I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1096

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Turning on the computer, connecting the phone, and watching the progress of the upload in the pop-up window, Garen leaned back comfortably on the back of the chair with a concealed complacency on his face.

Now that Zhang Han is taking the cold route, like a god of the slaughter all sides, then he will take the route of being close to the people and show a flesh and blood warrior company soldier to everyone.

He knew, however, that since the Battle of Tianhe, Zhang Han did not receive an interview once and played directly with the disappearance. This way of not keeping fans in the eyes just gave Garen a chance, as long as he is operating well, he can definitely grab back his original popularity!

After uploading, open the video.

In the picture, Garen’s head almost filled the entire screen.

“Dad! Mom! I’m behind the enemy … I might be dying … I can’t do it! Dad, Mom, cough cough … This is not blood, okay, I can’t lie to you, I just regretted that I joined this Xiong … Xiongbing Company! I really regret it! Dad, Mom, look … I am really surrounded, I am really going to die! “

“But I thought about it for a while. I just used my actions to cooperate with them in destroying a battleship, and I almost died. But, I think, I did it right! At least I think it was just saved. 1,000,000 lives … “

As the video played, the smile on Garen’s face grew larger and larger. Although at first looked a little counseling, the merit of killing a battleship was tangible.

“From greed to fear of death to bloody fighting … Well, this eagerness is really good! It is too much dust on the face. If you scratch a few wounds, the bleeding will be more perfect!”

Garen became more and more excited, and most importantly, at the end of the video, he also confessed to Du “Rose” Katerina! I was silently looking forward to waiting for this video to ferment, and with the mighty public opinion, I went to confess to the other party again.

At that time … All the world would applaud their union!

Is it just a realistic version of the troubled beauty? !

Think about it and feel that every cell of the body is cheering excitedly!

Of course, Garen said he would not admit anything, it was moral kidnapping. He just stood on the raging waves of the times, holding his hand and watching the mountains and rivers!

Garen took a few deep breaths, forcibly suppressed the excitement, refreshed the next page, dragged the mouse, and browsed the comments below.

He had already imagined the scene of touting assaults the senses like a tide.

Egg set, egg set! Brother is destined to be the bright existence of the rays of light.

The first floor: the big love company, V587 does not explain!

Yes, Not Bad!

2nd floor: The good soldiers company, the people will remember you!

Well, it ’s okay, it ’s just that I did n’t highlight myself, and I ’m so sorry for the lack …

3rd floor: shocked! I’m cold and fighting in the sky, do you motherfucker play selfies on the ground?

Lying trough, this is definitely the fanboy of Zhang Han, don’t care.

4th floor: Destroyed a battleship and dared to say that I saved 1,000,000 people. I killed a flagship in the cold, plus dozens of frigates, did you say anything? Since the guy named Garen, fortunately embraced my cold thigh, can’t I learn more about my cold low-key man?

Fanboy, just skip …

5th floor: Shameless hype, deeply despised!

6th floor: After seeing Garen’s selfie, I finally realized how difficult it was for me to carry a city by myself.

Floor 7: Pity me Han is too hard!

8th floor: pity +1


100th floor: pity +10010

Garen’s knee seemed to be hit with an arrow. Why did he meow differently than he thought?

Read on …

Floor 200: Zhuang Zai, I’m cold! One god dragged 9 legs and beat gluttony Legion with zero casualties!

The rest of the team followed the gun …

Floor 201: mother asked me why I was kneeling to read the comments, and I also wanted to ask, why?

Garen felt his heart twisted, resisting the urge to smash the monitor, and turned down.

Floor 1000: With my cold, even if my grandmother joins the male company, you can win the battle of Tianhe!


Floor 3000: Please beg me to stand at the foot of an infantryman flying at an altitude of 30000 feet ……


Garen spurted blood on the screen with a bite of blood, and the young mind suffered a 100000000 10000 crit.

Suddenly felt that this World was full of malice against him.

“No, I want to fight back! Must fight back …”

Garen raised his hand and wiped the screen, and then tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and not long after, an article called “Another Side That Zhang Han Didn’t Know” appeared in the post bar.

Garen took a look, changed a few typos, and clicked Send.

In this article, Garen actively broke the news from the perspective of a company of soldiers, describing Zhang Han as a team leader.

I do my own thing, disobey discipline, disrespect superior orders, and scorn female members all day long, causing everyone in the team to be in danger. A team member named Garen couldn’t stand it anymore and took the initiative to stand up to protect everyone, but instead was brutally suppressed by Zhang Han, almost chrysanthemum …

In the article, Garen miserably described Zhang Han as a creature that is more horrible than demons.

Not only that, he also slightly modified the process of the next battle.

“… Before the war began, we each took a helicopter to prepare to dive in at low altitude, establish positions, and help the people in the city withdraw.

However, just as the helicopter was about to arrive over Tianhe City, Zhang Han suddenly asked us to fly ahead and help him resist artillery fire! Deterred by Zhang Han’s previous domineering and kinky prestige, even if the team members were unwilling to do so, they could only follow his instructions, but had no choice but to be a cannon fodder … “

In order to hack Zhang Han, Garen stated that before he came, he had already thrown his morality on the Juxia.

However, when he refreshed the webpage and saw the comments below, he instantly lost his head and almost passed out.

“Stupid teammates, what’s wrong with my cold in order to win the war and let you be human shields? Besides, you are not dead.”

“Playing games has meat and output, even more how is war? I used to like the male soldier company. I thought they were all heroes. Now I can see the B model of the male soldier company thoroughly. Without me Han world is in danger! “

“Since it’s a team fight 9 and guarantee one, isn’t it your job to be a meat shield? It’s so embarrassing to take it out and black me, Han baby, can’t understand!”

“Unable to understand +1”


“Unable to understand +10086”

“Pity me that Han was inexplicably hacked.”

“The company of male soldiers, please feel at ease as a cannon fodder, and don’t hold me back!”

“I’m cold, teammate Italy does not matter, this war is enough for one person!”

“Solve the scattered male company, one person, one world!”

“Dissolve the company, one person, one world +1”


“One person, one world + N”

Garen has been crying and fainting in the toilet …

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