According to legend, eight out of ten are the reincarnation of ancient saints.

As a heavy pupil, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was not only born with extremely terrifying cultivation talents, but also possessed extremely powerful pupil skills.

This pupil technique destroys everything that is seen.

The horror of power in the world could not be resisted by several Immortal Realm strongmen.

Of course, every time he used this pupil technique, it would cause great damage to the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Otherwise, with his character, he would have destroyed the other holy places alone.

However, he has one more secret that no one knows.



Demon Domain! Broken Boundary Mountain!!

This mountain is the closest mountain to the exit at the entrance of the Demon Domain, reaching a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

And the Soul Heavenly Emperor came here following the breath of the dead undead ancestor.

“It looks like this is it!!”

On the top of the Broken Boundary Mountain, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s double pupils emitted a strange light, and in his eyes appeared a Heavenly Order Array that enveloped the entire mountain peak.

You must know that the concealment of the Heavenly Order Array is absolutely difficult for people who have not seen it with their own eyes to discover his existence.

In the seriousness of the heavy pupil, not only did this Heavenly Order Formation look in the eyes, but even all the weaknesses of the formation and all the attributes were seen in the eyes.

From the core of the formation, he felt the breath of the undead ancestor after his death.

“Found it!!!!”

Suddenly, the four holes of the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s heavy pupils shrank slightly.

One of the weakest nodes of the Heavenly Order Formation was instantly discovered by him.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly.


Then a palpitating stream of pupil force converged madly from all around him towards his eyes.

One by one, the mysterious Heavenly Dao Runes were frantically sprung up among his four holes.

Each of these runes contains endless divine power.

“The Holy Light of the Firmament!!!”

A low drink erupted from the mouth of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and his black and gold robe was also windless.


In an instant, a golden light that shone for hundreds of millions of kilometers around him turned into daylight burst out from his heavy pupils.

This light that made the heavens and the earth begin to tremble slightly broke through the void and instantly smashed on the weak point of the Heavenly Order Formation.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the entire Heavenly Order Formation that covered the sky and the sun actually trembled at this moment.


The next moment, the array directly turned into a point of light in the sky and disappeared into the void.

The entire scenery on the top of the mountain appeared in front of the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s eyes.

Only to see a pile of humanoid ashes appear in front of his eyes.

This is the original undead ancestor.

The power of the terrifying Heavenly Order Array directly turned the entire body of the undead ancestor into ashes in an instant.

Seeing this, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s brow frowned slightly, and then his right hand slightly towards the pile of ashes.

An energy was instantly injected into a pile of ashes.


At this moment, a strange wave came from the ashes.

The forces of the surrounding undead actually began to frantically converge towards the ashes.

“I knew that although you were stupid, you were not so simple as to die!”

The corners of the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s mouth rose slightly.

That’s right, the undead ancestor didn’t die, but his spirit was destroyed under the Heavenly Order Formation.

However, it was very difficult for the undead ancestor who had realized the power of the undead to be killed.

What is the undead, that is what has died.

It’s just that because he doesn’t have enough power, the Undead Old Ancestor has been in a state of suspended animation, and now the Soul Heavenly Emperor has given him enough soul power to instantly ignite the soul flame that the Undead Old Ancestor originally fell silent.

As the endless power of the undead began to be rapidly absorbed by the pile of ashes, a cloud of soul flames slowly condensed.

The ashes also began to regroup.

Soon a crystal clear silver skeleton appeared in front of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and a ball of flame was also slowly pulsating in the head of the silver white bone.

And if there is great power here, it will definitely be horrified to find that at this time, the white bones of the undead ancestor are actually emerging from the Heavenly Dao Runes of the Xuan’ao.

And this piece of Heavenly Dao Rune actually seemed to be the same set as the Heavenly Dao Rune of the Double Pupil in the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s hole, and even from the number of Heavenly Dao Runes, it was far more than the proportion pupil.

“You, why did you come to my rescue!!”

And just at this moment a hoarse voice came out from among the white bones.

Only to see that the soul flame that originally seemed godless began to bloom with a trace of consciousness fluctuations.

“Are you awake!?”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor smiled slightly.

However, his gaze was looking at this white bone as if he had some thoughts.

“Hmm, you think once you save me I’ll freeze my past with you?” Soul destroyed, you give me less delusional thoughts! ”

The undead ancestor said dismissively.

In the face of his brother’s ridicule, the Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at the soul of the undead ancestor indifferently.

“Have you ever heard of a legend!?”

To the surprise of the undead old ancestor, the Soul Heavenly Emperor asked him.

Without waiting for the undead ancestor to answer, the Soul Heavenly Emperor began to speak to himself.

“Legend has it that in ancient times, a supreme body would be born every time there was a great catastrophe between heaven and earth!

The Supreme Body, you should have heard of, is the physique that reaches the top from the division. ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor said calmly.

In the whole Dragon Continent, it is the ultimate, and everything is like this!

The Undead Old Ancestor frowned after hearing this, he didn’t know what the Soul Heavenly Emperor was going to say.

However, he still knew something about the horror of the one-pin physique, because his undead body and heavy pupil were only counted in the ranks of the three-pin physique, and even so, it made their two brothers become two Absolute Immortal Realm strongmen.

And a physique seems to be counted only by such a legendary forbidden body as the body of death.

And if you think about it, the Death Saint Emperor alone has reached the level of being able to wipe out all the holy places of the entire Dragon Teng Continent in just ten million years, and you can imagine the horror of a physique.

Even, if it is a natural one-product physique, it is definitely much stronger than the death body, which appears in the later stage!

“Soul destroyer, what the hell are you going to say?” Could it be that there is already a super strong person with a physique on the continent now!? ”

The undead old ancestor changed and restored the flesh and blood of his whole body while speaking coldly.

If such geniuses really appear, they must be eliminated as soon as possible.

However, the Soul Heavenly Emperor smiled slightly.

“You listen to me first, the supreme body, it is very difficult to conceive a statue, and the innate supreme body is even more terrifying, if you want to conceive a statue, the strength of the mother body is at least possible to reach the Absolute Immortal Realm!”

And those supreme fetuses whose mothers have not reached this realm are all stillborn.

However, seventy million years ago, my soul clan had a supreme fetus! ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor said slowly.

However, when his words came to this, the undead old ancestor Yao Kong shrank slightly, could it be that his soul clan still had a hidden super genius?

And seeing the undead ancestor’s fluctuating soul fire soul Heavenly Emperor’s mouth rose slightly.

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