“Fifty upgrade points!?” Plus the previous ten points, just sixty points, can increase my strength twice!! ”

The corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, now his strength is only a little bit of divine power, now sixty points can increase his soul and body to thirty points of divine power, then it will be the Absolute Immortal Triple Heaven, and at the same time he has thirty times the combat power now!

With the blessing of thirty times the combat strength, it was enough for his strength to surpass the Absolute Immortal Realm to reach the legendary Emperor level.

However, when he reached the level of the Great Emperor, if he did not have the corresponding law power blessing, he would definitely fight better than the weakest Emperor.

However, looking at the three Death Breaker Emperor Dan Yufeng’s mouths in the sky that were still receiving thunder robberies, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The next moment his right hand waved slightly, and two of the three elixirs directly exited the thunder range and flew towards Yu Feng’s right hand.

“These two pieces are enough to raise a Absolute Immortal Realm who has comprehended the power of death to the level of the Emperor, and there is no need to waste the power of the Heavenly Order!!”

Looking at the two Dan Yao Yu Feng who already had a trace of the law of death fluctuating above, he flipped his right hand and withdrew the two Dan Yao directly into his storage ring.

He prepared one of these two elixirs for the Death Saint King, of course, provided that the other party could find the medicinal materials he needed.

The other one, his eyes were on Yu Yanling!

For this great grandson of his, the guilt in his heart has always been a lot, if it were not for the fact that his Yu family was too weak, he would not have let a Zhao family secretly kill Yu Yanling!

Now that the other party is a ghost body, if you can practice well in the underworld for a while, it will be much simpler to awaken the power of death in the future than ordinary people.

Therefore, this other elixir was prepared for Yu Yanling, which is a little compensation!

Of course, after their own strength is strong, the other Yu family children will have the corresponding elixir.

Then Yu Feng turned his gaze to the last elixir in the sky that was still receiving the baptism of thunder.

If it was usual, seeing that his target of destruction was taken away, the Heavenly Dao of the Underworld would definitely be furious and attack even Yu Feng, but the current Heavenly Dao was actually a little lucky.

Because of the horror of the three elixirs, even if he gathered all his strength, he could not destroy them in the slightest, that is to say, if he continued like this, he would never be able to destroy any of the elixirs except to send experience to the three elixirs.

Now that Yu Feng had taken two of them, maybe he could destroy one with all his strength.

This situation can be said to be basically impossible, after all, it is impossible for this side of the underworld to even give birth to an emperor, let alone a terrifying elixir that has been refined into a Heavenly Rank Ultimate Quality.

And now the thunder in the sky not only did not weaken because the elixir changed from three to one, but began to soar madly.

In just an instant, the strength increased by a full thirty percent.

However, Yu Feng knew that this was already the limit.


In the next instant, the fifty-fourth thunderbolt suddenly landed.

In the face of this Heavenly Disaster, which was several percent stronger than the previous Thunder Raid, this best-looking Death Breaking Emperor Dan instantly bloomed with a trace of blood-red brilliance.

This glimmer of light instantly formed a blood-colored barrier around him.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the Heavenly Disaster instantly slammed into this barrier.

The next moment, the blood-colored barrier instantly appeared and a series of waves directly absorbed all this endless power.

In the next instant, a mutilated rune power actually appeared above the Death Breaking Emperor Dan.

Seeing here Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly.

“Sure enough, according to legend, the measure of strength at the level of the Emperor is the number of runes of the law that have been understood.”

The Three Thousand Dao corresponds to the power of the Three Thousand Laws, and the power of the Three Thousand Laws comprehends that any one of them can achieve a Emperor-level strongman.

The weakest emperor is the emperor who has comprehended one law rune, and after comprehending 10 law runes, his strength will reach the second heaven of the emperor!

After that, for every ten law rune power increased, the realm was raised by a small realm.

After reaching the peak of the Emperor’s Ten Heavens, the number of Law Runes also reached 99 Law Runes! ”

Yu Feng’s mind began to recall all the information he wanted about the Emperor-level strongman.

The order of understanding of these ninety-nine law runes can be arbitrary, and it is said that the strength of each additional law rune will soar, but if you calculate carefully, the gap between the two realms is also five times.

In the Great Emperor Realm, even if the two were separated by the power of a law rune, it was extremely simple for the other party to kill the other.

Of course, the laws are strong and weak, such as the law of death and the law of destruction, even if it is only a law rune, it is stronger than the ordinary law of fire or the ten law runes of the law of water.

As for the two legendary laws of space and time, which override the four special laws, the degree of terror of their power is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Perhaps, even if it is a law rune, forty or fifty ordinary law forces can be killed at will!

Of course, the current Yu Feng didn’t want to do this, because to understand the power of the two laws of space and time, it might be necessary for Yu Feng to sacrifice the spirit, and the level of the ancestral hall could be raised a lot.


And another thunderous roar pulled Yu Feng’s thoughts back instantly.

Another heavenly calamity came directly on top of the Death Breaking Emperor Dan in the sky.

Unfortunately, the Death Breaker who had begun to condense the second Law Rune was not his opponent when Yu Feng was against him.

It was even more powerful than before, I don’t know how many times, so there was no doubt that the Heavenly Scourge was directly torn apart and absorbed.

The second law rune is also more complete.

“Boom boom!!! boom boom

For the next period of time, the entire sky was reverberating with a roar like annihilation, and the blood-red thunder could be seen anywhere in the underworld.

Countless powerful people in the underworld, and even ordinary ghost bodies, were trembling and looking into the sky, deeply afraid that this thunder would directly hit their heads.

If this were the case, they would definitely not have the strength to stop any of the thunderstorms.

With the passage of time, Yu Feng also found that the level of the Death Breaking Emperor Dan in the sky also began to slowly increase.

From the original two runes, the power of five runes has now been raised.

The Heavenly Ladder had only reached the seventieth or so path.

“Is an hour coming?!!”

Suddenly, Yu Feng raised an eyebrow, and immediately turned his gaze to the Yu Zhan Ling father and son who were still fighting with the Pluto King and the others below.

“Hmm! Yes, the combat experience has improved so much, it seems that you can try to build a combat illusion after you go back, and it would be even better if you could upgrade it with the system!! ”

Looking at Yu Zhanling’s father and son Yu Feng, who had already begun to suppress their opponents, there was no too much worry.

Almost all of the strength of these ghost emperors sealed by him really shouldn’t be if they still lost.


However, at this moment, the sixth law rune in the sky of the Death Breaking Emperor Dan also appeared.

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