Chapter 260 Small World

Yun Lang actually waved his hand directly when he spoke.

A black hole immediately appeared behind Yu Feng, and the black hole emitted a great gravitational force on Yu Feng.

“It turns out that you know so deeply about the power of the laws of space, it’s no wonder I can’t close the tunnel.” ~”

As soon as Yu Feng saw his means, he immediately understood.

Yun Lang smiled, the means of this space were the ones he was most proud of.

But then his smile didn’t last long.

I only saw that all the laws between heaven and earth had all moved closer to Yu Feng.

“Fixed!” Yu Feng shouted with the power of the Three Thousand Laws.

Suddenly, the entire Nine Great World was strangely frozen.

Except for Yun Lang, all the beings of the Nine Great Worlds were deadlocked.

At this moment, the passage of time has stopped.

“What you actually understood was the energy of time!” Yun Lang saw the means that Yu Feng had exhibited, and his face was surprised.

But then Yu Feng’s whole body was pulled in by the black hole.


In the end, Yu Feng could still see that Yun Lang was very angry.

But it’s all over.

In the Great World of the Flood, Yu Feng could not control the Nine Directions Otherworld here.

But once here, Yu Feng was able to borrow the Three Thousand Laws to control it.

In the black hole, Yu Feng felt that he was walking through a space tunnel.

It’s just that the end of this space tunnel seems to be far away.

It was a thousand years before Yu Feng saw the end of the space tunnel.

Above a green field, Yu Feng appeared out of thin air.

He quickly scanned the space around him with his divine sense.

“This must be a world that has been cut off.”

Yu Feng said with certainty.

This place is very small and small, I am afraid that it is one ten-thousandth of the great world of the flood.

But there is still life on it.

One flash, Yu Feng disappeared without a trace…

“King Yu, someone from Tianlong City has come to report that there is a talented person who has cultivated to the realm of practicing qi.”

Someone below came to report.

Only to see this Yu King’s eyes immediately lit up.

“There is such a happy event, hahahahaha, we must take care of it today.”

“By the way, the gifted son has already brought it?”

King Yu smiled and asked the next person.

The next person was just about to say something, but at this moment, suddenly there was a sensation outside.

This royal palace was almost destroyed.

When King Yu saw this situation, he quickly ran out in a panic.

At the same time, many people ran out with them.

·Ask for flowers0···,

As soon as they went out, they looked up and saw the scene in the sky

I only saw a vague figure in the sky, as if he was painting something.

“Who is he?” When will someone be able to fly in the air? Why hasn’t anyone reported such things? ”

When King Yu saw this, he immediately questioned the next person next to him.

But at this time, Guoshi came over and looked up at the sky, his eyes full of disbelief.

……… 0,,

“King Yu, he may not be flying in the air, but he is arranging the formation!”

After saying this, the air was quiet for about three seconds.

Then this Yu King, as if he had gone mad, grabbed the Guoshi by the hand.

“What do you say! Is he laying out the formation? How is it possible, according to the past records, that the formation method or something has not been lost long ago? ”

The Guoshi didn’t know how to respond to King Yu’s words.

He was already the most knowledgeable on the entire continent.

At this time, except for them, all the people of the whole continent saw the scene in the high sky as soon as they looked up.

Everyone looked curiously, wondering what was going on.

“Yang Er, you see that he can even control flight in a domain, so why don’t you go and compete with him?”

Yang Baolin looked at the vague figure in the sky and said four to his son. _

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