I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1013

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After opening Kaminari Shunkō, Zhang Han is currently in a state of weakness, with only 70% of his strength in the heyday, and his mental state is not very good. It is unwise to choose to work with Rikudō Sennin at this time.

However, his state is very poor, and the other party is not much better.

Rikudō Sennin has been dead for at least 100 years. How long can his Chakra remain? If even part of the opponent’s Chakra can’t be played, Zhang Han simply finds a piece of tofu and hits the ball!

Weng! !

Zanpakutō trembles gently in his hand, a bloody light flows back over the ridge of the knife. In the mystery, with a suffocating oppression.

“Are you even touched?”

Zhang Han was slightly surprised by Mōrikoe Yorozunōri, since Zanpakutō would react to Rikudō Sennin, proving that there was something in the other party that Zanpakutō badly needed.

As a result, Zhang Han’s desire to open up is even stronger!

“come on!”

Zhang Han grabbed the handle of the knife and flicked it. Zanpakutō was like an arrow off the string and shot out.

Facing the attacking blade, Rikudō Sennin did not panic and hurried, urged one of the Gudōdama to transform into a shield and block in front of him.

At this moment, Zhang Han pinched the secret art and urged Zanpakutō to change direction in the air, bypassing the shield and slamming the opponent’s cheek.

Yes, you are right, Zhang Han used the Heavenly Book plundered from Zhuxian World!

Faced with Sage of Six Paths Level opponents, the first one that can’t get around is Gudōdama.

Gudōdama contains all the elements of Yin and Yang Five Elements. It can be said that Zhang Han has been diligently practicing the Shinigami system, which is basically impossible to withstand a single blow in front of Gudōdama.

Even Pika Pika no Mi and Goro Goro no Mi, the awesome Logia Type fruits, cannot affect Gudōdama.

Gudōdama, born to restrain all Logia and spiritual abilities!

Even if Zanka no Tachi is successfully analyzed, in the face of Gudōdama, it will be blind …

There are only a few types of abilities that Zhang Han can use.

Heavenly Book True Yuan was originally formed by the cultivator ingesting Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi. The system is not the same as the Immortal Technique of this World, but they have one thing in common, and they all contain abundant Natural Energy.

Natural Energy cannot be offset by Gudōdama!

The military force value of Zhuxian World is indeed not drastic, but this does not hinder the formally power of Heavenly Book. You know, Zhang Xiaofan, who controls the 5 volumes of Heavenly Book, has already surpassed Taiqingjing.

Zhang Han didn’t spend much time on the Heavenly Book, the cultivation base is naturally better than Zhang Xiaofan in the later period, but in any case, it is also an expert at the level of Qingqing, plus the assistance of Qingyun Dao Technique, and his own physical strength The victory over Rikudō Sennin is not impossible.

“I used to look down on the Heavenly Book, saying that it is not good here, but not good, but now it depends on it to defeat the enemy. It is really ironic!”

Suddenly, Zhang Han laughed at himself.

Faced with Gudōdama, his methods are really few. In addition to Heavenly Book, maybe only Gura Gura no Mi is forcibly right …

Rikudō Sennin may wish Zhang Han to have this trick, a little stunned, the instinctive upper body leaned back, dangerously and dangerously avoided the attack of Zanpakutō.

But at this time, I saw Zhang Han right hand click on the void, Zanpakutō rays of light were in full bloom, and a word of azure’s sword energy skyrocketed, slashing!

At the moment, even if Rikudō Sennin wants to use Gudōdama to resist, it is too late.

In a critical situation, he saw the Six Paths stick stick sideways, blocking his head, ready to resist this blow.


2 shares of Peak Power of Sage of Six Paths Level were shocked, and the whole world seemed to be in a restless buzz. The earth couldn’t bear the horrible oppression and collapsed.

There are even more violent violent shock waves, pushing across and rolling across all directions.

Zhang Han Kenbunshoku Haki swept by, suddenly felt sinking, and the slash just now failed to break even the tin stick of Rikudō Sennin, let alone hurt his opponent …

“Is not enough formidable power?”

Zhang Han thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, in the dust of the sky, several red lights and shadows flew out of it. Looking intently, all these lights and shadows are actually the arms of Six Paths!

Six Paths Fairy Fire, but even the 6th Red Sun Formation can burn the top Ninjutsu, Zhang Han did not dare to care, the whole person incarnation thunder, flashed like a 100 meters away.


Just then, Rikudō Sennin’s eyes suddenly fixed, and the Six Paths fairy fire that had originally attacked the sky disappeared instantly.

“Space ability? !!!”

Zhang Han is about to recall Zanpakutō, using the Dao Technique with stronger formidable power, Kenbunshoku suddenly saw something, face changed, his hands changed rapidly, and he produced several strange Indian styles.

“Fairy Sphere!”


An exquisite magical array flashed from the palm of your hand, and slowly, the countless Mahō power was transformed into a dazzling golden light, converging into a translucent golden light ball, protecting him firmly inside.

Almost at the moment when Fairy Sphere was just formed, the giant arms that disappeared suddenly flashed out in the sky, strikes on the surface of the light sphere.

bang! Tzzzzzzz ……

The golden light ball shook violently, but stubbornly blocked the attack. Six Paths Fairy Fire attached to the surface of the light sphere and kept burning, but failed to break through.

“Hu …… didn’t expect this Old Guy’s Rinnegan has the ability to replace space, so dangerous!”

In the sphere of light, Zhang Han could not help but take a long breath. At that moment, if Kenbunshoku Haki had not seen the future for a short time, he almost started!

Rao is so, the crisis has not been lifted. Zhang Han clearly felt that the burning power of Six Paths Fairy Fire was extremely arrogant. The Mahō power within the body seemed to be drawn by a full-powered water pump, and was continuously supplemented into the light ball, and was then burned.

As the absolute defense of Fairy Tail World Ranked 1st, Fairy Sphere’s defensive power is self-evident. However, the defense strength is also proportional to Maryokū’s output. Such a stalemate is obviously a big loss.

Zhang Han not even think, immediately cast Hiraishin teleport.

“Is it still blocked?”

Above the ruins, Rikudō Sennin looked up at the sky with a look of disappointment in his eyes. Using Six Paths Fairy Fire to match Rinnegan’s space capabilities, he still failed to achieve merit …

This kind of cooperation works best for the first time, and I want to use it later, the other party will definitely make preparations early.

For a moment, I couldn’t help feeling anxious.

As an ancient man who died for several hundred years, his Chakra uses a little less, there is no way to get supplemented, it means that this battle, he will become weaker and weaker.

In contrast, Zhang Han has no such concerns. Moreover, Zanpakutō keeps absorbing Spirit Particle as a supplement, and his consumption is much lower than that of Shinōbi’s Chakra.

The longer it is dragged, the more disadvantageous it is to Rikudō Sennin!

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