain, there is a canyon, called the Xingyuan Canyon, I don’t know what impression the Sword Cloud Heavenly Sect Lord can have on the Xingyuan Canyon!?”

Yu Feng slowly asked his question, but his words made Yu Zhangtian’s face change slightly.

“Father, isn’t the Star Abyss Canyon you are talking about the place where Zhan Yun and Xiao Yanzi and the two of them went to participate in the Secret Realm of the Divine Bridge Realm!?” Is there anything special about that place!? ”

Yu Zhangtian asked with some doubt, to know that it was just a place where a strong person in the Shenqiao Realm died, which was nothing for the Yu family now.

“Special? Where is the Tebby, the Sword Cloud Heavenly Sect Lord may know better than me!? ”

However, Yu Feng smiled slightly, and then looked at Sword Cloud Heaven, and Yu Zhangtian also found that Sword Cloud Heaven’s face at this time actually became a little ugly.

Under Yu Feng’s words, Jian Yuntian suddenly smiled helplessly.

“Alas!! The seniors were still asking the right people this time, and the juniors did know a lot about this matter, and even my Excalibur Alliance Lone Sword Saint had disappeared in that place at the beginning!

Star Canyon! It is a forbidden place, a forbidden place that no dragon continent can compare!! ”

Speaking of this, Sword Yuntian’s face suddenly became incomparably solemn.

“Oh!? A forbidden place for the entire continent? I said there was a slight error there, and now it seems that it is true! ”

Yu Feng’s hole shrank slightly, before he was the Death Body achieved by the Star Abyss Canyon, but the horror of the Death Body As time went by, Yu Feng found that it was becoming less and less simple.

Because he found that the records he had seen from the library of some of the top forces that he had secretly slipped into were the same as those of his previous condensation methods, but there was one thing that was extremely wrong, that is, the yin qi, that is, the thickness of the death.

In the record, the Star Abyss Canyon was only two top forces that all died there during the war, and the condensed death force was absolutely impossible to fully awaken the body of death according to the calculation.

This concentration is increased tenfold, a hundredfold, and it is difficult to achieve.

Therefore, Yu Feng, who was originally just casually looking, suddenly had a slight suspicion about the Star Abyss Canyon.

Just a few days ago, Yu Feng personally went to the Xingyuan Canyon.

With his current strength, he did find that there was actually a different space under the layer of death force suppressed under the defense that Zhao Zhixin had laid down.

And the exit of that alien space was actually exactly where his whole body was destroyed and the bones of the Divine Dragon were shattered, and his body also blocked that exit.

At the same time, Yu Feng found that the terrifying death and destruction power that erupted in which exit was a super powerful person of the Absolute Immortal Realm was difficult to stop.

“If the Sword Sect Lord knows, please tell the old man!” In that place, why did such a terrible breath of death appear!? ”

Yu Feng asked solemnly at Sword Yuntian.

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