Yu Zhangtian’s face changed slightly, but in just an instant he chose to rush towards the location where the mysterious power was emitted.

Coming to the place where Carlos had died before, Yu Zhangtian also found that the power had become more obvious, obviously, not his delusion.

“Seems to be here!!”

Yu Zhangtian rushed towards the place where the pulling force emanated from and suddenly found that an abnormal spatial fluctuation appeared at the bottom of the earth.


However, at this moment, the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in Yu Zhangtian’s hand suddenly broke free of his hand and directly slashed towards the earth below.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the earth was instantly cut open a huge crater, and at the bottom of the crater, a space crack that exuded endless void power appeared in front of Yu Zhangtian’s eyes.

“There’s a secret place here?!” What’s going on!? ”

After seeing this scene in front of him, Yu Zhangtian frowned suddenly.

You know, a secret realm is generally built on the first place after the death of a strong person, and this strong person must be seriously injured that cannot be cured, and it is impossible for a strong person like Carlos to be directly killed to leave a secret realm.

Moreover, ordinary demons do not leave their own legacy.

That is to say, this is definitely the secret realm left by a certain Terran strong man before his death after being seriously injured in the Demon Realm.

“The stability of this space is extremely strong, it is definitely not something that an ordinary Immortal Realm strong person can stay, and it can cause the fluctuations of my Holy Spirit Thunder Sword, is it left behind by a powerful sword cultivator!?”

Yu Zhangtian’s face suddenly changed slightly after thinking about this, among the people he knew, there was only one person who had come to the Demon Domain as a powerful sword cultivator, and that was his Excalibur Alliance Old Ancestor Lone Sword Saint!

“Could it be the inheritance left by the lone sword saint and his old man’s family?!”

After Yu Zhangtian thought of this, he suddenly shrank slightly if it was really the other party, and as the current leader of the Excalibur Alliance, he would definitely have the obligation to bring the bones of the other party back to the Excalibur Alliance.

Thinking of this, Yu Zhangtian rushed directly towards this space crack.

In an instant, his figure disappeared into this hidden crack in space.




After a burst of space fluctuations, the entrance to the space crack disappeared into the void in the next instant.

As if it had never appeared.


And in the next instant, another wave of fluctuations, a black shadow appeared in the place where Yu Zhangtian had just disappeared.

Black Shadow frowned slightly as he looked at the place where Yu Zhangtian had disappeared.

“Such a powerful swordsman cultivator, I don’t know if I can get the inheritance of that one, someone has already failed seventy million years ago, this time, I hope to succeed!!”

As soon as the shadow’s voice fell, his figure disappeared into the void.

In that place, he never wanted to go in, first, he couldn’t get in, and second, he couldn’t get anything good when he went in.




With the sound of two footsteps falling to the ground, Yu Zhangtian found himself on top of a ruin.

“Where is this place, so big!?”

Looking at the endless ruins in the distance, Yu Zhang’s Heavenly Dawn Hole shrank slightly, to know that the size of the general secret realm was terrifying, but it was definitely not up to the point that even he could not detect.

In other words, even if the strength of the Lone Sword Saint was only the Absolute Immortal Realm One Heaven at that time, even if it had been breaking through for 70 million years, it was impossible to create such a terrifying secret realm.

Therefore, just for a moment, Yu Zhangtian knew that this was definitely not the secret realm opened up by the Lone Sword Saint Fall.

“But who would it be if it weren’t for the Secret Realm of the Lone Sword Saint!?”

Yu Zhangtian’s brow frowned slightly,

At the same time, he also had an ugly face to find that the void crack behind him had disappeared directly after he came in.

“I blame you, if you can’t get out, I’ll just blow you up with the spirit of the instrument!!”

Yu Zhangtian said fiercely to the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in his hand, and the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword that had been blasted once was suddenly frightened and trembled.


Immediately a slight sword roar also slowly came from his body, and at the same time, the sword body also pulled Yu Zhangtian towards the front.

“Where are you going to take me!?”

Yu Zhangtian frowned slightly and asked at the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword.

Unfortunately, he also knew that even the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword of the Heavenly Order Weapon could not answer his question.

However, out of trust in it, Yu Zhangtian also flew rapidly towards the distance.

Yu Zhangtian in the sky soon discovered that there were countless dead beings in this ruin, and almost all of these beings were beings he had never seen before.

“This is the Beamons!? Even the Titans have them!? Wait, this is the bird race you met before? ”

As he went deeper, a corpse with a powerful aura appeared in front of his eyes, and these corpses seemed to have been dead for hundreds of millions of years, but it was as if they had just died.

The entire abandoned continent was shrouded in an endless breath of death.

Of course, if he didn’t know that all the power in these corpses had passed, Yu Zhangtian would still think that this great battle had appeared a few days ago.

Judging from the battle marks around these corpses, those who could leave corpses were at least the super strong people of the Celestial Realm.

However, what era can there be so many Celestial Realm Strong!?

Why not more than 100,000 everywhere you look?

Yu Zhang’s Heavenly Dawn Kong shrank slightly, and he couldn’t help but put his hand into his arms and took out the jade medal that Yu Feng had given him and squeezed it in his hand.

Although he didn’t know if Yu Feng’s external avatar could come here, it was the only way for him to keep himself safe at the moment.

“These bodies are so well preserved, will these weapons still work!?”

A thought suddenly came to Yu Zhangtian’s mind.

Curious, he flew towards the ground, toward a giant sword stuck in the ground, and he knew that this giant sword was definitely the ultimate weapon of the earth level.

Such a weapon is relatively powerful even in any era, after all, the Heavenly Order weapon can not be sought.


However, as Yu Zhangtian’s hand touched this giant sword, this giant sword was instantly transformed into sand and slowly drifted above the earth.

“Surely even such a weapon could not withstand at least tens of billions of years of time!?”

Yu Zhang’s Heavenly Dawn Hole shrank slightly.

Then he looked at the dead strongmen, and if he guessed correctly, he only had to touch the corpses of those strongmen, and these corpses would also turn into flying sand.

“Let’s see where the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword is going to take me!!”

Clueless, Yu Zhangtian carefully flew up, and immediately flew towards the distance under the leadership of the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword.

After crossing hundreds of millions of kilometers, a shrine appeared in front of Yu Zhangtian.

This temple stood on this ruined earth, as if it had suppressed the whole earth.

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