Chapter 263 There are no secrets to cultivation

“Allah arrived!”

When Yu Feng was about to arrive, immediately someone spoke loudly.

All of them were expensive, except for the Yu King, of course.

Although he had Yu Feng’s permission, both legs of this Yu King were trembling as he stood.

The cultivators all raised their heads to see what Allah looked like.

Yu Feng appeared in front of everyone as if a vague figure were like a vague figure.

Everyone looked desperately at Yu Feng’s face, trying to see what Yu Feng looked like.

But Yu Feng’s face they didn’t know what was going on.

It feels like seeing what it was like at first sight, but the next second you forget it all, and there’s only a vague face in your memory.

Some people may be very curious about Yu Feng’s realm, so they actually swept towards Yu Feng with their divine consciousness.

“Casually observing a person with divine consciousness will have consequences that you cannot imagine.”

Yu Feng said softly.

When his voice appeared, a stream of energy directly knocked the man to the ground along the divine consciousness.

The man only felt that he had been pushed.

He knew that his clumsy methods had been detected, and his face couldn’t help but blush.

“You are all cultivators in this world, and you can also be said to be the last cultivators in this world.” It’s just a pity that the aura here is too thin, no matter how much talent you have, you can’t play it out

“I have just laid out a gathering qi array in this heaven, and this array of qi can speed up the operation of the aura, and can produce more aura. Maybe these Reiki have been a lot for your thirty or so cultivators, but they still can’t save the whole world. ”

“So the next thing you need to do is collect all the resources here, including the Spirit Stone.” Another point is to share with each other, tell others your cultivation experience, and let more people become cultivators. ”

Yu Feng said a way that might be able to change the world.

But after everyone heard it, everyone’s face had a look of confusion.

It seemed impossible to understand why Yu Feng wanted them to do this.

“Allah, isn’t cultivation the biggest secret of a person?” Finally someone stood up and asked Yu Feng with a puzzled face.

Yu Feng nodded, “Cultivation can indeed be a person’s biggest secret.” ”

“But in your current realm, there are no secrets at all. When you are really strong enough, you will understand that all the cultivation in this world has no secrets at all, and that all comparison is just the understanding of the law. ”

“Everyone knows that there are three thousand laws in the world, but even if those three thousand laws are placed there, not everyone can understand them.”

Everyone listened to what Yu Feng said, and no one could understand what Yu Feng meant by neighbors.

This law power alone is already their intellectual blind spot.

“., Allah, I don’t understand one thing, what is our current state?” Another cultivator stood up and asked.

Yu Feng looked at their group, although it was a little cruel to say, but he felt the need to let these people know the reality.

“You, (the king of the money) and the land under your feet, are all places abandoned by the supreme beings of the great world.

And your realm, if you are in a normal and large world, can only be said to be similar to ordinary people, at best, it is a little stronger, and you are not even qualified to go to the battlefield. ”

Hearing Yu Feng’s words, many people’s faces were a little ashamed.

The object of their shame is not Yu Feng, but the reality that Yu Feng said.

“So Allah, are you here to change us?” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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