I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1100

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In the sky, a bright blue pillar of light pierced the clouds and shrouded two people. Zhang Han only felt that saw a flash and the next second appeared on the surface of a fiery-red star.

The endless heat wave was tumbling, washing his body constantly. Fortunately, with Atsu Atsu no Mi adding himself, Zhang Han didn’t feel how strong the heat, but the body was warm and quite comfortable.

Not long after the 2 people appeared, there was a squirm in the space not far away, and Holy Kaiser was successfully transferred here.

“Ah? It turns out that you have already joined hands!”

Seeing Zhang Han for a moment, Holy Caesar seemed to understand something, with a little remorse in surprised and angry. Until now, she still can’t understand why angels who believe in justice will fall to such a situation.

Shouldn’t it be more help and less help? Why are there so many people who want to rebel against her?

“Join together? No! I just follow the trend of the times that’s all.”

Zhang Han shook the head, looked towards Keisha’s eyes with a little pity.

After walking for several decades in the world, he was the first to encounter such a stupid creature as an angel. It’s a bit ugly, and it’s more appropriate to call it an idiot.

They insist on the so-called justice, and use their beautiful bodies to cross the cruel battlefield. Why? Eradicate evil? Weak protection?

Poignant death, and then leave a legend for the world to praise?

If you really want to say this, you can be sure that the angel’s genes definitely contain a very serious tendency to self-destruction.

They just used a beautiful lie called ‘Justice’ as a package to hide that dead soul that’s all!

This lie is not to deceive the world, but to deceive themselves!

It’s like a kind of self-hypnotic, alive, momentaneous splendor just for epiphysis …

If you do n’t believe it, look at the justice they insist on protecting who, Fraser, ancient feudal civilization, Earth, pre-nuclear civilization …

Angels have the broadest mass base in the universe, and all they can support are primitive civilizations that cannot enter the universe.

What do these primitive civilizations need to develop? Technology!

What is the advancement of technology? Resources!

When the planet resources in which they are located are exhausted, these civilizations are no more kind, and in order to survive, they must also embark on the road of external expansion.

However, when these civilizations began to expand outward, plundering the resources of other planets, and moving from the weak to the Powerhouse, they were suddenly forced.

Their former beliefs, the angels who had repeatedly protected them, became their enemies in a blink of an eye!

Because it is unjust to invade other weak civilizations for no reason, it is evil …

This is a black humor!

Throughout history, as small as the company, as large as the country, and even expanded from humans to all-earth creatures, which one is not big fish eating small fish, small fish eating shrimp?

You told the wolf not to eat the sheep, okay, listen to you … and then the wolf starved!

This is called justice! It completely violates the objective development law of the universe.

This is what their angels praise, strong but not powerful!

When those Evil Powers deal with them in turn, the weak civilization protected by them under the wings can only look up at the starry sky and support them spiritually …

No strong civilization will stand up to support angels! As long as they want to expand outwards, they will naturally stand on the opposite side of the angel.

But if prayer is useful, why do we need a sword?

It’s hard to imagine that this kind of stupid creature has maintained the universe’s hegemony for 30,000 years! It’s a miracle!

What makes Zhang Han didn’t know whether to cry or laugh is that until now, the Emerald Star is about to be detonated, and Holy Kesha still doesn’t understand what they are doing wrong.

Yes, angels are right! They are kind, beautiful, upright, and strictly abide by justice and loyalty. They are simply the perfect incarnation, but these are only for the small and frequently violated civilization.

In the eyes of a truly powerful civilization, angels are a mountain. Without overthrowing this mountain, their civilization will never be further!


A more terrifying explosion than the previous medium-sized flare in Earth resounded through the universe. Under this power of destruction, the angel wings of Holy Keisha only helped her delay her life for less than a second, and the whole person was instantly Explode into atomic state.

The mighty shock wave brushed Zhang Han’s body and spread towards the depths of darkness.

Styx galaxy, dead song academy.

Karth looked up at the endless starry sky and said to the side servants, “Turn on the big clock and send those holy atoms to different galaxies!”

At the same time, Zhang Han unlocked Kamui Hollowfication, opened his hands, and a blue laser-like energy flew out, quickly transformed into a big hand covering the sky, holding a large piece of holy atom firmly in his palm, Then moved into Inner World.

Like a killer whale waiting for an opportunity to open its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl towards its prey. At this moment, the cruelty and brutality of nature vividly and thoroughly.

Unfortunately, when Zhang Han did all this and wanted to grab other sacred atoms, there were 10000 spatio-temporal wormholes in the surrounding space, and they were instantly transferred elsewhere.

In an instant, the Emerald Galaxy fell into the darkness of death.

“Are you coming? Karth!”

As if sensing something, Zhang Han retracted the Space Stone and looked towards the darkness on the other side.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖…

As soon as the voice fell, I saw countless black threads suddenly emerged in the sky, shuttled back and forth around Zhang Han. In less than a second, these black lines formed a large net, trapping his body inside.

As if anticipating the sudden change, Zhang Han expression was indifferent, not even struggling. Before the black net completely confined the space, he pulled out Zanpakutō and threw it out.

Zanpakutō crossed a blood light in the air and instantly disappeared into the darkness, disappeared.

For Zanpakutō, Karth did n’t take seriously at all. There was only one thing he really cared about, and that was Gudōdama!

However, he was destined to be disappointed …

Facing the shrinking and tightening black net, Zhang Han didn’t mean to resist at all, let alone take Gudōdama openly.

Now that he knows that Death God Karth has set a trap here, how could he not be prepared, so he came here eagerly?

When controlling Leona, Zhang Han split a Spirit Clone, let him enter his body, and followed Leona to the Emerald Star.

In other words, it was not Zhang Han himself who collected the Holy Atom, but a body loaded with Spirit Clone. If it is not necessary to transfer the Divine Atom to use Zanpakutō, Zhang Han does not even want Avatar to take Zanpakutō to the Emerald Star.

Fortunately, Karth thought he was in control and ignored this detail. Zanpakutō was successfully sent back by Avatar.

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