I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1003

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One, two …

Haoshoku Haki is like a rice sieve. Wherever it passes, whether it is a civilian or Shinōbi, they lie down on the ground as if they were cutting wheat and pass out.

Shinōbi above Elite Jōnin is still able to stand up in the field.

Kage Level Powerhouse like Minato, while facing Han Haoshoku of Zhang Han, although barely keeping his consciousness from being destroyed, he still feels painful and dizzy.

Shinōbi, who besieged Akame, was even worse!

Each and everyone screamed and fell to the ground, only the leader Elite Jōnin barely stood. However, under the influence of Haoshoku, his body was uncontrollably stunned for a moment, that is, the two-second stunned god, who was greeted by a cold slash.


Blood light flashed, and the name Elite Jōnin was angry, staring at the petite Qianying who had passed him. Suddenly, a thin blood mark broke in his neck, and the blood flowing out of it took his life a little.

Akame closed the knife and gasped, breathing a few times.

She had never seen Zhang Han show Haoshoku Haki before, so she did n’t know why Shinōbi besieged her. Why did she suddenly fainted? Although she was puzzled, but knowing that it was not time to care about this, Akame hurriedly took steps to Konohagakure Hospital Hurry up.

On the other side, seeing Akame safe and sound, Zhang Han was relaxed, and fixed his eyes on the wave wind Minato again.

This guy is more abominable than Mitokado Homura!

As an enemy, Mitokado Homura designed to deal with himself, Zhang Han is not surprised, but Bo Feng Minato on the one hand ran to seek cooperation, on the other hand, it was a dead hand behind the back … it was too much!

Hokage has been around for a long time, and the once sunny youth has also become a deep politician in the city. Destiny is really a wonderful thing …

While Zhang Han stared at him, Bo Feng Minato looked serious, and found out more than a dozen Kunai with the technique, and threw it away.

叮, 叮, 叮…

Kunai landed on the ground, some flying very far, and some very close, seemingly messy, but he took care of the space around him. Although Zhang Han’s shadow blade cannot completely block the space, there is no obvious weak spot.

“Is this the only coordinate? It may not be enough!”

Zhang Han sneered with a sneer and urged Reiatsū to divide a dozen of them from the surrounding shadow blades, respectively attached to these Kunai.

In this way, no matter where the wave wind Minato teleports, he can chase it immediately.


Seeing Zhang Han’s strange behavior, Wave Minato was suddenly confused, unable to understand what he wanted to do.

Before the wave wind Minato wanted to understand, I saw Zhang Han body flashed and suddenly appeared behind him. Without saying anything, it was punch towards his head.

At this time, Zhang Han was completely murderous!

Wave Feng Minato’s nerve reaction speed is one of the very best in the entire ninja world. Almost as soon as Zhang Han appeared, he had already reacted, and with the coordinates in the field, he moved to more than ten meters away.

But the next second, Minato Minato is not good!

When the footing was not stable, Zhang Han appeared like a shadow, and appeared behind him, even with his fist, there was no hesitation!

It seems to be two cars driving side by side, which are also moving at high speed, but they are actually in dynamic balance with each other.

Zhang Han has a shadow blade covering Kunai, and Kenbunshoku Haki’s ability to predict the future. He can easily do Time Shifting with Minato, and the other party can’t escape his pursuit!


The unbelieving wave Minato cast Hiraishin again, teleporting to another Kunai location.

However, what made him desperate was that, just after appearing, Zhang Han also teleported. The fist that slammed into his head expanded a little bit in his field of vision …

At this moment, where does Wave Minato still not understand? The shadow blade that Zhang Han released before, and his Kunai is a function, is to provide coordinates for Hiraishin no Jutsu!

Slightly different, Kunai has a limited number, and it is cumbersome to make, but the shadow blade does not. Not only that, these shadow blades can change positions at will under Zhang Han’s volley operation, and even stay in midair, the flexibility is infinitely higher than Kunai’s countless dimensions!

Right now, more than a dozen shadow blades are attached to Kunai, which is equivalent to strangling his teleporting position. Why?

On this point alone, Wave Minato is defeated!

To understand this, Bo Feng Minato still had doubts and could not solve it. Even if the coordinates of the two people’s teleportation were the same, how did this guy determine that he would teleport here and chase them at almost the same time?

You have to know that even before the teleportation, Minato himself was not sure, where he would teleport a dozen coordinates in the field. It can be said that the teleportation is completely random.

Even so, it can be accurately captured by Zhang Han, and I have to say that there must be something that I didn’t want to understand.

Brush, brush, brush…

Wave wind Minato thought hard while accelerating the frequency of the teleport. As always, Zhang Han will catch up every time he appears, and he will not be given any chance to escape!

what is the reason behind the scene?


The probability of one-tenth can be hit, and it is still several times in a row! Absolutely impossible is pure luck.

“… Is it Genjutsu?”

Wave wind Minato was shocked and remembered that Sharingan Genjutsu of the Uchiha family could make the enemy move unconsciously. On the surface, the two seem to be exactly the same from the final printing to the release of Ninjutsu. In fact, because of the influence of Genjutsu, the action of the surgeon has slowed down.

Based on this reasoning, is it unconsciously affected by Zhang Han’s Genjutsu, the nerve response and speed of instant movement have slowed down?

Thinking of this, Bo Feng Minato secretly urged Chakra, but felt that Chakra’s operation was extremely smooth, not like being controlled by Genjutsu at all.

“Not Genjutsu! What could it be?”

Zhang Han’s fists are getting closer and closer to his head, leaving almost no time for Bo Feng Minato to think. At a time when there was no time for it, the wave of Minato not even think immediately teleported to the Hokage Residence.


Iron Fist of Zhang Han, with a violent imposing manner that shakes the mountains, punched the ground with a punch, and once again blasted the ground beneath his feet into a deep hole.

Countless giant ravines spread radially to the surroundings, and the surrounding terrain was changed dramatically.

Jiraiya and the others have been standing on the sidelines watching the battle. It is not that they do not want to help, but that the speed of instant movement of 2 people is too fast. Even if they are willing to join the battle, they do n’t have that ability.

Fortunately, Zhang Han fell short and they were finally relieved.

But the next second, when the pair of implied Wrath’s cold eyes fell on himself, whether it was Jiraiya, or Nara Shikaku, Hyūga Hiashi, they all tightened and almost cried!

Yōndaime -sama escaped quite easily, but instead sold himself and the others indirectly!

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