Point in time: a trillion years ago!

Coordinates: Heavens and Heavens, Outskirts!


An earth-shaking dragon groan instantly spread throughout this side of the space.

The next moment, a terrifying flame divine dragon of more than ten light-years old flew in this direction with an extremely terrifying speed from the depths of the Candle Heaven Ten Thousand Realms.

The horror of the breath emanating from the body of this Flame Divine Dragon was enough to crush any Great Emperor Realm strongman.

There is no doubt that the realm of this Flame Divine Dragon is definitely the Immortal Realm!

At this moment, when the Flame Divine Dragon flew to this empty cosmic sea, it suddenly stopped its movements!

“The power of the laws of heaven and earth here is quite good in the periphery, so let’s open up the Great World here!!”

The deep voice of the Flame Divine Dragon instantly erupted from his mouth.

The next moment, he began to frantically gather the power of the law in his whole body.

This Flame Divine Dragon was a super strong man whose strength had just reached the Immortal King Realm.

And he naturally came here to unite a big world.

Only after condensing the Great World could the strong people of the Immortal King Realm rely on the Great World to carry out deeper cultivation.

If you don’t condense the Great World, the realm will stay in the Immortal Realm forever!

The Immortal Kingdom Realm is divided into three realms, the three realms of Heaven and Earth!

And each small realm is divided into the early, middle, and late stages.

The difference in strength in each small realm is a full ten times!

Of course, don’t say that it is the Immortal Realm Strongman of the Earth Realm and the Heavenly Realm, that is, the strong person in the late stage of the Human Realm is already an extremely powerful existence in this side of the Heavens and Heavens.

What the Great Emperor Realm cultivates is the number of Law Runes, and what is cultivated after reaching the Immortal King Realm is the power of the Great World!

The size of the newly opened world is generally ten light years in diameter!

Only a very small number of super strong people can open up a bigger world!

Of course, if you want to make the big world larger, the main way is to understand more of the power of the law.

If you understand the power of the two laws to open up the great world, you can condense a large world with a diameter of twenty light years.

The power of the three laws is forty light years, the power of the four laws is eighty light years, and with each additional force of the law, the size of the small world will double!

However, only a very small number of strong people can comprehend the power of more than two laws.

After all, the emperor has a limited lifespan!

And every ten times the diameter of the big world increases, it will increase by a small realm.

That is to say, a hundred light years is a strong person in the middle of the human realm, and a thousand light years is a strong person in the late human realm.

And 10,000 light-years from the beginning is the Immortal King-level Earth Realm Strong! And so on.

That is to say, if the Immortal King who comprehends the power of the eleven laws is achieved, he will be a Immortal King-level strong person in the Earth Realm from the beginning.

Of course, compared to this cultivation method, honestly cultivating to the Heavenly Realm or even beyond the Immortal King level is not known how many times!

The size of the Dragon God Great World after a trillion years is only about ten light years!


A terrifying force of the Flame Law began to erupt madly from this Flame Dragon.

The power of the Endless Flame Law was condensed to the extreme.

“Heaven and Earth Avenue, Thousands of !!!”

Suddenly, an earth-shaking divine voice erupted from the mouth of the Flame Divine Dragon.

The mouth of the Flame Divine Dragon suddenly condensed a giant ball of flame containing a terrifying aura, reaching the size of a light year in diameter.

In the next instant, the Flame Giant Ball was spat out of its mouth by the Flame Divine Dragon.

If anyone was there, they would definitely be able to find that the power of the Flame Law contained in this giant ball of flame had reached perfection.

All the forms that the flame can manifest can be seen above a giant ball of flames.

The Flame Giant Ball flew not far in front of the Flame Dragon, and soon the Flame Giant Ball was suspended in the Cosmic Sea.


Suddenly, endless law runes began to emerge wildly around the entire fireball.

There are a hundred types of these law runes!

Three thousand laws, if you understand the limit, are also a hundred kinds of law runes.

The reason why the ninety-nine law runes were the limit of the Great Emperor Realm was that he was only one of the last law runes away from fully comprehending this kind of law!

“The road to the public, the heavens and the earth evolved!!!”

At this moment, another low voice erupted from the mouth of the Flame Dragon.

In the next instant, countless threads of law began to manifest in the surrounding cosmic sea.

These law silk threads were like snare that enveloping the huge ball of flames.

The endless power of three thousand laws between heaven and earth began to frantically rush towards this giant ball of flames.

With the infusion of the power of these laws, the Flame Giant Ball also began to surge wildly.

At the same time, the appearance of the Flame Giant Ball also began to change rapidly.

From the endless flame power around it, it began to slowly transform towards the hard world barrier.

The size has also changed from one light-year to three light-years… Five light years… Ten light years!

And when the size of this Fang Dragon God Great World reached ten light years, the Flame God Dragon’s gaze suddenly became solemn.

Because at this time, he knew that his real test had arrived.

Condensing the big world does not mean that condensation is condensing.

Be prepared before you can go.

The reason is very simple, condensing the great world is a good thing for the Great World of Divine Martial Arts.

However, if you want to condense the Great World, you must use the power of the Divine Martial Great World Avenue!

The power of the Great Avenue is not lent to you in vain, and after borrowing it, it will be tested by the Great Avenue.

If it fails, not only will the warrior himself die, but this world will be destroyed!

At this time, the Dragon God Great World had been successfully condensed. 、

The next thing is naturally the Dao’s assessment of the warriors!


With the fluctuating waves, the Dragon God Great World began to emerge with endless law runes!

The Law Runes began to surge rapidly beyond the world barriers of the Great World.

These law runes eventually condensed at a point beyond the Great World Barrier.

A mysterious black hole-like point floated beyond the Great World Barrier.

And the direction the black hole is aimed at is the Flame Dragon!


An earth-shattering dragon groan erupted from the mouth of the Flame Dragon.

The next moment, endless Dragon God Fire began to emerge from the body of the Flame Divine Dragon!

The flames directly enveloped the entire body of the Flame Divine Dragon.

His eyes were solemnly looking at the black hole in front of him!


Suddenly, a change occurred, the power of that black hole suddenly increased several times, and in the next instant, a black death light that seemed to be able to devour everything in heaven and earth instantly burst out from above the Dragon God Great World.

The horror of the power contained in this black death light had reached the point where it could kill a strong Immortal Realm.

The Flame Divine Dragon looked at the black death light that had come to his eyes in just an instant, and an endless panic appeared in the dragon’s eyes.

He didn’t expect that this attack was not only more powerful than he could imagine, but even the speed was so terrifying.


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