“Ten million times the speed of cultivation, one day of cultivation is equivalent to tens of thousands of years of cultivation, it seems that the next wave of strength of the Yu family is coming!”

Yu Feng sighed slightly, knowing that the talents of the current Yu family children had all reached the innate Dao body.

Even the physique is more than two products.

Such a terrifying talent and a cultivation speed that can withstand tens of thousands of years a day, if the strength cannot soar, you can directly jump into the sea and commit suicide!

“Hmm! Coupled with the fact that my strength has just increased, my current strength should be more than a hundred times higher than before.

Then there’s the big play!!! ”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately looked at the Death Breaking Emperor Dan in his hand.

The strength of the Ten Death Law Rune Power Emperors could be comparable to about thirty.

That is, it is equivalent to the super power of the Triple Heaven of the Great Emperor Realm.

However, don’t forget, the ancestral hall can also increase the combat effectiveness by five hundred times.

This increase in combat effectiveness is different from the physique, after all, the physique is difficult to bless above the power of the law.

However, the ancestral hall can be blessed as long as it is Yu Feng’s strength.

Five hundred times plus the power of thirty Death Law Runes, Yu Feng’s strength could at least be comparable to the ordinary Great Emperor Realm Five or Six Heavens.

And this is what Yu Feng had thought of before.

Coupled with the fact that Yu Feng killed the entire Yu Family Garrison directly to the Demon God Domain, the extent to which its strength could reach was unknown to Yu Feng himself.

Of course, in this case, in the next long period of time, Li Yufeng’s improvement of his physical body and soul attributes to his strength would be equivalent to zero.

After all, the combat power of the law has exceeded the combat power of the flesh by more than ten thousand times.

However, isn’t it easy to get upgrade points with the strength of the Great Emperor Realm!?

Thinking of this, Yu Feng directly swallowed this Death Breaking Emperor Dan directly into his mouth.


The elixir had just entered Yu Feng’s body and exploded instantly, and in the next instant, a terrifying death force poured into Yu Feng’s body like crazy.

At the same time, Yu Feng could feel that every inch of his cells, even up to the atomic level, were beginning to be rapidly strengthened under this Dao Qi.

Yu Feng’s Annihilation Dragon Divine Body also gradually changed from the original black and red to full red.

After all, the difference in energy between the two is really too terrifying.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Yu Feng’s awareness of the sea at this time has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

There were originally several orbs of elemental light floating above the Sea of Consciousness.

Each one represents an elemental power of Yu Feng.

However, now one of the blood-red elemental orbs of light was beginning to soar rapidly.

From the original seven or eight meters to ten meters in an instant… 100 meters!

The size of the elemental light ball represents Yu Feng’s understanding of this elemental power!

And now that the size began to soar, it meant that Yu Feng’s understanding of the power of death was rising wildly.

As it turned out, the level of comprehension of the power of death in Yu Feng’s mind also skyrocketed.

The power that can be exploded using the power of the elements is also doubled.

The elemental light sphere also rose to a terrifying degree of 9999 meters in diameter.

Reaching this level also means that Yu Feng has grasped the Death Element to the extreme, and as long as it goes further, it can be transformed into the power of the Law of Death.

In the next instant, the power of the Law of Death that poured into Yu Feng’s body also began to invade Yu Feng’s Sea of Consciousness from the outside world.

A stream of blood-colored flames frantically poured into Yu Feng’s entire Sea of Consciousness, and the next moment these pure law forces began to shroud this one death element light ball, and it could be seen that this light ball began to be compressed rapidly under the cover of the endless death law force.

The previous size surge did not mean stretching the original seven or eight meters of light ball to 9999 meters, but the accumulation of pure elemental power, and his quality would not be reduced.

But now it was different, the 9999-meter-sized elemental light ball began to shrink rapidly, and his quality began to improve wildly over time.

You know, many warriors who break through from the Immortal Realm to the Emperor level must first raise the elemental light ball they control to a diameter of more than 1,000 meters.

Of course, if the size of the elemental light ball can be reached by a larger size, the combat effectiveness after the breakthrough will be much more powerful than that of the same level, of course, 9999 meters is the limit.

This most basic point alone makes countless wonderland limits impossible to achieve.

However, this was only the foundation, and in order to break through to the Absolute Immortal Realm, it was necessary to compress this elemental ball of light madly again, and finally to the extent that it was smoothly transformed into the power of the law.

And this is also what countless Absolute Wonderland Extreme Struggle cannot achieve in their lifetime.

Now, under the terrifying power of that Death Breaking Emperor Dan, Yu Feng’s two steps were a natural progression.

Over time, the size of the elemental photosphere was also rapidly compressed.

Of course, in the later stage, the speed also slowly decreased.

However, in just one day under the terrifying power contained in the Death Breaker Dan Theory, the 9999-meter-sized elemental light ball was compressed to the original diameter of ten meters.

And if the terrifying power contained in this elemental light ball whose strength had reached hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of millions of times the original would erupt, the ordinary Great Emperor Realm strong person would absolutely not be able to resist.


At this moment, with the death of the Emperor Dan’s power again, the elemental light ball instantly broke through the limit, and the size was suppressed to 9.9 meters.

At the same time, a mysterious Death Law Rune was also instantly conceived inside the ball of light.

However, that is not the end.

Next, the power of the Death Breaker Emperor Dan erupted more and more terrifyingly, and the elemental light ball was once again rapidly compressed. Each meter in diameter that was then compressed, a new Death Law rune was born in the elemental light sphere.

Third, fourth,

Eighth, ninth!!

In the end, only the last Death Law Rune was left uncomprehended by Yu Feng.

And the power of the Death Breaker was also consumed to the extreme.

“And one last breath?” If that’s the case, let’s all explode!! ”

Yu Feng looked at the Death Breaking Emperor Dan who only had the last trace of strength left in the corner of his mouth and suddenly rose slightly, and the next moment, the thoughts in his mind exploded violently and directly mobilized the last trace of power in the Death Breaking Emperor Dan.


This shred of power slammed like a huge hammer towards Yu Feng’s Sea of Consciousness.

The 1.1-meter-diameter ball of death elemental light was instantly compressed directly to a one-meter diameter.


At this moment, a cracking sound came out from the elemental light ball.

The next moment, the Death Elemental Light Sphere instantly exploded, and in the center of the exploding light ball, a diamond-shaped crystal flowing like blood appeared above Yu Feng’s Sea of Consciousness.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host for understanding the power of the law of death! Gain God’s Upgrade Points: 200”

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the number of Death Law Runes has arrived: 10! Gain upgrade points: 300”

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