Seeing where Yu Feng doesn’t know here, the way to quickly improve his strength is very simple.

That is to start frantically upgrading your own number of law runes.

“Right now, the number of my law runes is not enough, as long as I improve even one law rune, my strength can change dramatically.”

However, I don’t have an upgrade point now, fuck it, it seems that I should try to understand more of the power of the law as soon as possible! ”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, this time he let the Death Saint Jun leave a lot of medicinal materials for himself, in order to refine some more elixirs to allow him to quickly comprehend the power of other kinds of laws, on the one hand, from the legends, the more the power of the law, the more powerful the strength after finally breaking through to the Emperor Realm.

On the other hand, each time you comprehend a law force system, you will give yourself a lot of upgrade points, and then use these upgrade points to enhance the law runes of the spatial law force.

It can also be regarded as the equivalent of the power of the law in disguise!

“By the way, the old man has lived for five hundred billion years, and he is not an alchemist, there should be a lot of medicinal materials handed down, go and ask him where he has how much stock he has, first get it all over and then talk about it!”

Yu Feng’s eyes suddenly lit up.

With a lifespan of five hundred billion years, the amount of its inventory is absolutely unimaginable.

After all, there are so many people in the entire Demon God Domain who need old beggars to raise, and old beggars can’t hide all the good things, as long as the things below the Heavenly Rank should be used by these warriors.

However, each of the medicinal herbs of the Heavenly Order would be used only by Emperor-level figures, and the old beggar would definitely seal it up and wait for the next Emperor to be born.

“System, open my property sheet for me!!”

Yu Feng calmly said to the system, it has been a long time since I have seen my property sheet, and I don’t know how far it has reached now!



Name: Yu Feng

Realm: Absolute Wonderland Eightfold Heaven!

Occupation: Alchemist, Alchemist, Array Mage (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million)

Divine Power: 100,000 (1 Divine Power = 1 Divine Upgrade Point)

Souls of the Gods: 100,000 (1 Soul of the Gods = 1 Upgrade Point of the Gods)

Special Energy: Annihilation Dragon Divine Strength (Sacred Order Premium)

Master the elements: Fire, Destruction, Darkness!

Law of Control: Death (Number of Law Runes: 10 (0/10,000) Law of Space (Number of Law Runes: 1 (0/100,000)

Annihilation: 80% (0/10000)

Constitution: Annihilation Dragon Divine Body (Under development, Sacred Rank Peak)

Talent Skill: Dragon (Increases combat effectiveness by 100 times!) Annihilation Dragon Divine Fire (Mutant Dragon Clan Divine Fire, current level: Heavenly Order Premium)

Root Bone: Tao Body!

Exercises: Heavenly Fire Genki Technique (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million) Forging Soul Crystal (Heavenly Order Elite, 0/10 million)

Martial Arts: Broken Mountain Palm (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million) Nine-Turn Soul Blade (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million) Red Yan Gun Method (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million)

Item: Dragon Howling Gun (Double Awakening, Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million)

God’s Upgrade Points: 2500

Status: Combat power*2500, Cultivation speed*10 million, Talent +3



Yu Feng quickly held his own attribute table at this time and his eyes flickered slightly.

The gap between each heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm is five times, that is to say, the gap between the First Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm and the Ten Heavens is more than one million times that of terror.

And a weakest and weakest Emperor Realm strong person can at least burst out a Absolute Immortal Realm One Heaven Ten Million Times combat power!

That’s why it’s so hard for an emperor to be born.

You must know that the old beggar lived for a full five hundred billion years to reach the Ninth Heaven of the Great Emperor Realm, and there was still a short distance from the Ten Heavens, let alone the final Immortal Realm.

Yu Feng, who was a full of tens of millions of levels of combat strength, was also a little curious about whether he could fight with the powerful people around the Sixth Heaven of the Great Emperor Realm when his strength reached the Great Emperor Realm.

However, fortunately, if you still have the bottom card of the external avatar and the law of space, your strength will be even more unbearable!

“First of all, let’s see how much inventory the old man has, now my alchemist level alchemist level has reached the Heavenly Rank Ultimate Grade, but if you want to reach the Immortal Level, it seems that the current level of the Alchemy Alchemist Room is not enough, and I can’t improve my alchemist level!”

At this time, what made Yu Feng a little distressed was that his alchemist level did not seem to have improved much even after upgrading.

However, looking at the refining instrument Fang Yufeng who only had three product levels, he was also relieved, after all, the Immortal Rank level was already above the Immortal King Realm!

The level of the three products is far from enough, maybe when you have enough upgrade points to upgrade it to the more powerful second product or the first product, you can once again increase your career level.

Thinking of this, Yu Feng immediately flew directly in the direction of the Demon God Domain.

Just a few meters flew out with a burst of space fluctuations, Yu Feng disappeared in place.

Yu Feng, who appeared again, had already arrived at the Dragon God Mountain in the Demon God Domain.

In fact, the name of the Demon God Domain in ancient times was the Dragon God Domain, but later as the number of other races in the Demon God Domain increased, the name was changed.

The old beggar did not care about these details either.

After all, in his eyes, whether it was the Demon Clan, the Angel Clan, or even the Titan Clan, all of them had appeared at the level of the Emperor, and these powerful people had all volunteered to use their own small world as pawns for the old beggars after the arrival of the Great Limit, which could also be regarded as making a lot of contributions to the Dragon God Continent.


However, at this moment, a terrifying dragon groan was also spreading throughout the earth, and Yu Feng looked over, but found that a divine dragon with endless divine fire was now fighting with a black divine dragon above a huge martial arts arena on the mountainside of the Dragon God.

“What kind of moth is this kid doing again!?”

Yu Feng looked at the Flame Divine Dragon below who had begun to frantically fight with the Dark Divine Dragon that seemed to be a member of the Dragon God Clan, and suddenly found that this Divine Dragon was Xiao Yanzi.

At this moment, a voice that made Yu Feng speechless came from the mouth of Xiao Yanzi, who was transformed into a dragon.

“I still don’t believe it, the same Dark Divine Dragon, I can’t beat Uncle or you!?” Lie down for me!! ”

Xiao Yanzi’s words Yu Feng’s face immediately turned black when he heard it, not long ago, after Yu Zhanyun returned to the Yu family, Xiao Yanzi had a good fight with him in the Spirit Sacrifice Continent in the next second, and in the end, the unfortunate Xiao Yanzi was naturally beaten violently by the Yu Zhanyun of the Dark Department.

And this month, the Yu family has been living in the Demon God Domain, and Yu Yanxiao, who has countless strong people to accompany him, has already challenged many ancient race strongmen.

Just a few hours ago, a dark divine dragon of the Dragon God Clan came out of the retreat, and the next second it was found by Yu Yanxiao.

You must know that this divine dragon is at the elder level of the Dragon God Clan, and as soon as it came out, it was suddenly furious when Yu Yanxiao roared.

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