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Hearing Zhang Han’s words, Urutia’s heart tightened, secretly annoyed by her impulse. If the other party said, mother becomes a disabled person with missing arms and legs, and his own sin will be great!

Zhang Han didn’t stimulate Urutia anymore, and stepped into in midair, a peach-colored halo glowed in his palm, slowly pressing on the seal.

Behind him, Natsu and the others stared at the ice block, and the atmosphere did not dare to catch a breath. Even Lyon, who was turned into a child by Zhang Han, followed the clothes stumbled and followed, staring at everything in front of him.

In a few moments, the peach-colored halo covered the entire ice cube and completely wrapped it.

Under the effect of the strange power, the ice quickly fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into a white light spot, wrapped in a peach-colored halo, and gradually combined into a human shape.

“Mother!” “Master!”

Without waiting for the halo to disappear, Urutia and Grey suddenly screamed out loudly, Lyon hugged his large clothes, and an extremely complex expression appeared in his eyes.

In the field of vision, Uru’s body has recovered more than half, and it is still rebuilding rapidly.

“Really … come alive!”

After Uru’s body recovered completely, Zhang Han raised his hand and released a rope-like Reiatsū, pulled it over, and laid it on the ground. Grey and the others hurried up.

“En? I’m … Lyon ?!”

Uru raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, eyes opened. When she saw Lyon, the horror in her eyes widened immediately, angrily shouting, “Why don’t you go yet? Grey?”

A full decade has passed, and Grey and Urutia have already grown up and their appearance has changed dramatically. Instead, Lyon, who was retreated into a child, generally had no 2 as before. Therefore, Uru immediately recognized Lyon.

“Master, I’m here!” Grey wiped tears in surprise.

“you are……”

Uru sat up and looked at Grey carefully. From the other side’s appearance, he faintly saw the former shadow, and the expression on his face changed rapidly.

From daze to surprise to shock …

“Grey?” Uru asked uncertainly.

“It’s me! Grey, your disciple!”

Grey grabbed Uru’s hand and burst into tears, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop, as if to vent all his remorse and self-blame for years!

Sobbing in his mouth, “Although it’s incredible, but I have to tell you that it has been ten years since your Seal Deliora! And Lyon and I have grown up!”


Uru was shocked on the face. Looking at Lyon again, his thoughts could hardly turn.

In the world of magic all kinds of strange things, Grey can find a way to resurrect himself, and Uru is not surprised. However, since the past ten years, only Mao grew up Grey, Lyon is still exactly the same as in memory?

Although Uru didn’t ask, but everyone around her knew her thoughts. Lyon pouted, turned his face stiffly, and said nothing.

“I will talk about this later.”

Grey embarrassed laughed, what can he say? Who makes that guy cheap, so hateful! Being punished is also expected.

“Master, you don’t know yet, your daughter Urutia is actually not dead, she has always lived well.” Grey took Urutia’s wrist and dragged her to Uru.

Urutia’s eyes are complex, there is rejoicing, but more is resentment, I don’t know what expression to face the resurrected mother.

“Urutia ?!”

Seeing the other party’s moment, Uru raised his hand to cover his mouth, tears like rain, gurgling down. Suppressed the pain for several years, as if in this brief moment, at the moment I saw the daughter, I rose in the mind.

Not to mention that Urutia has grown up, even if it becomes an old woman, the kind of implication and tacitness that originated in Bloodline can be confirmed at the first sight of her. This is her daughter!

“My child!”

Uru opened his arms and hugged the daughter tightly, unwilling to let go of his hand for a moment.

If this is a beautiful dream, please don’t let me wake up again.

“Urutia, it’s mother. I’m sorry! Mother shouldn’t send you to the Bureau of Magical Development …” Uru choked, unable to apologize.

It turned out that it was not mother who abandoned him, but was deceived by that damn Burein!

Listening to mother telling about the once entire process of development, Urutia’s inner hatred is like ice and snow encountering sunlight and quickly melting, and tears of joy are also left in the eyes.

At this moment, the estrangement between the mother and daughter disappeared, leaving only her longing for mother and love for many years, turning into a cry of longing,

“mother !”

Looking at the mother and daughter hugging each other tightly, a smile flashed in Zhang Han’s eyes.

Until now, no matter which world he traversed, he did not take the initiative to change the plot of the original. Always spurring myself, looting everything useful and becoming stronger.

But now it seems that occasionally changing the plot and having a happy ending!

“Roar …”

At this moment, a violent roar interrupted its happy scene. Everyone turned their heads and was shocked to find that Deliora was also resurrected!

“what happened?”

“Why did Deliora also come back to life?”

“Zhang Han, what the hell did you do?” Grey was shocked and shouted at Zhang Han angrily.

Although others were not blunt, they were all dissatisfied and frightened.

That’s Deliora! The demons created by Zeref have destroyed countless monsters in countless cities! All of the people on the field added together, and the existence that they did not necessarily have done, even revived with them!

Zhang Han shrugged, helplessly said, “Ice and Deliora have long been fuse together. To resurrect Uru, I can only resurrect it together … What can I do, I also said in despair!”

“No! You can’t let this monster wreak havoc in order to resurrect me.”

Uru let go of the daughter, stepped forward, took a deep breath, and said firmly, “While it is not completely awake, you must leave here quickly, and I will seal it again!”

Speaking of which, Uru turned to look towards Zhang Han and whispered, “I am very grateful that you have resurrected me and let me have the opportunity to meet again daughter. Now, there is no regret in this life!”

“If Lyon did something wrong, I apologize to him for him. If you can, please forgive his recklessness.”

In the conversation with the daughter just now, Uru knew roughly what happened.

With her ability to approach Ten Wizard Saints indefinitely, it is natural to see that since Zhang Han has the ability to turn Lyon back into a little child, he will definitely be able to recover. The difference is only a matter of willingness.

Having said this, what else can Zhang Han say?

With a wave of his hand, the peach-colored energy that invaded Lyon within the body was recovered, and Lyon himself quickly grew up in just a few seconds and changed back to his original appearance again.

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