Only to see Yu Feng, who was nearly thirty years old, kneeling in a pool of blood, his black hair had been wet by the rain.

At the same time, he had several arrows inserted in his body, but fortunately it did not hurt the point.

However, now he was as dead as ashes, and he didn’t care about his injuries at all.

In his arms lay a woman who had been dead for a long time.

That person was Zhao Zhixin.

Zhao Zhixin, who was watching the blood in the woman’s abdomen and watching all this, couldn’t help but touch the scar on her abdomen.

She could have eliminated it but didn’t know why, she didn’t move.

“Mother! Whoops, mother, what’s wrong with you, you get up! ”

Next to Yu Feng, the eight- or nine-year-old Yu Zhangtian was crying and wanted to make Zhao Zhixin, whose body was already cold, move.

“Wow!!!, wow wow wo

Yu Batian, who had just been born a few months ago by the maid’s arms, had been crying, as if he also knew that his mother had died.

Seeing this, Zhao Zhixin suddenly remembered that this was the last fragment of her dusty memory.

At first, Yu Feng was ready to go to a town hundreds of kilometers away because he received an order from a businessman.

And Yu Zhangtian, who had never been to such a far place, had been crying and clamoring to go together.

In desperation, Yu Feng could only take his family with him.

In the end, he encountered thieves on the way back.

Zhao Zhixin blocked a knife for one of the thieves when he was ready to kill Yu Zhangtian, who ran out in a panic.

And after that her memory was broken.

Now watching her two sons keep crying and shouting, Zhao Zhixin’s heart burst with endless love and pity.

She wanted to tell her two children that their mother was still alive.

At this time, Yu Feng slowly raised his head and looked at the sky.

Zhao Zhixin, who was standing in front of Yu Feng but could not see herself, found that the stars in Yu Feng’s original eyes had fallen in this instant.

At this moment, she could no longer hold back, and a drop of tears dripped down.



Spring and autumn came, Yu Feng’s caravan had slowly recovered, as if nothing had happened.

Under the red maple tree, Yu Feng held Yu Batian, who had just learned to walk, in the courtyard to guide Yu Zhangtian in practicing his sword.

And that sword had a slight gap, and Zhao Zhixin in the void instantly recognized that it was the sword that Yu Feng and she used when they first met.

Yu Feng couldn’t help but look at the maple tree, as if his thoughts had returned to the past.

And Yu Zhangtian was a very hard cultivator even without Yu Feng’s gaze.

It seemed that in his heart, Zhao Zhixin’s death was all because of him.

Looking at Yu Zhangtian, whose hands were full of calluses and blood was flowing from the tiger’s mouth, Zhao Zhixin was heartbroken, but she was powerless.

Because, she knew it was all an illusion.

Time passes year after year.

The two brothers, Yu Zhangtian and Yu Batian, also gradually grew up.

And Yu Feng is also gradually aging.

Yu Zhangtian took over Yu Feng’s caravan.

Yu Batian, on the other hand, went out in his twenties and went out to wander.

And Yu Feng would go to the back mountain every month from Zhao Zhixin’s “death” for a few hours before coming down.

For decades, without interruption.

Zhao Zhixin knew that it was her own grave.

Finally, Yu Feng was old, old enough to be supported by someone to walk.

The Yu family has also built up buildings under decades of development.

Only that small courtyard has not changed in decades, not even the location of the items.

Looking at the picture sitting in the courtyard looking at the maple tree that had grown to tens of meters high, Zhao Zhixin wanted to return to his side and say even a word to him.

“Zhixin, I’m sorry, it took so long to find you, I had wanted to come to you a long time ago, but unfortunately, the boy who was running around I was looking for him for decades, but I still haven’t found him!”

Yu Feng, who was full of silver hair, said helplessly.

After speaking, a slight smile slowly appeared at the corner of Yu Feng’s mouth, and at the same time, he took out a crystal clear ring from his arms.

Looking at this ring, a stream of memories of many years surged into Yu Feng’s mind.

That year, he was still young, because he had some memories of past lives, so he made a lot of small things like soap and glass.

This ring is made of cutting glass.

That year, he stood under this maple tree and proposed to Zhao Zhixin.

That year was the happiest year of his life and hers.

Zhao Zhixin slowly came to Yu Feng’s side and held out her hand to hold Yu Feng, just like many years ago.


However, when her hand just touched Yu Feng, everything shattered in an instant.

Countless fragments made Zhao Zhixin’s hand freeze in place.

Her gaze stared at the place where Yu Feng had disappeared for a long time and could not be recovered.

And a tear fell from the place where Yu Feng disappeared and dripped into her hand.

At this moment, she seemed to feel how much pain Yu Feng had endured in the past sixty or seventy years.

At this moment, she couldn’t bear it any longer, she wanted to go back to the Northern Realm, back to Yunhai Town, back to that courtyard.


And it was at this time that her consciousness instantly returned to her body.

It was still the Endless Fire Domain, but the seal laid by the Heavenly Fire Ancestor had already disappeared.

“Maple! You wait for me!! ”

Zhao Zhixin quickly wiped a handful of her own tears, and then her mind moved, and the space in front of her was instantly blasted out of a huge gap by her, and in the next instant, her figure flew directly into the gap and disappeared.

When she appeared again, she had already come to the northern realm that she had almost explored before.

This time, without hesitation, she rushed directly into the Northern Domain, and according to the memory in her mind, she found the location of the original Yunhai Town in the center of each town.

Although Yunhai Town has been replaced by countless Qionglou Yuyu, Zhao Zhixin saw the Yu family located in the center of Yunhai Town at a glance.

Zhao Zhixin slowly fell to the gate of the Yu family, at this time she only had one thing in her heart, that is, she wanted to go in and see Yu Feng, even if it was a glance, but she did not dare, because from the previous picture, she knew that Yu Feng had reached the limit of life half a year ago.

She was afraid, she was afraid that what she would see after she went in was not Yu Feng, but Yu Feng’s spiritual position.


However, at this moment, the door of the Yu family slowly opened, and a little girl with a carved jade jade ran out with a windmill.

After seeing Zhao Zhixin, the little girl was stunned.

“Hey, big sister, are you here to find someone at our house!?”

Yu Lingxuan tilted her head and looked at Zhao Zhixin curiously, not knowing why, seeing Zhao Zhixin’s Yu Lingxuan suddenly had a feeling of closeness.

“Fire Spirit Eucharist!? Xuan Er actually has the Fire Spirit Holy Body!? ”

After watching Yu Lingxuan, Zhao Zhixin finally confirmed that everything she had seen before was real!

At the same time, after seeing Yu Lingxuan, who had inherited her own Fire Spirit Holy Body, Zhao Zhixin also thoroughly confirmed that this Yu family was her home!

“Mother! Don’t you go back to see it when you get to the doorstep!? ”

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