Chapter 265 is always the throne

In the following time, this group of people studied those cultivation techniques.

These cultivation exercises, Yu Feng let people copy them down by hand, and gave a copy to everyone in the whole world.

In order to dig out more cultivators in large quantities.

At the same time, Yu Feng also selected several places around the world as medicinal fields, and set up a formation to speed up the operation of medicinal fields.

The elixir born in the medicinal field is absolutely capable of changing the world.

It’s just that it can take a long, long time.

“Allah, today’s cultivators have exceeded five hundred.”

King Yu smiled and said to Yu Feng, his face seemed to be very happy.

Yu Feng looked at him, and the Yu King in front of him was actually cultivating – the realm was not very high.

The current realm is nothing more than the Medium Yellow Order.

“King Yu, you should have had concerns, if a stronger cultivator comes out, it is very likely that he will challenge your position.”

Yu Feng said slowly to King Yu.

As soon as King Yu heard Yu Feng’s words, his smile immediately stiffened.

There was no one around, and King Yu couldn’t hold back any longer, and two lines of hot tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

“Yes, my ancestors were all royal, but in my generation, the current territory may be about to change hands.”

When King Yu spoke, his emotions were really difficult to suppress.

This continent was too important to him, even more important than his life.

“In fact, to be a king, it is not only about strength, the most important thing is to harvest the people’s hearts, if all the people on this continent can rely on you, then your position cannot be leveraged.”

“You will be their eternal king, and those who want to usurp the throne will be tyrants.”

Yu Feng was able to understand what King Yu was thinking in his heart.

These days, he had noticed that King Yu was always absent-minded every day when he was out on business.

As soon as he heard another cultivator appear, his face was both happy and a little scared.

“Thank you Allah for the click.” Hearing Yu Feng say this, King Yu immediately bowed his head in gratitude.

“Don’t thank me, I may have to leave.”

Yu Feng patted King Yu’s shoulder and said so.

When King Yu heard this, his whole body was stunned.

“Allah? Are you leaving? Where are you going? Is it that one of us has done something wrong? ”

He immediately asked nervously at Yu Feng.

Yu Feng shook his head, “I’m going to find you in the future.” ”

“The future me?” King Yu couldn’t understand the meaning of Yu Feng’s words at all.

·· Ask for flowers 0,…

Yu Feng smiled and did not continue to explain anything.

Then Yu Feng’s whole person disappeared in an instant, leaving King Yu alone here, looking at Yu Feng’s previous position in disbelief.

He kept looking around, but he didn’t find a single figure.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a mighty breath coming from his body.

Suddenly, countless small realms broke through one after another, and finally stopped at the higher heavenly level.

….,…………… 、、、

As soon as he felt his current strength, King Yu’s face showed a color of ecstasy.

“Thank you Allah! Thank you Allah! In this life, I will not be able to forget Allah promotion! ”

He hurriedly knelt on the ground, and this was the first time he had knelt down.

In this way, from the time King Yu obtained the realm of the Heavenly Order, this land was gradually changed.

Ten years later, for the first time, cultivators of the Xuan Rank appeared.

Fifty years later, there were already ten cultivators of the Earth Level.

A hundred years later, for the first time, there was a Heavenly Order Strongman, and at the same time, for the first time under this heaven, the existence of the Sect Gate appeared.

Two hundred years later, King Yu abdicated, and the new Xiao Yu King succeeded to the position of King Yu, and there were already as many as six Heavenly Rank Strongmen.

These times, for Yu Feng, are just five times in the blink of an eye. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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