“Oh, dude, you’re crazy! Little Yanzi Battle Cloud, let’s run! Run down! ”

Yu Batian’s roar of anger instantly made Yu Yanxiao and Yu Zhanyun both confused, but out of trust in Yu Batian, the two suddenly burst out of their full strength and instantly turned into two streams of light and Yu Batian, and swooped down towards the Heavenly Fire Sect together.

At the same time, Yu Zhangtian was moving.

His figure soared directly into the sky, and at the same time, the shattered void directly came to the sky tens of thousands of kilometers high!

Below him was the angelic divine body that was already full of flesh and blood that was about to be condensed.

“Sorry Xiao Lei, you should first return to my sea of consciousness for a while, and end my father to refine a more powerful carrier for you!”

However, Yu Zhangtian pointed the Holy Spirit Lei Ming Sword in his hand directly at the angelic divine body below!

At the same time, the spirit of the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword was directly extracted.

The next moment, he also moved a direct slap and slammed the Spirit Thunder Sword that had lost its spirit in his hand towards the angelic divine body.


At the same time, a sound of breaking through the heavens and the earth was also transmitted to the entire heaven and earth.

Seeing the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor’s face here suddenly turned livid.

“Crazy! Crazy people, this kind of thing can be done, it is simply not human! ”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor who scolded angrily pulled Yan Hong up and then directly broke through the void and fled into the distance.

In the next instant, he directly returned to the Heavenly Fire Sect’s Formation Hall and directly threw all his strength towards the Protective Mountain Array in a frenzied blast.


With the influx of all his strength, the Mountain Protection Formation was suddenly activated, not only that, all the formations that were not normally used were activated by the Heavenly Fire Ancestor as long as there was a trace of defensive power.

In an instant, the entire Heavenly Fire Sect was guarded by a formation that was at least a ground level.

However, even so, the Heavenly Fire Ancestor still felt that it was not safe at all, because he knew what the entire Heavenly Fire Sect would face in a moment.

“Yan Hong, wait a minute, these formations you maintain with all the Heavenly Fire Sect elders!!!”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor’s solemn blessing instantly soared into the sky.

The next moment, the entire person of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor instantly erupted with an endless godless king aura.

His entire person also instantly turned into a golden flame that directly enveloped the entire Heavenly Fire Sect’s station.

All of this was so sudden, making Yan Hong and many Heavenly Fire Sect Elders look confused, but the Heavenly Fire Sect Ancestor was so panicked that they also knew that something big had happened.

“Dad, what the hell is going on!?” What does Uncle Da’s going to do? How come even the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was scared to pee!? ”

At this time, the three of them landed on a mountain full of maple trees in the Heavenly Fire Sect, and Yu Zhanyun was a little confused and asked Yu Batian.

And Yu Batian, who looked around and didn’t know why, originally he was going to take Yu Zhanyun and the two of them to escape, but after seeing the Heavenly Fire Sect, a mountain that was completely different from other main peaks, he couldn’t help but come here.

After hearing Yu Zhanyun’s words, Yu Batian’s eyes suddenly became serious.

Immediately he untied the Celestial Hammer behind him, and then he directly threw the Celestial Hammer into the sky, and in just an instant, the Celestial Hammer turned into a terrifying diameter of tens of thousands of meters.


With an earth-shaking roar, the gigantic Heavenly Hammer landed directly on the Fenglin Peak, blocking the front of the three people!

“Your great uncle is crazy, if this is not a small thing, the three of us will have to account for here, and you two must hurry up and block the weapons in front, otherwise you will die together when the time comes!”

This time, I am afraid that the small half of the middle domain will disappear! ”

Yu Ba said to Yu Yan and the two of them.

However, hearing Yu Batian’s excited words, Yu Yanxiao and the two finally knew that things were big, and quickly took out their weapons, the Five Elements Xuan Heavy Ruler directly transformed into the size of a thousand zhang and inserted it on the earth, as for Yu Zhanyun, he even used ten magic arrows and magic bows to combine into a formation, directly enveloping the entire Fenglin Peak.



“Boy, what the hell are you going to do!?”

Remir’s face in the angel summoning array was very ugly, and he roared coldly at Yu Zhangtian in the sky.

Because he actually felt a death threat that made his heart palpitate.

The breath emanating from the flying but terrifying sword directly passed through the formation and made him feel a slight suffocation.

“You can’t get hit, or you’ll really die!!”

Such a thought came directly to his mind.

But what can he do now!? He had not yet entered the condensed Divine Body, he could only stay in the formation and could not move, if he moved, he would definitely let his soul fly away.

The reason was simple, his soul did not belong to this era, and he could only leave the scope of the formation after the divine body condensed by the power of faith in this side of the world was successfully condensed.

Otherwise, if you go out and directly expose yourself to the Heavenly Dao, you will be directly erased by the power of the Heavenly Dao.

The power of the Heavenly Dao was not the Heavenly Dao of the current Dragon Teng Continent, but the Heavenly Dao of this side of the world.

For Remil’s roar, Yu Zhangtian was deaf, and a jade medal appeared in his hand, yes, even if it was a jade card incarnated outside his body.

This is also the reason why the Yu family was not worried at all after Remir appeared.

A jade card in everyone’s hand can definitely ensure their own safety, of course, whether Yu Feng can do the resurrected Remier, no Yu family will doubt.

In their eyes, Yufeng is a god-like being.

And Yu Zhangtian has brought the skills of finding parents to the extreme.

If this blow was not successful, he would smash the jade card and ask Yu Feng to come out and find a field. ’

Of course, even if he succeeds, he will have to crush the jade card, because wait a minute, he may not be able to run.

“It’s time!!!”

And as the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword got closer and closer to the Angel Summoning Formation, a sneering smile appeared at the corner of Yu Zhangtian’s mouth.

The next moment his left hand shook slightly toward the void.


With a low sigh, the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword, which carried the breath of destroying the heavens and the earth, instantly burst into a dazzling light.

At the same time, in the light, the sword directly exploded, a weapon that had awakened twice in the Heavenly Order, and no one knew what power it would produce when it exploded, even Yu Zhangtian himself did not know.

But he knew that it was more than enough to break the formation in front of him.

Sure enough, with the explosion of the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword, the endless power of destruction directly shattered the space within hundreds of millions of kilometers around it into powder just by the sound it emitted.

And the endless power of destruction also instantly enveloped the entire angel summoning array.

“Bang bang bang!!!”

In just a split second, the Angel Summoning Array, which was condensed by the power of the faith of countless people above the entire Dragon Teng Continent, claimed that only the Fourth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm could shatter was directly shattered in this instant.

At the same time, the power of endless destruction directly enveloped Remir and the divine body that had only hair left but did not condense.

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