“Ding… Congratulations to the host, among the Yu family, there are disciples who have initially awakened the Divine Dragon Bloodline, and their Divine Dragon Bloodline is: Dark Divine Dragon Bloodline! Get upgrade points: 5000 trillion!! ”

Above the Spirit Continent, Yu Feng slowly sat cross-legged in place, looking at the system prompt in his mind.

This system’s prompt tone was prompted by the system after Yu Zhanyun had successfully awakened his own Divine Dragon Bloodline.

“Coupled with the previous upgrade points, there are now nine trillion upgrade points, which can at least increase my strength by ten times!” I don’t know what level this ascent can be raised!! ”

Yu Feng thought of this with a slight expectation in his heart.

“System, use all these nine trillion upgrade points to improve my realm!!”

Yu Feng said solemnly to the system.

“Ding… Accept instructions!!! ”

The prompt tone of the meaning system also reached Yu Feng’s mind,


A systematic tone was also generated out of thin air, directly turning into a violent warm current and beginning to frantically emerge towards Yu Feng’s body.

The next moment Yu Feng found that the cells in his whole body were beginning to be rapidly lifted up by this terrifying warm current.

The cells and flesh of the body began to rise up madly under the impact of this breath.

At the same time, the strength of the soul is also increasing rapidly.

Yu Feng closed his eyes and began to feel his rapidly strengthened body.

In the end, when Yu Feng’s strength and soul power had all reached more than four hundred and fifty trillion yuan, this ascension was completely over.

After this ascension, Yu Feng’s realm also smoothly reached the peak of the Ninth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm, which was only a little distance away from the Ten Heavens!

“System, open my property sheet!!”

Yu Feng said directly to the system!

In the next instant, a virtual attribute table appeared in front of Yu Feng’s eyes.



Name: Yu Feng

Realm: The Ninth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm!

Occupation: Alchemist, Alchemist (Heavenly Order Intermediate Product +1, 0/1000 trillion)

Qi and Blood: 482 trillion (10 upgrade points = 1 Qi and Blood value)

Spirit: 482 trillion (10 upgrade points = 1 spirit value)

Special Energy: Death Dragon Divine Strength (Holy Order)

Master the elements: Fire, Death

Gun intention: 70% (0/10000 trillion)

Constitution: Death Dragon Divine Body (Under Development, Holy Order)

Talent Skill: Dragon (Increases combat effectiveness by 50 times!) Death Dragon Divine Fire (Mutated Death Dragon Clan Divine Fire, current level: Heavenly Rank Upper)

Root Bone: Tao Body!

Exercises: Heavenly Fire Genki Technique (Heavenly Order Intermediate Product, 0/1000 trillion) Forging Soul Crystal (Heavenly Order Intermediate Product, 0/1000 Trillion)

Martial Arts: Broken Mountain Palm (Heavenly Rank Intermediate Product, 0/1000 Trillion) Nine Turning Soul Blade (Heavenly Rank Intermediate Product, 0/1000 Trillion) Red Flame Gun Method (Heavenly Rank Intermediate Product, 0/1000 Trillion)

Item: Dragon Howling Gun (Double Awakening, Heavenly Order Medium, 0/1000 Trio)

Upgrade point: 54 trillion

Status: Combat Strength*3000, Cultivation Speed*10000, Talent +2



After looking at his attribute table at this time, Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction1

“The Death Dragon God body can increase its combat effectiveness by twenty times, if I integrate the power of destruction into it, I don’t know how far my strength can be improved!” Moreover, I am now not only able to comprehend the destructive energy!! ”

Yu Feng touched his chin, and then he saw only a little, and a huge black hole appeared in front of him in an instant.

The black hole emitted an endless force of destruction, but under the consignment of this destructive force, a dark ball of light slowly floated out of it.

“Such a pure power of darkness is enough for me to comprehend the dark element!”

Looking at the dark element power Yu Feng was holding in his hand, the corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly.

This dark ball of light was extracted from the Dark Dragon Flame that Yu Zhanyun had just spat out to himself when he had just broken through, and it could be said that it was the purest dark power that he could see in the world so far.

“Let’s understand together, I don’t know how much we can understand!!”

Yu Feng’s gaze froze slightly, and then his right hand shook slightly towards the void, and the next moment, this dark ball of light also slowly merged into Yu Feng’s body.

The best way to quickly comprehend an energy is to let your whole body feel it, so that the speed of comprehension is definitely many times faster than your own groping.


As this dark ball of light merged into Yu Feng’s body, Yu Feng could clearly feel that this ball of light began to fly rapidly towards his own sea of consciousness.

And Yu Feng was also suspended in the void and sat down cross-legged to sink all his consciousness into his own sea of consciousness. ,

In his own Sea of Consciousness, Yu Feng saw a blood-colored sphere and a fiery red sphere, both suspended above the Sea of Consciousness, emitting endless death power and flame power.

And these two elemental light balls were the power of fire and the power of death that Yu Feng had successfully controlled.

Of course, in terms of size, the Death Light Sphere is much larger than the Flame Elemental Light Sphere!

Next to the two elemental light balls, there was also a small black ball of light that exuded the power of endless destruction suspended in the sky.

This was the Ball of Destruction Light that Yu Feng hadn’t fully comprehended, and if he fully comprehended the power of Destruction, the size of this Ball of Destruction could reach a diameter of one meter!

At that time, it was also the time for Yu Feng to completely control the power of destruction.


At this moment, with a wave of fluctuations, a black ball of light slowly appeared above the Sea of Consciousness.

After this ball of light that emitted the power of darkness entered Yu Feng’s Sea of Consciousness, it instantly disintegrated, turning into the power of the dark element in the sky and the power of the destruction element in the void.

What Yu Feng has to do now is to use the power of these two elements as the carrier to understand the power of his own element.

Although this method is countless times faster than the realization out of thin air, the damage to the body is also very terrifying.

If it weren’t for the fact that Yu Feng’s strength had reached an extremely terrifying level now, the two forces would have destroyed Yu Feng just after they entered the body.

“Here we go!!!!!”

Yu Feng’s consciousness instantly emitted a signal, and the next moment, the entire Sea of Consciousness began to emit a wave of fluctuations, and this wave began to quickly analyze all the elemental forces.

At the same time, the Yu Ling Cream as a sacrifice spirit also began to emit a burst of mysterious breath, so that Yu Feng’s consciousness instantly reached a state of epiphany.

Epiphany is an unsolvable state that only some warriors or monks inadvertently trigger an epiphany.

And often as long as you fall into an epiphany, not only will your own realm improve rapidly, but also the proficiency of martial arts or a certain state of mind will also begin to improve rapidly.

It can be said that there will be no epiphany in the entire continent for countless years, and even if the epiphany is only a few seconds, minutes, at most a few hours.

But it is a fantasy that such a child of the Yu family can enter the state of enlightenment anytime and anywhere.

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