Chapter 279 The past has become a thing of the past

Everything that had happened in the Qingming Temple for seventy years immediately appeared in front of Yu Feng’s eyes.

For Yu Feng, seventy years is a blink of an eye.

But there were a lot of fights in this Nine Martial World.

No one’s throne can sit for long, no matter who it is.

The old monk in the Qingming Temple in front of him was King Xiao’s Guoshi, and now that King Xiao’s dynasty had been overthrown, this old Guoshi was not spared.

The power of chaos instantly emanated from Yu Feng’s body, and everything in the entire Nine Martial Worlds was under Yu Feng’s eyes.

It’s just that in this piece of the Nine Martial World, there is no longer a 027 Old Guoshi, but that Xiao Wang is alive, but now it is a bit bleak.

In the dungeon, here is the mighty King Xiao of seventy years ago.

There were no heavy guards outside, because now King Xiao was no longer a strong person in the Heavenly Realm.

All the cultivation of his body was destroyed.

Ticking blood flowed down King Xiao’s pants.

This was the forty-third year of his defeat.

Although Xiu Wei has been lost, the Shouyuan that has been changed in the beginning will not change, so now he is better off alive than dead, and he wants to die but cannot die.

“Hey, it’s time to eat.”

A soldier in black iron armor holds a small iron box with something that looks dark and black.

When the soldier reached the cell door, he directly threw the contents of the box to the ground, and then left with the iron box.

Yu Feng glanced at the things on the ground and couldn’t help but frown.

It’s a disgusting thing to look like.

And when King Xiao saw these things, it was as if he saw some treasure, and he actually crawled over like a dog.

Then he knelt there and ate.

Those things that looked like dirt were all eaten by King Xiao.

“I can’t believe that this is the once mighty King Xiao.”

Yu Feng sighed and said slowly next to him.

King Xiao, who was lying on the ground like a dog, suddenly froze when he heard this.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Yu Feng.

“How? Forty-three years, so that you can’t even speak? Yu Feng opened (bfcj) and questioned him.

“Ahh… Ah…” King Xiao opened his mouth, but the sound coming from his throat was an extremely strange ah-ah sound.

It’s as if you really can’t say anything.

As soon as Yu Feng waved his hand, there was no longer a scene in the cage around him.

King Xiao was pulled into a unique space by Yu Feng.

King Xiao still didn’t understand who Yu Feng was, nor did he know what Yu Feng was going to do.

But then, Yu Feng let the scene of King Xiao’s reign seventy years ago replay in front of King Xiao’s eyes.

Looking at the picture reflected in the clouds in front of him, Xiao Wang’s whole body was stunned.

The picture that appeared in the clouds was that of him sitting on the throne, commanding the soldiers on the battlefield.

At that time, King Xiao did not have the look of confusion on the face of this King Xiao in front of him.

It looks like Qi Yu Xuan is high, and there is still a hint of domineering spirit in his eyebrows.

Countless memories replayed in Xiao Wang’s mind.

It was clear that a sparkle appeared from the corner of his eyes and slowly flowed down his cheek.

It was his most glorious moment, and while he was in prison, a few years ago he was thinking of going out and making a show.

Until his cultivation was destroyed, he gradually accepted this cruel reality.

He was powerless to go back to heaven!

In the blink of an eye, it was a full forty-three years, and for forty-three years he lived like a dog in this prison.

In the Nine Martial Worlds, his Xiao Wang’s name seemed to have completely dissipated, and no one remembered it.

“Ah!” King Xiao fell to his knees, tears pouring out uncontrollably like rivers and waterfalls, and his throat let out an unwilling howl.

Yu Feng did not stop there. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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