Chapter 251 Locking the Heavenly Array

These laws made him feel very strange, but they seemed to be very familiar.

He immediately realized that the law of life and death had undergone a wonderful transformation.

And the source of this transformation is actually because of yourself!

“The time track has been changed, and there is a sign that life is restored and does not exist, so the law of life and death is no longer the same.”

Yu Feng smiled bitterly, he didn’t know if he should be happy. “057”

He didn’t know if there had been anyone who had changed the law like himself in the long river of time.

All he knew was that this experience was horrible.

Having long been accustomed to accepting immortality, he felt for the first time what is called the flow of life.

“Everything in the world can’t kill me, but I didn’t expect that I almost killed myself.”

When Yu Feng spoke, he recalled the scene just now, and only felt a little thrilling.

If the old beggar is allowed to break through the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, then the time track will change and he will die.

And if the old beggar is not allowed to break through the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, then the power of the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array will bombard and kill the old beggar, and the final result is still death.

Then the only way is to mobilize the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Grand Array to kill the old beggars, prevent them from breaking through the big array, and at the same time resist this blow for the old beggars.

Only in this way can you survive.

After simply adjusting the injury, Yu Feng stood up again.

Looking at the scarred old beggar, Yu Feng could only slightly adjust the old beggar’s injury.

Wait until his injuries are recovered, so that the old beggar can completely recover from his injuries.

“The next problem, I’m afraid, is the repair of the long river of time.”

After sorting out his thoughts, Yu Feng left this time node and returned to the long river of time.

Controlling time, he entered one world after another.

The time track has changed because of everything he has just done.

Lieru’s dead beings are slowly resurrected, but they are not yet alive.

The collapsed buildings were re-erected, but only half restored, in a state of nothingness.

Everything was already in chaos, and all Yu Feng had to do was to restore this original time track.

Travel through any world that is contaminated with this time track.

Even the flowers and plants on the ground, he had to regain them little by little.

Such a big project is both laborious and laborious.

However, Yu Feng did not have any complaints, after all, such a large hole was poked out by himself, and he could only repair it by himself……..,

About five years later, when the last old tree was straightened by Yu Feng, Yu Feng’s whole body leaned against this old tree.

He gasped for air and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.

In the past five years, not only had such a big loophole been repaired, but at the same time, Yu Feng’s injuries had almost recovered.

“It’s time to give the old man a new life.”

Yu Feng calculated the time, although it was still early to the end of the old beggar’s life.

Back in the long river of time, Yu Feng set the time node at the moment before the old beggar died.

The scene that the old beggar told Yu Feng was so mysteriously staged at this moment.

The old beggar lay in a wicker chair and looked at the blue sky over there.

The flame of life in the body is on the verge of being extinguished.

In desperation, a sigh came down the old beggar’s throat.

2.6 “Dear ancestors, filial piety and descendants, Ao Xuan has come to see you!” ”

At the same time, Yu Feng’s figure also appeared in mid-air.

At the first glance, he saw the old beggar lying there dying, with the scars of being bombarded by the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

“Time goes back! Life goes back! ”

Yu Feng said softly, and a steady stream of life force entered the old beggar’s body. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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