Chapter 296: The reputation of the Yu family is damaged

However, after arriving, what he saw did not disappoint Yu Feng.

The Nine Martial Worlds still changed kings, but the myth about Yu Feng spread throughout the streets.

For them, Yu Feng was like a cloud in the Nine Directions World.

These people all regard Yufeng as a belief, and there are also statues and incense altars, and there are many things that should be there.

Yu Feng took one look at them and left the Nine Worlds.

There is no “July 13” back to the flood, because it is useless to go back now.

He came to the Dragon God Continent and first looked at his own situation.

The Yu family’s prestige on the Dragon God Continent has long been known to everyone, and it is the ultimate overlord.

The entire Dragon God Continent could be said to be under the control of the Yu Family.

Yu Feng just planned to ask Yu Zhan Ling Yu Zhan Yun to come out and praise them.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound in his ear.

“The children of the Yu family deceive the small with the big and get 3000 upgrade points.” ,

“The sixth generation of the Yu family’s side branch Yu Du Dragon bullies men and women, and gains 5,000 upgrade points.” ,

“Yu Haiwei, the fifth generation of the Yu family, framed his wife for the concubine and obtained 8,000 upgrade points.”

Listening to the sound of the system constantly ringing in Yu Feng’s ears, Yu Feng felt that there was something wrong with the system.

It doesn’t sound like someone from your own family.

Suddenly, Yu Feng had a cloud of anger surging into his heart.

“Dog system, if you mock Lao Tzu, just say, don’t be weird in this yin and yang.” Yu Feng scolded the system in his mind.

“The Yu family watchdog in Langya City bites the owner and gains 250 upgrade points.”

The system’s response is simple and clear, and it is another tone.

Yu Feng’s face darkened.

Originally, he thought that he had only disappeared for a thousand years, and this Yu family would not make a dagger mess.

It’s just that it doesn’t look like what he thought it was before.

But he also felt a little strange, because there were still old beggars in the Dragon God Continent, how could the old beggars not control it.

As soon as Yu Feng’s consciousness came out, he immediately locked on the old beggar.

Then a flash appeared next to the wooden house where the old beggar lived.

“Alas, I came back so soon.” The old beggar inside the wooden house knew in an instant that Yu Feng had arrived.

Yu Feng was also unceremonious, directly pushing open the door and entering the wooden house.

“The Yu family has fried the pot outside, why don’t you help with it?” Yu Feng walked in and asked the old beggar.

The old beggar was a little embarrassed, “It’s not that I don’t help, but you say that you have children and grandchildren now, if I always shoot, I can’t say it….”,

“What’s not to say?” Yu Feng did not understand the old beggar’s thoughts.

“You think, you don’t care much about the Yu family now, the owner of the Yu family is now alternately in the hands of Yu Zhanyun, if I manage the Yu family, what do you think in Yu Zhanyun’s heart?”

The old beggar said with a sigh.

Hearing him say this, Yu Feng fell silent.

What the old beggar said was not unreasonable, and the Yu family was no longer the original Yu family.

The Yu family is thriving, and there are also very perfect house rules.

It was nothing for him to come forward and say a few words, after all, he was still the ancestor of the Yu family.

But if the old beggar also came out to say something, it was inevitable that many people in the Yu family would be a little dissatisfied in their hearts, and even might be counterproductive. 3.0,

“I don’t know how a few of them managed, black smoke miasma.” Yu Feng scolded and left the cabin.

Looking at Yu Feng’s back, the old beggar smiled.

He vaguely seemed to be able to see what had happened to those Yu family members.

Inside Langya City, Yu Dulong stood in the street looking mighty.

Many people were afraid to avoid his gaze.

The steaming blood on the ground already represented what had just happened. _

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