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I have evolved to surpass Shinigami and virtual realm, but I still have a low-level Zhang Han to do nothing! The strong self-esteem seemed to be slashed with a heavy hammer, and the many wounds on his body could not suppress his inner shame and anger.

I don’t know how long after that, a terrible Reiatsū suddenly burst out on Aizen, just like a substantial Reiatsū storm, with high-speed rotation rising.

Surrounded by this, Mirror Clone was completely torn and crushed by the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and turned back into a phantom.

In just 2 3 seconds, the hundreds of Mirror Clone siege to Aizen were crushed to ashes and dissipated.

“It’s really extravagant to destroy Avatar directly with Reiatsū!”

In this regard, Zhang Han did not care at all, and continued to urge Zanpakutō to release more Mirror Clone, to make up his mind, that is, to consume Aizen’s Reiryōku.

After fighting for such a long time, if Aizen could not see Zhang Han’s plan, it would be a fool. It is for this reason that Reiatsū is used to destroy those annoying Avatar regardless of consumption, preparing to release Reiryōku and destroying Mirror Dimension.

However, just when he had just released Reiatsū, Zhang Han immediately appeared in front of him, and the slashed blade with a horrible ice was like a storm of ice. .

The strange thing is that such a strong storm seems to be in the era of silent film, and there is no sound at all.

A little bit of cold ice will make the skin freeze and necrosis. The absolute low temperature brings absolute terror.

Aizen is not sure whether the three-evolved body can resist the absolute zero degree of invasion. In the face of the ice hiding the sky and covering the earth, the first single thought in his mind is to prop up the Reiatsū wall and isolate itself in it.

However, looking at the Mirror Clone that came out of the ice, Aizen sank in his heart. As long as he dared to support the Reiatsū wall, he would definitely fall into the encirclement of countless Avatar again.

This is like an endless loop. There is no other way but to abandon everything and attack Zhang Han!

Thinking of this, Aizen slammed eyes shined. He who is completely reborn is already an immortal body. It is not a matter of being injured. It is ridiculous to attack this seemingly ridiculous choice. Think carefully, but it is more beneficial to yourself!

Thinking about it, Aizen’s whole person is incarnation blue light, not unavoidable to the ice and snow storm that has hit, and rushed straight into it.

“This is, do you want to trade your life for me?”

Zhang Han complexion greatly changed, I was really afraid of what came. Although he has the elemental ability and is not guilty of the other party’s attack, in the final analysis, elementalization also requires reaction time. If Aizen’s crazy attack at any cost, Zhang Han is not sure, elementalization can escape several attacks.


Zhang Han felt regret in his heart. He knew that this would happen, and he just didn’t jump out and pretended to be forced. Now he is locked by Reiatsū of the other party and wants to hide. It’s too late.

In the final analysis, it is because Reiatsū is too weak.

The snow storm seems to be very powerful, but the scope of action is too large. Instead, Aizen who turned into light has a relatively small target, and the body’s freezing power is not as great as expected.

When he passed through the barrier of the storm and appeared in front of Zhang Han, there was no other damage except that the butterfly wings were frozen and half of his body was frozen.

With the fully regenerated horror ability, as long as Aizen is given time, it is not difficult to recover at all.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to completely tear the damn bastard in front of him, and other problems are left behind by Aizen.

Aizen waved his left hand intact and grabbed Zhang Han’s neck. But the place where I started, suddenly turned into pure white, and the cold touch told him that the other party was elemental again.

“Hyōten Hyakkasō !”

The storm of ice rose again, climbing around Aizen at a rapid speed, and the indifferent sound came from the wind wall of high-speed rotation.

Immediately afterwards, the sky at the top of the storm suddenly cracked and little snowflakes fell from it.

Body, sword, ground … No matter what touches snowflakes, a white crystal ice flower will bloom in the place of contact. Ice flowers that overlap together will freeze everything inside.

If it is Hyōten Hyakkasō of Shirō-chan, Aizen does n’t bother to dodge, and there is no need to dodge, but Hakka no Hyōrinmaru is different. Whether it is to reach the absolute zero of the theoretical value or the power of the rule system, he ca n’t ignore it.

Although the move names are the same, they are essentially not in a level.

Without waiting for the snowflakes to fall on the body, Aizen changed into Cero again, rushing towards the periphery of the wind wall.


Just touching the wind wall, the whole person seemed to hit his head against the wall, and the huge anti-seismic force pushed Aizen back.

“How can it be?”

Aizen stared two eyes wide, carefully looked towards the outer edge of the wind wall, and there were countless glorious ice fields faintly visible.

“this is……”

After seeing the ice, Aizen realized later that he didn’t know when it would start. The entire Mirror Dimension is rapidly retracting. Except for the wind wall formed by the snow storm, there is no place to stand!

By this time, Zhang Han had already appeared outside Mirror Dimension.

He has never thought about playing with Aizen, especially the 3-stage evolution of Aizen, Zhang Han just wants to attack, and has no strength.

Mirror Clone, which looks like a lot of water, is just a guise. From the very beginning, he used the isolation of Mirror Dimension and then frozen Aizen ’s idea.

Fortunately, Aizen was stimulated by his mouth gun and did not find this trap in time. If the other party just went in and ruined the Mirror Dimension without any consideration, Zhang Han would be useless to arrange more backhand.

Before Aizen thought of a way out of trouble, a series of snowflakes fell on his body. No matter what they touched, these snowflakes took root and germinated like a crystal ice flower.

Brush, brush, brush…

Layer by layer, the ice flowers blooming one after another, completely freezing Aizen’s body inside. From the feet to the top of the head, countless ice flowers overlap to form a giant ice tower that is 100 meters high.

As snowflakes accumulate more and more, the icicles also become thicker and taller, gradually, the entire Mirror Dimension is filled with pale blue flowers, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

Until the snowflakes fell and everything calmed down, Zhang Han put away the Mirror Dimension.

Hong long!

Losing the isolation of Mirror Dimension, the giant icicles suspended in midair crashed to the ground like a giant lighthouse, standing on the ruins of Las Noches.

The amazing coldness turned into a swell-like white mist, spreading towards all directions, and the passing place seemed to freeze even the air, and there was a horrible cold wave hidden in the silence.

Zhang Han looked up at the giant icicles like works of art. The smile on his face could not be suppressed. He changed several Zanpakutō, and the isolation of Mirror Dimension finally put Aizen seal in it.

Next, you only need to devour Hōgyoku within the body of the other party, and you can fulfill your wish!

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