Yan Hong stared at Yu Zhanyun deadly, he knew that Yu Zhanyun’s melee strength might not be as good as Yu Yanxiao’s, but if he assisted from afar, the harm to him was definitely not comparable to that of Yu Yanxiao.

Know that even if you are rubbed by the magic qi of the other party, you need to spend all your strength to expel it to recover!

At this point, Yan Hong was extremely vigilant in his heart.

After all, if he exploded with all his might, he would definitely be able to subdue Yu Yanxiao and the two of them quickly, but now it would take all his strength just to expel the contaminated demonic qi!

“Thank you for the compliment!!!”

Yu Zhanyun said slowly, and then his left hand shook towards the void, and the magic arrow that had just been shot out also returned to his hand in an instant.

“Thanks? No thanks! Everyone, go all out and take down Yu Yanxiao!!! ”

Yan Hong, on the other hand, sneered.

The next moment, with a low sigh from him, dozens of core elders of the Heavenly Fire Sect directly rushed over, and then all of them grabbed their magic weapons and weapons, and used the strength of their whole body to rush towards Yu Yanxiao. ,

“Hmm, finally got it!!”

Yu Yan snorted disdainfully.

On the other hand, Yu Zhanyun on the side was slightly solemn in his eyes.

“Xiao Yanzi, you are careful, Yan Hong, I will hold back!!”

Yu Zhanyun said solemnly, after all, with his strength, although he has now become extremely powerful, but it has only been a few months since his cultivation, it is still impossible to defeat Yan Hong, the top strong man who has traversed the continent for hundreds of thousands of years, and all he can do now is to burst out with full force and drag Yan Hong as much as possible.

After saying that, his left hand shook instantly, and the other nine magic arrows in the quiver appeared in his hand.

The next moment, all ten arrows were mounted by him on top of the magic bow.


With the sound of the bowstring, his magic bow was suddenly pulled out of a range.

“Uncle, I’ll help you when I solve all these old things!!”

Yu Yan let out a low sigh and instantly exploded with all his strength.

The power of the fury was already nearly fifty percent stronger than when he defeated the Celestial Elder before.

As long as he came a little more, he would be able to break through the Fifth Heaven of the Divine Bridge Realm and reach the Sixth Heaven Realm.

“Come on, five rounds away from the fire!!!”

With Yu Yanxiao’s low drink, he moved instantly, fortunately, at this time, his martial arts were all Heavenly Rank, and even his body was Heavenly Order.

So the speed is terrible.

However, among the core elders of the Heavenly Fire Sect, the most powerful even reached the Seventh Heaven of the Heavenly Realm.

Compared to Yu Yanxiao’s level, there is still too much difference.

However, Yu Yanxiao was not stupid, and he rushed directly towards the weaker elders.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

In an instant, Yu Yanxiao fought with one elder after another.

The terrifying power of the two fighting, directly shattered the surrounding space.

At the same time, the power of endless terrifying flames also began to rage in the surrounding sky.

“Ten stars in a row!!!”

The Yu Zhan Cloud on this side was moving. 、

With a low sigh, the ten arrows above his magic bow instantly turned into ten dark streamers and shot towards Yan Hong below, the horror of speed made Yan Hong marvel, but it was he who had been attacked by him before.

Now he is not ready to hide his strength.


A supreme terror aura erupted from Yan Hong’s body.

The power of the endless fire directly transformed into a fiery dragon in the void.

The injury just above the shoulder is also recovered in an instant.

“This is my strange fire: the Three Thousand Yan Yan Fire, which has extremely powerful repair ability and also contains the power of endless stars, you Yu family bullied me to the Heavenly Fire Sect, then don’t blame me for deceiving the small with the big!!”

Yan Hong snorted coldly.

Immediately with a wave of his big hand, the silver flame dragon instantly roared and rushed towards the ten dark streamers.

“Boom boom boom!!! boom boom

A series of ten huge roars instantly spread throughout the whole heaven and earth. ’

The Terrifying Three Thousand Yan Yan Fire Ranking reached the top ten, and the powerful force instantly blasted the ten magic arrows of Yu Zhanyun and flew around.

However, the Flame Wild Dragon was rushing towards Yu Zhanyun unabated.

If he was hit, Yu Zhanyun would be seriously injured if he did not die.

“The seniors thought I couldn’t do melee combat!?”

However, Yu Zhanyun smiled.

The next moment the magic bow in his hand disappeared instantly, and the next moment there was a fluorescence above his fist.

The terrifying power of this burst of fluorescence immediately caused Yan Hong’s hole to contract violently.

If you look closely, there is actually a layer of gloves as thin as cicada wings on Yu Zhanyun’s hands.

And as the power of the glove was stirred up, the vision of heaven and earth around the world that had just calmed down suddenly began to change wildly.

“Impossible, another Heavenly Order weapon!?” How could this Heavenly Order weapon be so common? One piece of man’s hand can’t do it now, come one person and two pieces!? “

In an instant, the new values that had just been established were once again ruthlessly destroyed.

In his opinion, everyone had one Heavenly Order weapon and it was a terrifying thing, but now Yu Zhanyun had two.

At the same time, at this time, Yu Zhanyun was also moving, and he directly poured all his magic qi into the transparent gloves, and in an instant, the magic qi infected the gloves into pitch black, and at the same time, a series of mysterious demon runes appeared on top of the gloves.

“Demon Pro!!!!”

At this moment, Yu Zhanyun whispered.

At the same time, a shadow of tens of thousands of demons also emerged from behind him.

No one knew that this pair of gloves was refined by Yu Feng after refining the blood wings of the Demon Emperor that the Wind and Snow Apocalypse had brought back from the Demon Domain.

Combined with Shangyu Zhanyun’s demonic qi, the terrifying power that erupted from this fist at this moment would definitely make the entire heaven and earth tremble for it.


At this moment, the eyes of the demon shadow instantly opened a terrifying blood light that burst out from his eyes.

It was Yan Hong’s face that turned white after seeing this blood light.

He actually felt a palpitation that he had never felt before.

And the next moment, the shadow moved.

His body twisted slightly, and at the same time, his right fist was directly clenched, and the endless thunder between the surrounding heavens and the earth began to vent madly towards the demon shadow, as if he wanted to crush this being that was not this square world.

However, everything was in vain.

As Yan Hong’s Flame Wild Dragon approached Yu Zhanyun rapidly, the Demon Shadow still moved.

“Heaven and Earth Town Magic Fist!!!!”

With a roar from Yu Zhanyun, the right fist of the demon shadow slammed into the Flame Dragon.

In just an instant, the punch that emitted endless demonic qi smashed directly on the head of the Flame Dragon.


An earth-shaking loud sound instantly spread throughout the whole heaven and earth.

Once again, the terrifying shock wave ran away from the center of the collision toward the surroundings.

“Oh, is Uncle so fierce!?”

Yu Yanxiao, who had just slashed a core elder into a serious injury with a knife below, was suddenly startled by this amazing power.

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