“Demon God Domain, it’s also time to meet the so-called mastermind behind everything.” However, the existence that even a Heavenly Order Elite Formation cannot be solved, and after the confrontation, it seems that there is no chance of winning!! ”

Thinking of this, the corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly.

To tell the truth, after he saw the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, he didn’t really care much.

Because his Formation Realm at this time had also reached the terrifying Heavenly Rank Ultimate Quality.

The moment I saw the formation, I had no less than a hundred ways to unlock the formation.

And this method that Emperor Yan said was to gather the strength of twenty emperors to forcibly break through the formation and it can be said that it is one of the most stupid methods.

Of course, if you want to say something even more stupid, it is that the Dragon God patriarch at the end of the Dragon God Era has gathered the power of the seven emperors to break the formation.

The former can also be broken, while the latter not only destroyed the Dragon God Continent, but also lost seven emperors.

If you give Yu Feng the power of these seven emperors, just a few formations, Yu Feng can unravel it with his bare hands.

“However, there is definitely an ulterior reason why that being in the Demon God Domain can live for so long, it seems that Emperor Yan knows it, but what is the reason?” The owner of that Demon God Domain felt a little mysterious! ”

Yu Feng touched his chin, he couldn’t guarantee how much of what Emperor Yan said to him was true and how much was false, maybe it was true in Emperor Yan’s eyes, but he was also deceived and said that it was not certain!

Of course, at this time, Yu Feng’s strength now already has a little strength to explore the final answer to the question!

“When those juniors in the family come back, let’s go to the Demon God Domain to have a look!” Big deal to bring the whole Yu family with you! “

A trace of essence flashed in the Yu Feng Hole The next moment, it directly broke through the void and disappeared into the endless fire realm.




In the trial space of the Heavenly Sword Temple, a terrifying flame giant millions of kilometers high slammed into the earth.

Above him, a young man holding a long sword with thunder blooming looked at the flame giant with fierce eyes.

The youth is in the trial of Yu Zhangtian!

To tell the truth, just a few minutes ago, when he was fighting with this flame giant, he had been suppressed, after all, the other party was a Flame Sect Strength of the Fourth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

However, just two minutes before a terrifying force erupted from his body out of thin air, a feeling he had experienced only once?

And now, the Flame Giant’s body was only instantly blasted apart in the face of Yu Zhangtian, whose strength had soared.

“Has Old Father improved the combat effectiveness of my Yu family again?” It’s just the right time!! “

The corners of Yu Zhangtian’s mouth rose slightly, and the next moment, a trace of a sharp sword flashed in his gaze.

The Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in his hand instantly stood in front of his eyes.


In an instant, a low drink erupted directly from his mouth, and at the same time, a terrifying Supreme Sword Intention also soared from his body.

The supreme sword intent that was terrifying to the extreme was also frantically reverberating in his body.

“Heaven and earth are infinite, supreme sword meaning!”

A deep groan slowly erupted from his mouth.

At this moment, the Supreme Sword Intent on his body was also condensed to the extreme.


However, at this moment, the flame giant below also erupted with a furious roar, and the next moment his body began to bloom with endless flame power.

And the flames on his body actually began to transform into black under the terrifying temperature, and the depths of the flames also began to emerge with a trace of destructive power!


And Yu Zhangtian’s strength at this time was also condensed to the extreme, and at this moment, he moved.

The Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in his hand slashed directly into the void.

In an instant, a tens of millions of kilometers of destruction sword qi burst out.


The Flame Giant roared with anger and his hands reached directly towards this Destruction Sword Qi.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the Flame Giant’s already black palm actually caught this supreme sword qi directly.

It’s just that the terrifying force blasted him directly into the depths of the earth, but catching it is catching it.

Seeing here Yu Zhangtian is also a slight contraction of the hole.

“The strength has actually increased so much!?”

He looked in disbelief at the flame giant below whose body size had not changed, but whose flame power had begun to transform into the power of destruction.

Where did Yu Zhangtian know that this flame giant was actually condensed by Yu Feng’s Annihilation Dragon Howling Gun.

It was just that the other party had only used the power of the flame to suppress Yu Zhangtian before, but now it was beginning to use the power of destruction.

If he had used the previous Heavenly Sword as a carrier, the giant who had erupted this time might have been a giant who had understood the power of rage.

After all, the power of the law that the Heavenly Sword God Emperor had comprehended was the law of rage.

Rank is also a high-level elemental power.

Of course, compared to the current power of the Destruction Element, it was far behind.

That is to say, now Yu Zhangtian was really pit by Yu Feng.

Of course, if Yu Zhangtian knew that this figure was not the ultimate means of testing, he would be afraid of death.

After all, even now, in the face of the use of the power of destruction, Yu Zhangtian’s chances of winning were extremely slim.

“Is the power running out?” However, I must repay the vendetta of the lonely predecessors!! ”

A trace of coldness instantly appeared in Yu Zhangtian’s gaze, knowing that when the two of them broke through the level together, the Lone Sword Saint died in order to block a fatal attack by himself, of course, he did not know that this formation had been changed by Yu Feng, and death was only teleported out of this formation.

After all, it was extremely difficult to die casually in front of Yu Feng, a person who had understood the power of the law of death.

At this time, the Lone Sword Saint had already returned to the Heavenly Sword Shrine to await the return of Yu Zhangtian.


The next moment, his body began to condense a stream of supreme sword intent.

This stream of sword intent frantically poured into the tens of millions of kilometers of sword qi, and the quality of the sword qi instantly increased by several times.


With a roar, he suddenly pressed the long sword in his hand towards the void, and in an instant, the terrifying sword qi directly broke through the hands of the Destruction Giant, directly splitting it in two from beginning to end with a sword.

However, Yu Zhangtian knew that the other party could never die like this, and the next moment, he directly raised the long sword in his hand towards the sky.


A low drink instantly erupted from Yu Zhangtian’s mouth, and in an instant, the wind and clouds in the sky surged up, and the endless forces around them began to converge in the direction where Yu Feng was located.

A terrifying force of destruction began to coalesce in the sky.

At the beginning of this heterogeneous space, thunderclouds appeared.

Endless thunderclouds accompanied by a loud roar soon enveloped the whole heaven and earth.


The roar shook the entire space with great tremors.

“Thunder Falls!!!!”

With a low drink, it instantly erupted from Yu Zhangtian’s mouth, and the next moment, a golden thunder in the sky suddenly fell.

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