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Leone …?

At this time, the two had walked out of the dark alley and heard the other party’s name. Zhang Han stopped suddenly, turned his head, and looked at Leone carefully.

A beautiful golden short hair, pretty face, golden eyes, and that hot figure … all foreshadow, the girl holding her arm is the one in Night Raid!

When he came to Imperial Capital, Zhang Han was wondering where to go to find Night Raid. The original book only mentioned that their base is in a relatively secret mountain area. Imperial Capital is so big. Even if Zhang Han opened Kenbunshoku Haki, it was carpeted. Searching, I am afraid it will take a long time.

Who knows that he hasn’t made up his mind yet, and Leone who likes to “learn” to foreigners will appear in front of him, which is really incredible!

“what happened?”

Seeing Zhang Han suddenly stopped, staring straight at him, Leone giggled in his heart, wouldn’t this guy find his true identity?

Before Tatsumi didn’t join, Night Raid had already gained a reputation at Imperial Capital, and had done several major events that shook the opposition.

Among them, Akame, Burāto, Lubbock and Glasses girl Shēre have all exposed their identities and are wanted by Imperial Court. Almost every other street, there will be four portraits posted.

Normally, they are mainly responsible for the security of the base and the food of the people. Those who have not exposed their identities, like Leone, will only come out to check the news.

Of course, if you meet a foreigner like Zhang Han with a naive dream, Leone doesn’t mind making a big profit on the other party.

After a brief surprise, Leone quickly calmed down and thought secretly, “I am not at all wanted, this little ghost from a foreign country, impossible discovers my true identity, and at most can only doubt whether I really know the military gangster … … Yes, it must be! “

“Damn! This Little Brat is too vigilant, not like ordinary foreigners at all, it seems elder sister has to use some means …”

Zhang Han looked at it for a few moments, then immediately withdrew his gaze, casually pulling a guise.

“It’s okay. I just couldn’t see your face in the alley just now. It looks a bit like a friend I once knew.”

“Uh huh?”

Leone hearing this, there was no opening, but there was a heavy nasal sound, with an inexplicable smile on the pretty face.

“Damn! I thought I met a vigilant kid. I wanted to soak me! This kind of vulgar routine has long been heard by the old lady. How could she be easily fooled?”

Leone was sullen, “I wanted to find a general restaurant and gave him a good lesson before leaving. Since I dare to play my mother’s idea, don’t blame my mother’s vicious and merciless!”

Zhang Han didn’t know that he just made an excuse casually, and would have such a wave in Leone’s heart, and instantly changed from a ‘vigorous vigilante’ to a ‘cheerful and vulgar imp’.

The two were silent, turning 2 and 7 along the street, making Zhang Han blurry even with a sense of direction, and finally came to a quite busy commercial street.

Leone seemed to be very familiar with the surrounding environment, and took Zhang Han straight into a gloriously luxurious hotel.

Walking into the gate, the hall of gold and jade in glorious splendor decorated with gorgeous and colorful crystal lights hung on the top, and unknown precious fur under the feet, stepped on the soft, comfortable.

“Damn Leone!”

Zhang Han frowned secretly, in such a luxurious place, the Gold Coin that he robbed from the thief, I am afraid that even the fraction of the money is not enough …

Originally, according to his ideas, Leone was invited to have a meal, and by the way, it would be better if he could be invited to join Night Raid.

Unexpectedly, this kind of problem was encountered before the idea was made.

Do you have to finish your knees when you’re on your knees?

Zhang Han doesn’t have the habit of hitting a swollen face to become a fatty. Since Leone wants to pit himself, don’t blame your brother!

After thinking a little, Zhang Han suddenly had an idea.

When 2 people entered, there were not many guests in the hall, and a few beauty shop assistants were bored on the bar counter and chatted casually.

When Zhang Han and Leone walked into the restaurant, the clerk suddenly shined his eyes.

As the clerk of the hotel, these girls have extremely ugly eyes. Among the two, the beauty with a good body shape is very sexy and sultry, but it has a wild temperament and is out of tune with the noble young lady. It looks like a roadside Common street girl.

But her side white clothed man is different. She looks handsome and has a long figure, especially the extravagance that is above the ordinary person. It is rare in the general nobility. It must be the Young Master of a large noble family!

Just as several beauty shop assistants rushed to guide Zhang Han and Leone to sit at the table, Zhang Han’s words suddenly destroyed the original exquisite and elegant temperament.

Just listen to him loudly said, “Clerk, present me all your signature dishes!”

As soon as this remark came out, the guests in the hall stopped all the sound, and innumerable lines of sight looked at them instantly.

Most of the eyes were contemptuous, as if looking at the country bumpkin from the countryside.

What to see? Rich, so self-willed!

Zhang Han two eyes squinted, coldly glanced around. Facing the pair of sword-like gazes, everyone shivered and turned their heads in a hurry, chatting pretendingly.

Obviously, the Great Young Master of the noble family, why do you say this?

Feeling the rich outburst temperament of Zhang Han, the beauty clerk standing next to the dining table frowned, like a beautiful piece of artwork stained with rust, which is really regrettable.

“What’s the matter? What’s going on here like a wooden pestle? Would you like me to invite you to dinner, or I’m afraid I can’t afford to pay for it?” Zhang Han stared at the beauty clerk standing motionlessly beside him, his head glared Sprayed a few words.

Opposite, Leone leaned his elbows on the dining table and glanced at Zhang Han with interest, a slight glimmer in his eyes.

In such a high-end restaurant, you do n’t blink when you order a meal … I thought I was just a nerdy guy from the country, but did n’t expect it, it turned out to be a Super Big Fat Sheep!

Such Big Fat Sheep, every few decades will not necessarily meet a person, if not fiercely slaughtered with a knife, I’m sorry for this wicked luck!

Thinking about it, Leone couldn’t help licking the little tiger tooth.

The beauty shop clerk was suddenly spurted by Zhang Han on the spot and turned to Leer fiercely with envious Envy hate.

“Damned Bitch, is not a big point on the chest Well, what is so amazing? Cows also looking seductive, how his small pigeon feel good?”

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