Chapter 277: The Secret of the Wasteland

It’s just a pity that this stone man didn’t move at all.

The nine of them looked at each other, and each of them couldn’t come up with any ideas.

This deep mountain they had also heard of, it was an abandoned place, I don’t know how many years no one has come.

Seeing a person in such a place really scares their souls out.

“Let me see if he’s a living man or a dead man.”

At this time the man picked up a small stone and threw it at the stone man.

The stone was about to fall on this stone man’s body, suddenly! A small vortex appeared.

The stone did not fall on the stone man, but entered the air vortex and then disappeared.

Yu Feng, who had precipitated in the 15th of the enlightenment, suddenly woke up.

A mighty aura appeared in his body.

“It turns out that there is such a thing in this wasteland.” Yu Feng said in disbelief.

“All the previous understandings were only on the surface, but in fact, this Nine Martial World, or the entire Nine Worlds, this world known as the Wasteland, is not without aura.”

“Rather, there is a chaotic gas hidden beneath this world, and these forces are devouring the aura in this heaven and earth, so that this piece has become a wasted land.”

Just twenty years ago, Yu Feng found these chaotic qi through induction.

And directly inhaled these chaotic qi into his body.

But it was such a simple adaptation that consumed Yu Feng’s entire twenty years.

But even if it was only for these twenty years, these chaotic forces Yu Feng had absorbed only one ten-thousandth of it.

However, just such a small ten thousandth, the feeling brought to Yu Feng was a fly-like change.

The greatest characteristic of the power of chaos is that it can destroy everything and devour everything.

These three are very terrifying, and the power that creates everything is like the three thousand laws, which can change the world of one side.

“The host side quest to explore the other world has been completed, and a new system is being measured.”

The sound of the system appeared in Yu Feng’s mind.

However, now Yu Feng didn’t have time to care about the system at all, he was precipitated in the joy of this chaotic force.

For him, it was as if he had opened the door to a new world.

And he had already discovered that with the power of chaos, it seemed that he could find the node to go to the Nine Worlds.

After calming down, Yu Feng slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, a lot of dust fell from his already petrified body.

“Did he just move?”

“It seems to have moved, is it moving?”

“Let’s not scare ourselves, this man should be sitting here starving to death, and what else is moving?”

The nine of them were still watching from the sidelines completely unknowingly.

It’s just that everyone’s face is full of fear.

After Yu Feng heard these 487 sounds, he first swept the entire mountain with his divine consciousness.

In the middle of this mountain, there were only nine of them.

He stood up slowly, and there was a crisp crunch from his body, and countless stone chips fell on him.

“Ah! It’s really moving! He can really move! ”

The man who had just said that Yu Feng had starved to death long ago, saw Yu Feng move at this time, and was more afraid than any of the eight of them.

When the nine people saw this, they did not hesitate to turn around and run.

The previous feeling of hunger and exhaustion immediately disappeared without a trace.

“Did I scare them?”

Yu Feng looked at his hands, and seemed not to understand why these people ran frantically after seeing themselves. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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