“The Pope dared to come here naturally prepared! Today, all the people here, none of them want to go!! ”

The next moment, his body exploded and shattered into the light power of the sky, and these light energies actually condensed into a huge summoning array in the sky in an instant!

At the same time, the golden power of faith above the entire Dragon Continent was like a raindrop of rain rushing towards the position where the Pope was.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor beside him immediately changed.

“No, this is the archangel summoning formation!” Can’t let him succeed!! ”

Even the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor, who was powerful enough to kill the Pope in an instant, actually had a drastic change in his face after seeing this formation.

It is enough to see that this thing is definitely not as simple as imagined.

“Another summoning formation!? The previous Divine Light Sect Leader also seemed to want to use the summoning array to summon a so-called angel or something! ”

Yu Batian, who was on the side, touched his chin, he was also present at the time, naturally there were many impressions.

Compared with the solemn face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor, the people of the Yu Family at this time were extremely excited.

“Heavenly Fire Palm!!!!!”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor also let out a loud sigh in his mouth at this time, and in an instant, a terrifying flame giant palm directly erupted from his hand. ,

The terrifying flame palm with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles directly obscured the entire sky of the Heavenly Fire Sect.

His target, however, was the Pope, who had turned into a golden glow.


After an earth-shaking loud noise, the entire heaven and earth were enveloped by endless flames and endless explosions.

“Hahahahaha!! Heavenly Fire Sect Member, you are only now moving, it is already too late for me and I have already activated the formation before I go out, and now I, unless it is a super strong person above the Fourth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, no one can stop my summoning this time! ”

At this moment, in the endless void, there was the calm voice of the pope.

How many years had passed since he had been in the Light God Sect and for an unknown number of years had not activated the Divine Summoning Technique again.

This time it was time for the world to know that the most powerful force in the entire Dragon Teng Continent was still his Light God Sect!

Thinking of this, his heart, which had turned into an endless force of light, was extremely excited.

At the same time, countless cultivators throughout the Dragon Teng Continent began to kneel on the ground and prayerfully bowed down in the direction where the Heavenly Fire Sect was located.

With each of their pilgrimages these believers there was a trace of golden power of faith that was withdrawn. ,

Not only that, these powers of faith also carry a trace of their spiritual power.

The more powerful the believers are, the more terrifying the power of faith that is extracted.

However, if someone looked closely, he would find that as long as it was a cardinal above the Celestial Realm, there was no one who worshipped.

Just like when the Divine Light Sect Leader was summoned, as long as it was a bishop level above the Divine Bridge Realm, no one worshipped a truth.

They were not stupid, naturally they knew that when the summoning array was used, every time they worshipped, they would lose most of their spiritual power.

Of course, it wasn’t that those bishops in the Shenqiao Realm didn’t know, but because the stronger the person using the summoning formation, the more powerful the cultivator below his two realms would have no strength to resist.

After all, their Divine Soul Power had been extracted by the Light God Sect since the first pilgrimage to the God of Light.

If it was really necessary, the Pope would never mind losing a number of cardinals and forcing them to be sacrificed to summon angels.

“The Pope is the mighty One Heaven of the Absolute Wonderland, and now he has laid down the summoning formation in advance, even I can’t break it!!”

On this side, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor said with a slightly ugly face.

At this moment, the summoning array that enveloped the heavens and the earth in the sky had begun to slowly condense into an angelic shadow.

And the breath of that one shadow also slowly increased with time.


At this moment, a terrifying spatial fluctuation also came from the depths of the endless void.

Only to see that above the angel summoning array, a huge space crack slowly opened.

As this space crack opened, a stream of pure light power also came from the depths of the crack.

“Whew! This breath does not seem to be the breath of my Dragon Continent!! ”

Yu Zhangtian raised an eyebrow, and then said with some doubt.

“Yes, this is the breath that belongs to the Light God Realm, and legend has it that in the primeval period, the Angel Clan was an extremely powerful race.

There are seven archangels in the Angel Clan, as well as hundreds of blazing angels, each of whom is a powerful Immortal Strongman.

At one point, under the leadership of the God of Light, he ruled almost the entire continent.

The first pope of the Illuminati Sect was the one who eventually established the Illuminati Cult because of the inheritance of the Angel Clan.

Subsequently, he relied on the distant classics to find out how to summon the angelic clan that had been extinct in the primeval period.

In the same way, the Light God Sect was also the most powerful sect in the entire Dragon Teng Continent.

Because those angelic clans that were summoned were extremely powerful, with the strength of the current Pope, there was a good chance that they could summon a blazing angel! ”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor’s brow tightened, the Light God Sect had always been a thorn in the eye of other martial arts forces in the Dragon Teng Continent, and even to a certain extent, the harm was far more powerful than the Dark Soul Hall.

But there was no holy place that wanted to provoke the Illuminati Sect.

The reason is that I am afraid of this angel summoning the formation.

As long as the Pope-level strong person uses it, the angelic power summoned is definitely not something that any holy place can resist.

Of course, because the time of the angel’s existence was very short, the Light God Sect did not think of the idea of unifying the continent, after all, the gap between the two summoning angels was enough for other holy places to destroy his Light God Sect.

And the Light God Sect also did not have too many excessive actions, so although they were jealous of each other and did not look good, they had always been at peace.

But now it was different, the Excalibur Alliance that had destroyed the Divine Light Sect Leader had already formed a mortal vendetta with the Light Divine Sect.

Not only that, but the Pope was directly beaten and seriously injured, so this time the Pope decided to destroy the Excalibur Alliance, even at a terrible cost.

And the first nature to die was Yu Zhangtian.

“This is the Light God Realm?” There is a hint of decay in the breath inside, and it seems that this formation can really communicate time! ”

Yu Zhangtian said with some surprise.

Of course, communication time and control time are absolutely different, just like an ordinary person, can use a smart phone, but if you want to make a mobile phone yourself, the difficulty is if you explore it yourself, I am afraid that it will not be able to reach it in a lifetime.

And the gap between the power of communication and the power of controlling time is even more terrifying than this.

But even so, the array that can be used to apply the power of time above history is extremely rare.

“The light lives on forever!” The gods will return! I didn’t expect that after so many years have passed, there will be posterity who can summon me! ”

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