The words of the Broken Arrow Emperor were like a thunderbolt directly bombarding the entire Dragon Teng Continent.

The Sixth Holy Land? Or is it a holy place with the strongest of the Wonderland!?

In an instant, everyone in the entire Dragon Continent looked at each other,

“What the hell has happened lately?” Why one strong person after another has become a fairyland! ”

“Could it be that the concentration of my Dragon Continent’s aura has begun to increase!?”

“No, not long ago, the fire element concentration of the entire Dragon Teng Continent began to plummet, except for this, I didn’t feel that the Dragon Teng Continent was any different!!”



Countless strong people have begun to talk about it, of course, as far as those bottoms, let alone the emergence of a fairyland, that is, the emergence of ten, and their lives have not changed much. It’s just that those top-level forces are different, and the emergence of the Sixth Holy Land means that the pattern of the entire Dragon Teng Continent will also begin to change drastically.

It will even affect the life and death of many top forces.

After all, the previous Heavenly Arrow Sect was not just a hostile force!



“The Broken Arrow Emperor’s predecessors really broke through!!!”

Sword Yun Tian’s heart was extremely shocked, and he didn’t expect that another strong person who had reached the peak of the Heavenly Realm Realm had become a Absolute Immortal Realm with the help of Yu Feng.

And now that Yu Zhanyun had become the suzerainty of the Heavenly Arrow Sect’s Holy Land, it meant that the six holy places already had two holy places that the Yu family was the master.

In addition, the presidents of the Alchemist Guild and the Alchemist Guild are all Yu Family members, that is, from now on, a single sentence of the entire Yu Family may be able to make the entire Dragon Teng Continent undergo earth-shaking changes.

Although he knew, he didn’t have much regret about his choice, after all, the Yu family had the Yu family’s old ancestor Yu Feng, and it was simply easy to take down the entire Dragon Teng Continent.

And Yu Feng chose this way just to prove to the world that he was not the only Yu Feng in his Yu family.

The Yu family casually pulled out a person who could influence the fate of the entire Dragon Continent.

Such a family, perhaps with just one opportunity, can let the world know what is called the First Family of the Dragon Teng Continent.

At the same time, with the contact with the Yu family, he also knew that the next target of the Yu family was the Heavenly Fire Sect.

“Yan Hong, although the number of the two of us has been hundreds of thousands of years, I can’t help you in this matter, I hope you are lucky, don’t die!!”

Jian Yuntian sighed slightly in his heart, as an opponent of hundreds of thousands of years, he still had some friendship with Yan Hong, but unfortunately Yu Zhangtian was his disciple.

The Yu family was his great benefactor, and at the same time, the Yu family had a existence that he could not resist, so he could only mourn for the Heavenly Fire Sect for a few seconds in his heart.

“Yu Jia Yu Zhan Ling has seen Shi Zu!!!”

However, at this moment, Yu Zhanling’s voice came in from outside the lobby.

At this time, Yu Zhan Ling was standing respectfully outside the Yu family’s lobby, and a graceful book breath slowly emanated from his body.

Anyone who sees it can’t help but feel a little good in their hearts.

A few months ago, Yu Zhanling was under the eyes of Yu Feng’s family owner, and Yu Feng accidentally discovered the boy’s talent for writing.

The path of calligraphy is the most difficult of all cultivation systems.

This cultivation method did not have any combat effectiveness at the beginning, but as long as it could enter the Tao with literature, condense the heavens and the earth and the mighty righteousness, and confront the enemy with righteousness and poetry.

The fighting power that erupted was at least the Great Cultivator of the Divine Bridge Realm.

Therefore, if you want to enter the bookstore, you need to at least make yourself a generation of literary heroes.

After reading poetry and books, I have my own views and some insights on heaven and earth and humanities, and only then can there be a glimmer of possibility to enter the Tao with literature.

And there is only one sect gate on the entire continent that cultivates this path, and that is the Wen Sacred Temple!!

It is a sect gate created by the great Confucian sage in ancient times after he entered the sainthood with his text.

All the civil officials of the entire Dragon Teng Continent basically came out of the Wen Temple.

It can be said that although the Wen Sacred Temple has been reduced to the top power since the disappearance of Kong Shengren, the influence on the entire Dragon Teng Continent is extremely terrifying.

And now Yu Zhanling was directly promoted by Yu Feng to his calligraphy talent to the Wensheng Daoist body After several months of literary accumulation, he has now successfully entered the Dao with literature and reached the realm of the literary hero of the Shenqiao Realm.

Even Sword Yuntian couldn’t help but feel a lot of good feelings.

“The realm of literary heroes, I didn’t expect that the Yu family actually had geniuses in the way of Wen Dao!” The genius of the Yu family is really blooming everywhere! ”

Jian Yuntian sighed slightly in his heart

In his opinion, the future achievements of his apprentice’s son may be able to meet the standards of Kong Shengren.

Become a generation of Wen Sheng, Wen Dao’s combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the average Immortal Realm strongman.

Of course, the most important thing is to have preconceptions, because the other party is a member of the Yu family, so in his eyes, the lowest achievement of all the Yu family members may be above the Absolute Wonderland.

He smiled helplessly in his heart, not expecting that the Immortal Realm that he had been unable to touch in the past had now become the minimum standard of a family cultivation.

Just thinking about it makes him feel a little unreal.

“This is Zhan Ling, and his temperament is really extraordinary.”

Jian Yuntian also said with a smile.

“Zhan Ling, what happened to you?”

Yu Zhangtian, who was next to him, calmly asked his eldest son.

He knew that if his son didn’t have anything important, he would never let go of the Wen Dao cultivation.

After all, his usual family affairs had caused him to lose a lot of time.

“Father, Grandpa, the Lord of Wind Snow City and the Old Ancestor of Wind Snow City ask to see you outside my Yu family station!!”

Yu Zhanling said calmly to Yu Feng and Yu Zhangtian.

However, his words made Jian Yuntian’s face change in an instant.

“Old Ancestor of Snow Wind!? Isn’t that the apocalypse? Hasn’t he been missing for almost ten million years!? ”

As the suzerainty of the Excalibur Alliance, Sword Cloud Heaven naturally knew the details of Wind Snow City and several other holy places, an old ancestor of Wind Snow City had been missing for many years, but he did not expect that today it would appear again.

Then his eyes lit up slightly, perhaps, the Wind and Snow Old Ancestor would know a little about the disappearance of those Absolute Immortal Realm Strongmen!

“Oh? Snow Storm Lord? Since she is coming, let her in, she is also the master of Lingyu! ”

Yu Feng raised an eyebrow and then said calmly.

“Is she the master of Lingyu?” So it was, and if that was the case, the grandson went to welcome them in!! ”

Yu Zhanling was also slightly stunned, Mo Lingyu was also his own younger sister, and he didn’t know that his younger sister and such a master were.

But he didn’t care too much.



“This Yu family shelf is so big, old man, I have lived for more than 70 million years and no one has ever dared to let the old man wait at the door!!”

At this time, at the door of the Yu family outside the Yu family’s station, an old man snorted coldly with a slight anger.

However, his gaze was always looking at the invisible formation above the Yu family.

The horror flickering in his eyes was a sign of shock in his heart.

“, isn’t this the Heavenly Order Formation?” If the old man hadn’t seen it in the Forbidden Land, he would have accidentally broken in! ”

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