Chapter 282 is another thousand years away

In the midst of the epiphany, time is no longer measurable.

Yu Feng rarely had such a hazy feeling, and there was already a chaotic force in his body, and it was much easier to feel the chaotic power again.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

The new dynasty of the Nine Martial Worlds has reappeared, and the king of Xiao, who has been forgotten by the whole world, has overthrown this new dynasty.

King Xiao re-ascended the throne and blessed the whole world.

In another hundred years, King Xiao would become the longest king in the history of the Nine Martial Worlds to sit on the throne.

And like King Yu a thousand years ago, he won the hearts and minds of the people of the world.

Three hundred years later, King Xiao’s dynasty was still based on the world, but King Xiao retired to cultivation and no longer dealt with the affairs of the world.

In the seventh hundred years of Yu Feng’s epiphany 16, the Nine Martial Worlds were facing a problem, that is, the ground was getting less and less, and it had decided to reclaim the sea and expand its territory.

Otherwise, there will be more and more people, and finally everyone will not be able to squeeze together.

This reclaimed map includes the location of Yu Feng.

In the year 870, all the seas of the Nine Martial Worlds had been completely filled, and the territory had expanded to the limit.

Even many deep mountains and old forests have been paved to make more room for it.

The newly appointed king knew very well that this was not a solution.

In the 920s, the problem of population was imminent for both the dynasty and the people.

At the same time, in the plain city of this year, there were many times when the ground cracked.

But the sun in the sky is not very strong, but the ground seems to be still short of water.

On the last day of the year, the city of Plain was very lively.

The red light is high, and many men, women and children are gathered together.

Just when the night came, everyone was sleeping peacefully.


A loud noise appeared in Plain City.

The sound woke everyone up, and everyone looked around blankly, as if they didn’t know what was happening.

“Dad, what’s going on outside?”

“Shhh, don’t talk, listen to what’s going on.”



The chickens and dogs and poultry in the whole plain city were restless and roaring wildly.

Just when all the people did not know what was going on, a red cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

The night quickly receded, and the whole plain city became bright.

Everyone looked up at the sky in puzzlement, and no one knew what was going on.


A lump of dirt suddenly popped out of the ground.

Underneath this dirt block is a bottomless hole.

Immediately afterward, a man slowly emerged from the opening.


When I had the courage to go out, I suddenly saw a black figure coming out from the ground, and I was suddenly frightened and screamed.

His howl was heard by the whole of Plain City.

The dogs in those yards barked a little louder.

“Cough cough! Why is it that every time someone comes out, someone is scared? Yu Feng took half a day to drill out from under this ground and couldn’t help but say.

He also didn’t know which one had done such a immoral thing.

It was a full thousand meters of seabed, and it was actually drowned by people using the 950 earth law.

Xin was possessed by the power of chaos, otherwise it was really possible for him to be underground for the rest of his life.

Because this earth pressed on his body, it would squeeze him to death, and then even if there was any practice, he would want to use it.


Yu Feng let out a breath, and what came out of his mouth was white smoke.

Looking at his current chaotic depth, he felt that he had not lived up to his efforts.

“The host’s current depth of chaotic comprehension: 487.5.”

He threw a slightly simple punch forward.

Suddenly, the gushing heat crackled the air.

“It’s several times stronger than before.” Yu Feng couldn’t help but say.

The horror of the power of chaos made him dare not face it. _

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