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Amazon Lily, Imperial Palace.

In the luxurious bathroom, the water lingers, as if the lithe and graceful white gauze flicked across the skin, with a touch of breath.

The two silhouettes are tightly attached together, leaning against the edge of the large bath. All of them have a lazy expression, and two eyes are blurred, as if still immersed in the aftertaste of drunkenness after strenuous exercise.

With Hancock in a tulle, the tall Yufeng is half-covered, half-skinned skin, hot body, and that Queen-like temperament. Yishou seems to have the ability to evoke soul and exude endless charm.

Every time I look at it, it seems that a devil is whispering in his ear, tempting himself to fall into it.

In this flamboyant atmosphere, I don’t know how long after that, Hancock suddenly raised his hand, rubbing Zhang Han’s cheek, hesitantly said, “Husband, are you ready to leave?”

Zhang Han opened two eyes, secretly sighed under his heart, Hancock gave him a higher level of enjoyment than Maria Hill, especially abetted by Lady Deathstrike, completely let go of his inner shyness, after incarnation female gangsters, this enjoyment was more It has reached the apex.

10000000 Don’t underestimate female hooligans, men’s imagination still needs a variety of ** or small movies to stimulate, women simply don’t need it!

Even if Zhang Han wore the same as beggar, in Hancock’s eyes, he was the unparalleled man wearing the golden armor and stepping on Xiangyun …

Similar to love in this respect, they seem to be self-taught, and do not even need too much speech, they have already filled out various plots.

Especially at the moment when Zhang Han was about to leave Pirate World, Hancock exploded with unprecedented enthusiasm. Various shy poses were played one after another, as strong as Yonkō Level’s body, and he felt a little overwhelmed.

In the face of a woman who seems to melt herself like fire, Zhang Han only has a sorrowful cry in his heart. Who conquered who?

“Relax, I won’t let you wait too long. If I don’t encounter a world with a relatively high military force value, I will come back.” Zhang Han raised his hand and embraced Hancock’s soft waist, comforted, “when the time comes, I will take you back to my world. “

Hearing Zhang Han’s promise, Hancock’s heart tightened, as if there was a voice shouting wildly in his mind, soon, the little 3 is up, and the story of kicking away the original match will be staged!

These two years of hard work are worth it!

At this moment, Hancock had only Hinamori Momo in his eyes, and subconsciously ignored it. He was not really a small 3, but a small 4, 5 or even Little Liu …

“Her husband, this Empress does not have to be too anxious. Your strength is the most important thing. Besides, you can stay with This Empress for 2 years. It is enough. What else do you have?” Hancock showed his love Intention, as well as his own generosity.

This is what Lady Deathstrike taught her. When facing a man with a heart, do n’t think about asking for anything, just show your best side, accept all of him with gentleness and obedience like water, the other party will be guilty because of his heart, Pay more attention to yourself.

As the Spirit Clone of Zhang Han, the purpose of saying these words really means, of course, it goes without saying. In the past 2 years, Zhang Han has been absolutely enjoyable in the Amazon Lily. It makes him a little bit enterprising and does not want to leave this World!

Since Paramount War, Zhang Han has been staying at Amazon Lily. In addition to accompanying Hancock every day, it is a life-threatening Cultivation. Mainly developed several top-level Akuma no Mi, as well as enhanced fleshy body and Reiatsū.

Six months ago, all four attributes exceeded 4 10000, Reiatsū reached Eighth Level, and was completely promoted to the rank of super Captain Rank. Not only that, Fleshy body strength has reached Yonkō Level, which is far from Hyakujū no Kaidō, which is already not far.

Coupled with the success of Bankai Thor construction, when using Thor in the future, there is no need to liberate Zanpakutō, you can enter the Bankai state anytime, anywhere, and your body is elemental.

Thor has all the abilities of Goro Goro no Mi. Now, when Zhang Han Kenbunshoku Haki is fully opened, the entire Amazon Lily, as well as a radius of ten nautical miles, are in his sense.

He has taken the time to test, and in Thor state, the lightning that he controls can reach a maximum of 500 million volts, more than double that of Enel! Of course, this is far from the limit.

Lightning in nature can reach up to 1 billion volts. With the improvement of fleshy body strength, Bankai Thor still has a lot of room for growth.

There are also Zushi Zushi no Mi, Pika Pika no Mi, Gura Gura no Mi, and Yami Yami no Mi, each of which is the highest fruit in the sea.

Although the abilities of these fruits will not be one plus one equal to 2, and even some fruits have some duplication in abilities, but with the power he now masters, he can definitely fight against the blue.

For the sake of insurance, Zhang Han forced himself to suppress the urge to return to Shinigami World and wait patiently for the construction of Hakka no Hyōrinmaru.

Combining the three ice and snow type abilities of Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, Hakka no Togame, and Hie Hie no Mi, one can imagine the power of Hakka no Hyōrinmaru. Absolutely zero degrees will definitely exist. As for the freezing space, there may be a trace of probability. Freezing time … limited to Zhang Han’s YY.

A variety of abilities, together with Reiatsū and fleshly body strength, if you still can’t do Aizen, Zhang Han simply finds a piece of tofu and kills it, it’s a ball!

Zhang Han said that if it wasn’t for the needs of the shit plot, I would have killed Aizen long ago. How could there be such trouble? This pot must be backed by the author!

2 people dilly-dallying in the bathroom for dozens of minutes, during which Zhang Han’s complacent laughter and Hancock’s lascivious desire to refuse to be welcomed came from time to time.


After lunch, the Amazon Lily door slowly opened, and Hancock reluctantly sent Zhang Han out of the door.

Under the gaze of those nostalgic eyes, Zhang Han brace oneself said, “Well, I promise, if you can’t find an interesting world, come back to see you now …”

Speaking of which, Zhang Han smiled, as if a Flag was accidentally set up. If it doesn’t return, it hurts.

Hancock waved his hand, and the maids behind them carried a giant parcel with three people in front of him and put it in front of Zhang Han.

“These all are This Empress prepares the necessities for you, including 500 pieces of changed clothes and a lunch box for 2 1000 people, as well as handkerchiefs, napkins, tableware, toothbrushes, soaps, hand creams … 5 years old towels, 3 Drinking water and snacks of the year are your favorite food! “

As he said, Hancock suddenly raised his hands and held the pretty face, reveling in his own imagination, “This empress who is so virtuous and considerate will definitely be a good wife!”

Zhang Han’s eyes twitched frantically. How long would it take for these 2 1000 servings of lunch? There are no such things as mosquito bite ointment, hand cream, etc., which are basically not used at all. Hancock prepares these, it is estimated that they will not be used up in this life …

The beauty is gracious, even if Zhang Han doesn’t want it very much, he has to express his joy.

With an awkward grin, he waved his hand and put the package in the storage space. To Hancock nodded, Yu Jian rose into the sky and disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye.

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