Chapter 249: The Time Orbit is in Chaos!

While Yu Feng was thinking in his heart, he suddenly noticed that his hands had gradually begun to blur.

In an instant, Yu Feng inhaled a cool breath, and the whole thing was frightened.

“No way! Stop it! ”

Yu Feng anxiously shouted at the old beggar high in the air.

But then he remembered that although the two were in the same world, they were not in the same timeline, so they could not be contacted at all.

As the old beggars got closer and closer to success step by step, Yu Feng clearly felt that he was like a stone that was about to disintegrate at any moment.

What was happening now was exactly what he was about to think about.

“I didn’t change history, but if I didn’t change it, then history would really change completely!”

Yu Feng instantly figured out the connection of the whole thing, although this is very complicated, 983 but Yu Feng knows that he must stop them now, otherwise he will disappear from time!

In an instant, Yu Feng directly used the power of the Flame Law to merge into the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

According to the original plan, the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array would not launch a strong counterattack.

However, because of Yu Feng’s participation, the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array suddenly became unstable.

The Three Thousand Laws were coming out of the Great Array one after another at this moment.

When the old beggar looked up and saw such a sight, the whole person was startled.

“How come! How could this be! Obviously, there is no such thing in the calculation! ”

He muttered in shock.

“The plan has changed! Come on! ”

After someone reacted, he immediately shouted.

But as his voice fell, his whole being was immediately crushed by the spatial law of the law.

Several other people did the same, and the power of the law carried through everything, which was simply not something that ordinary people could stop.

Even an old beggar who was already a little foolish could not survive under such power.

The Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array had stopped being destroyed, but Yu Feng’s body was getting more and more serious from being fragmented!

Even the lower half of his body had now directly turned into a shadow of light and light.

Yu Feng understands what’s going on! Because the power of the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array has been directed towards the old beggar–.

At the same time, on this time track, all the people are experiencing the same situation as Yu Feng.

The moment itself was still experiencing the power of the laws of space, but suddenly the body slowly began to shatter (aicc).

Those families that were destroyed by the Yu family, and the families in those families, actually made the gods send to resurrect.

Between life and death! Yu Feng mobilized his full strength.

“The system will give me the power of the ancestral hall!” He hurriedly said to the system.

But the system did not respond, and at this moment, Yu Feng’s whole person was stupid.

The orbit of time has begun to change the existence of the system!

Suddenly, Yu Feng was really flustered, for the first time in such a long time, he had this feeling.

“What to do! What to do! ”

Yu Feng was dumbfounded, if there was no systematic blessing, it would be impossible to resist the power of the law, so the final result was death!

At this critical juncture, Yu Feng suddenly remembered.

“Yes! Time! I have time! ”

“The current timeline is the timeline of the Dragon God Continent and my own laws, as long as I create a timeline on these two timelines, then I can go back to the previous timeline!”

Yu Feng did not hesitate to think of this, and used his already broken body to mobilize the law of time.

This time the time node is very short, thirty minutes ago!

In an instant, a figure of Yu Feng appeared in the Dragon God Continent thirty minutes ago.

But at this moment, Xu Feng’s body was still broken.

Because the time of those two timelines is still passing. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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