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Hearing Zhang Han’s refusal, Potts’ face was blue and white, and his heart was extremely fiery.

Apparently SHIELD ’s agent told himself that Zhang Han lived in New York, but the other party used such an inferior excuse to pervert himself!

“You damn bastard, simply does not deserve to be a hero! The title of Dark Colossal is used on you, which is an insult to the word!”

After finishing his speech, Potts hanged up the phone angrily.

“The trough!”

Zhang Han was dumbfounded by the blind tone on the phone, and suddenly rushed into his mind.

Is n’t it just that he did n’t help you and did n’t lie to you? Is it necessary to scold others?

After a while, the phone rang again, Zhang Han answered the phone, and before he had time to speak, he listened angrily to Potts on the phone. Wait for the court summons, bastard! “

Hey! Look at me grumpy!

Zhang Han can’t wait to fly back to New York immediately, wielding a knife and slashing the damn bitch!

Before Zhang Han rushed out of the base, the phone rang again.

Zhang Han answered the phone and said angrily, “You damn little bitch, washed my ass and waited, I will kill you in front of Iron Man! See if your man can save your strength!”


The phone fell into a strange silence …

It did n’t take long for a male voice to reach Zhang Han ’s ear, “I ’m Phil Coulson! Also, I ’m not with Iron Man, I ’m innocent with him, not what you think …”

“Sorry, I thought it was the bastard who just called me.”

Zhang Han explained the sentence awkwardly, and then said impatiently, “Phil, if there is nothing that interests me, don’t speak!”

In the past few months, Zhang Han has helped SHIELD deal with several superpower incidents. However, the object’s poor strength is dying, and he has no interest in drawing a knife.

If it were n’t for SHIELD to be his own shield, Zhang Han would n’t want to be an advisor.

With the High Rank spy already, Advisor’s identity is actually optional.

“Zhang, don’t rush to hang up the phone! I promise, something at this time will definitely interest you.” On the other side of the phone, Phil Coulson explained quickly while driving, “State of New Mexico, landed a weird stuff.”

“What is it?” Zhang Han asked impatiently. He is also busy making Puppet, but he has no time to spend on this trivial matter.

“A hammer!”

“A hammer?”

Hearing Phil’s answer, Zhang Han unable to bear screamed, and his heart suddenly reacted, Thor came to Earth!

“How? You know the origin of the hammer?” Phil asked strangely.

Zhang Han immediately reacted. His current identity is a Plane Traveler, and it is impossible to know the origin of Mjölnir.

Immediately concealed, “no! Just have some ideas in my heart, I need to confirm on the spot!”

“Well … do I need someone to pick you up?”

Coulson didn’t doubt anything. After all, Zhang Han showed a variety of abilities, and each one is beyond the scope of scientific explanation. Perhaps the other party can really find out the truth of the hammer.

“No, we meet directly in New Mexico.”

Zhang Han didn’t want Coulson to find his base at Alkali Lake, he directly rejected Phil’s proposal, and then hung up the phone.

Turn to Lady Deathstrike instructed, “You continue to stay here, staring at Stryker, let him find a way to increase the success rate of the experiment, I went to New Mexico.”

“Do you want to capture Mjölnir?” Lady Deathstrike asked. “It seems that only childcare and Vision can take it!”

“Vision can also be picked up? Why can you recall these things, but I can’t?” Zhang Han asked strangely.

Lady Deathstrike pointed to his head, “All our memories are in our heads, but you have too many things to do and don’t have time to remember that’s all.”

Zhang Han suddenly realized, then instructed, “So, you have another task …”

Before Zhang Han finished speaking, Lady Deathstrike would be replied, “Help you recall the details of the original, I understand!”

Zhang Han nodded, turned and left the base.

State of New Mexico, when Zhang Han rushed over, SHIELD ’s agents had established a simple research base around Mjölnir.

“Hi, Phil, I haven’t had time to congratulate you on being an Eighth Level agent.” Zhang Han greeted Phil Coulson with a smile on his face.

“Hi Zhang!” Phil shrugged. “After being promoted, more work is done.”

“Take me to see the hammer, I already have some impatient!”

Coulson knew the style of Zhang Han swift and decisive and took him left and right to the place where Mjölnir was.

Coulson said, “Weird hammers have been emitting weak electromagnetic waves. We have used manpower, cars, and even cranes, and we still can’t pull it out.”

“I guess you will have some special suggestions.”

Zhang Han was serious on his face, and he was almost laughing to death.

Mjölnir was built by the neutron star, and it is not recognized by it. No one wants to pick it up. It has nothing to do with your own strength.

After all, the Thor movie is a story about Odin’s education son Thor. The power of Thor contained in the hammer, except Thor, no one wants to use this power!

Zhang Han speculates that even if there is a heroic heart like Vision, which is approved by Mjölnir, but without Odin’s approval, he can only hit people with a hammer and cannot use Thor’s power.

The purpose of Zhang Han’s trip is not whether he is approved by Thor. He just wants to verify whether Mōrikoe Yorozunōri can copy Mjölnir.

“Can I try it?” Zhang Han looked towards Coulson, asking.

“up to you!”

Coulson has tried all the imaginable methods, so he doesn’t care about Zhang Han’s actions. Perhaps, with Zhang Han’s ability, there may be unexpected gains!

Zhang Han stepped forward, and the right hand grabbed the hammer handle and exerted a little force … the hammer didn’t move at all, showing no sign of approving him.

Zhang Han frowned and thought, as expected, he had no connection with Mjölnir.

Thinking of this, Zhang Han no longer stupidly tried his best to pull out the hammer, but instead pulled out Zanpakutō, which turned it into a red giant claw and grabbed the hammer handle.

Mōrikoe Yorozunōri had just been in contact with Mjölnir, and two forces burst into dazzling rays of light. In front of Zhang Han, the bloody Reiatsū and the pale blue lightning collided violently, just like the two fighting giants. Entangled together.

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