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Since resurrecting Bai at Pirate World with the power of Soru Soru no Mi, Zhang Han has completely lost Hollow’s Strength. In other words, the state of Vaizādo is gone, and he now belongs to Shinigami of Zhenger 8 Classic.

There is nothing regrettable in this regard.

Vaizādo’s condition is good, but the side effects are not small, rising for a few minutes and then languishing for several days. For him now, this ability seems a little tasteless.

In the end, Zhang Han, who owns Mōrikoe Yorozunōri, deep in one’s heart, is actually not much of Hōgyoku.

His growth must not only ensure that his potential is not greatly consumed, but also ensure that there are no unpredictable side effects. Based on this, Hōgyoku can only be used as an auxiliary item at most, and cannot really become a dominant force.

In the same way, the treasures of Infinity Stone and Akuma no Mi are all the same.

Zhang Han will not rely on a certain treasure to forcibly improve himself, which is equivalent to killing chickens to get eggs. If not, he would not have spent more than 60 years with the ability to travel through time and space to have the same level of strength as Beng Lan.

The time is a bit longer, but the foundation is solid and the potential is unlimited. It can be said that even if the Protagonists such as Kurosaki Ichigo, Naruto, Luffy, and Natsu add up, he has no high potential!

“Aiya, as soon as you come back, it’s so lively?”

Before waiting for Zhang Han to fly to the place where Arrancar appeared, he felt 2 familiar Reiatsū closer.

After thinking a little, Zhang Han turned around and flew towards the 2 familiar Reiatsū.

Recently, in the past few days, Kurosaki Ichigo felt a little bored, specifically, it should be boring!

Some time ago, several people broke into the Soul Society, and it was called a hearty one. At the same time, the fighting instinct lurking in deep in one’s heart was completely inspired.


After returning from the Soul Society, although he got a position of Substitute Shinigami, but those who appeared in Karakura Town are all weak Gurando Fisshā, not enough to cut him.

How can Kurosaki Ichigo, who is used to fighting in Captain Rank, not be bored?

In the evening, just when Kurosaki Ichigo had just destroyed a Gurando Fisshā, a strange man suddenly appeared and launched a sneak attack without saying anything.

Ichigo waved his knife to block the other party’s attack, suddenly looked shocked, and saw attack his own fellow who knew him, that was Hirako Shinji who had just transferred to their class.

“This is, Zanpakutō? Who the hell are you?”

Ichigo was suddenly confused, possessed Zanpakutō, and transferred to his class. There are all signs that this guy in front of him is definitely for himself!

“Don’t make make fuss about nothing, Kurosaki Ichigo!”

Hirako Shinji grinned, showing neat white teeth, “People with Reiatsū like you can’t be too impulsive, otherwise they will be found!”

Find? Who was discovered?

Ichigo was even more embarrassed to hear that Hirako Shinji’s bull head was not right. However, before he could ask for a voice, he heard a familiar voice coming from afar.

“Yo, isn’t this Captain Hirako! Why, is it unbearable for Hiyori’s perverted training and instead like to harass a teenager in his tenths?”

“Something, it’s not good to bend it and straighten it! Must be careful, be careful!”

Speaking of the previous sentence, the person was still several kilometers away. When the next sentence came, the electric flash flashed and a silhouette of white appeared on the side of 2 people.

“Zhang Han!”

Seeing Zhang Han show up, Ichigo was overjoyed, as if he had found the backbone of his heart, and his flustered mood immediately stabilized.

In this World, most of Ichigo’s strength was taught to him by Zhang Han, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to even say “Master”. For this reason, Zhang Han always has an inexplicable sense of trust in his heart.

“You guy…”

Opposite, Hirako Shinji’s face twitched frantically, hoping to step forward immediately and stab the damn bastard.

You are curved, your whole family is curved!

“How, do you know?”

Ichigo put away Zangetsu and pointed at Hirako Shinji and Zhang Han in surprise. The doubt in his eyes was almost condensed into substance.

Since we know, shouldn’t we be friends? Need me to attack me for Mao?

“Know, of course!”

Zhang Han looked at Hirako Shinji with a smile, as if he did n’t find the face that was almost going to become purple, each minding their own business explained, “He was the Fifth Division Captain once! Know Aizen, it used to be Hirako’s Lieutenant. “


Hearing Aizen ’s name, Ichigo trembled, and involuntarily took two steps back. Raising Zangetsu, staring at Hirako Shinji alertly, said solemnly, “you guy, are you with Aizen?”

Suddenly the brain was wide open.

Since the other party used to be Aizen’s boss, it is very likely that Aizen betrayed Soul Society and was bewitched by him.

In this way, Hirako Shinji is the real boss behind the scenes …

Thinking like this, Ichigo suddenly got a face, showing the expression ‘I actually have seen through everything’.

Looking at Ichigo’s expression, how could Hirako Shinji not know what he was thinking. He secretly smiled bitterly under his heart, and he had a sense of sight that grew darker and darker.

“Actually, I and Aizen are also enemies.” Hirako Shinji said quickly.

If you don’t explain a few words, then Ichigo wants to join the Vaizādo military force, which is basically impossible.

“is it?”

Ichigo glanced at Zhang Han and Hirako Shinji again, with a look of suspicion.

“Since it is the enemy of Aizen, why do you still need to attack me?”

It stands to reason that the enemy of the enemy, even if he is not a friend, should not be the enemy.

Not waiting for Hirako Shinji’s answer, Zhang Han said, “He wants to test your strength and whether he is eligible to join the Vaizādo military force.”

Speaking of which, Zhang Han raised his arms around Ichigo’s shoulders, raised his chin slightly, and put on a ruthless look, and said to Hirako Shinji, “You should know, Ichigo, but I’m covering it, I don’t fight If you say hello, dig me in the corner.


Hirako Shinji’s disdain curl one’s lip, raised his hand in midair, and suddenly countless points of white light converged to form a white bone Vaizādo.

“See it, Zanpakutō, plus the virtual Vaizādo, you should understand it!” Hirako Shinji put Zanpakutō on his shoulders, shook Vaizādo at Ichigo, and signaled.

“Zanpakutō, Vaizādo …!”

In the impression of Ichigo, there are only 2 of them and Zhang Han. It didn’t expect that Hirako Shinji in front of him also had it.

“You should understand, we are all people who have stepped into the realm of imagination from Shinigami, not belonging to the Soul Society or Hueco Mundo’s special existence …” Hirako Shinji explained patiently.

After showing Zanpakutō and Vaizādo, he has great self-confidence and Kurosaki Ichigo will choose his side. Because in the end, they are all a class of people.

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