Chapter 305 A Galaxy River

As soon as he felt the exit that could leave the source of chaos, he did not hesitate to rush out along the node.


A deafening noise echoed around Yu Feng.

But Yu Feng didn’t care about those, but stared dead in front of him with his glasses.

He didn’t know what words to use, and if he had to say one, it might only be possible for Haolang to describe it.

“Is this really a world?”

Yu Feng opened his mouth, unable to believe what he was seeing.

He originally thought that the Great World of Reincarnation was a world greater than the Great World of the Flood or the Great World of the Nine Directions.

But he never expected that this so-called reincarnation world would be like a galaxy.

It could probably be thousands, or even tens of thousands of worlds—all in one place.

In the middle there seems to be a tray, and these dense little worlds are next to this tray.

Yu Feng carefully concentrated all the strength of his body on his body.

He was careful about the sudden attack that Yun Lang had said, and he didn’t know if this would happen.

After wandering toward that side, and after about ten hours, he was getting closer and closer to the tray.

“Sizzle! Unexpectedly, behind this source of chaos, there was such a existence. ”

Yu Feng inhaled a cool breath, and until now he had doubted whether what he had seen was the truth.

He continued to explore forward, a distance that seemed very close, but in fact it was very, very far away.

Precipitating in this galaxy, Yu Feng has gradually forgotten the concept of time.

It could be months, it could be years, it could be hundreds of years.

It wasn’t until he got closer and closer to the middle tray that Yu Feng stopped.

“This tray is a world!”

Closer together, Yu Feng could see what it was.

He had thought it was a compositional sight, but he didn’t think it was a real world.

“How was such a strange world created?”

If it was a previous time, Yu Feng would only exclaim when he saw this scene.

But now, after breaking through to the Immortal Realm, Yu Feng’s understanding of one world after another has become more profound.

So much so that when he saw the world now, he couldn’t help but want to go in and explore it.

Without any scruples about what dangers were not dangerous, Yu Feng’s whole body rushed downwards…

In the Lan Yun Kingdom, the heroic soldiers circled on the battlefield.

···· Ask for flowers0…

From time to time there is a great power galloping through the heavens.

The soldiers looked up at those who could fly in the air, and their faces were full of envy.

In this land, anyone who can walk in the air is a person with aura.

The soldiers called these powers immortals, and many of them lived for hundreds of years.

“All right, don’t look at it, just look at what is the use, you guys don’t work weekdays one by one, and when you come back from this expedition, the thirty people who performed the best will apply to the king for the elixir to let you taste the taste of Reiki.”


A general in silver armor was at their forefront.

This general looked very powerful, and just by standing there, he couldn’t help but show his domineering.

But this voice turned out to be a woman’s voice.

Female generals are not uncommon in the Lanyun Kingdom, and can even be said to be very many.

Because the king of Lan Yun Kingdom is a woman in every generation.

Hearing this female general’s words, the tens of thousands of troops below all had their eyes shining.

Everyone looked very excited.

The elixir, that is what they all dream of, as long as they swallow the elixir they can get the aura! Become one of those mighty and enjoy endless glory four. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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