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Not only that, except for Akame and Tatsumi who had played against Zhang Han, everyone else was ridiculed and sneered, as if they heard a fantasy story, and Zhang Han was tagged with arrogant and conceited in his heart.

“Joke! Who do you think you are?” Leone hugged his elbows and satirized.

“Hahaha … you guy, before it’s evening, I’m thinking about dreaming.” Lubbock laughed heartily, holding his belly.

“However, this man’s imposing manner is worthy of encouragement!”

Guy Burāto threw a wink at Zhang Han.

“I always burn food, can you teach me how to improve it?” Shēre started an alternative mocking mode, but sincere tone, it seems that he really intends to consult Zhang Han.

“Hmph, but good luck wiped out several nobles and wanted to be our instructor? Too arrogant?” Mine said sarcastically, “I don’t have any knowledge of the villager, even if I want to be my Apprentice, I still have to consider it. What about … “


Faced with a group of laughing members, Zhang Han couldn’t help but grin, revealing a cold smile, his temper could not stand such a test.

Suddenly, a powerful and imposing manner erupted from his within the body, and the thunder, which seemed to rise to the ground, shook everyone’s heads, leaving them blank.

In the field of vision, the originally calm space seemed to bear the invisible power, and the black lines flickered indefinitely, and the silhouetted towards the surroundings became illusory and distorted a lot.

What made them even more shocked was that a terrible heavy pressure suddenly fell upon them. Everyone and everyone is like a bumpy boat in the raging sea, and there is a danger of being overturned by the waves at any time.


“What’s going on? The body is so heavy!”

The screams that followed each other, accompanied by something called panic, spread out 4 times.

Lubbock and Mine couldn’t bear the increasing coercion of pressure first, screamed, and fell to the ground. Cheeks pressed tightly to the ground, unable to move even a little bit.

“You guy … what did you do to us?”

Following closely from behind, Glasses girl Shēre and Tatsumi also followed Mine. Only three people were standing on the field, Akame, Leone and Burāto.

Hearing Tatsumi’s frightened anger, Zhang Han remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs stood up, and the imposing manner that escaped from the body was more violent and overbearing, “I’m teaching you how to respect Powerhouse, is there a problem?”

If the strength is not enough, just shut your mouth to Lao Tzu!

Each and everyone’s big butt battle strength, but also arrogant don’t want it, look down on this look down on that. With this mentality as a killer, death is only a matter of time!

When you do n’t have strength, you need to understand humility and be a low-key person. This is the first lesson Zhang Han teaches to Night Raid.

Hong long!

As the imposing manner released by Zhang Han became more and more tyrannical, Najenda sitting on the head finally could not bear the heavy pressure, and the seat under him was all split up and in pieces under heavy pressure.

With a cry, a buttocks sat on the ground.


As the leader of Night Raid, Najenda suffered such humiliation for the first time, looking towards Zhang Han’s gaze both shocked and angry, faintly with deep fear.

By imposing manner alone, everyone can be suppressed to move even a little bit. Such strength is higher than the number of dimensions they do n’t know, and the two simply have no comparability.

Thinking of the previous evaluation of Zhang Han arrogant and conceited, Najenda felt quite ironic in his heart. Perhaps it is his own arrogance that is truly arrogant!

It didn’t take long for Leone and Burāto to bear the coercive pressure and fell to the ground. All around, the cold sweat had already soaked the clothes.

In the room, only Akame was still struggling to support it, but the jade legs of the two slender tremors violently, obviously reaching the limit. Being able to stand without falling down is supported by a single breath. Perhaps at this moment, throwing a straw on her can also press her on the ground.

“Good, good! I can’t stand in the imposing manner of my one third, you are eligible to be my Apprentice!”

Zhang Han patted his palm, looking towards Akame’s eyes with applause, worthy of being the No. XNUMX female in this World, and his talent and will were stronger than others.

However, when it’s time to pretend, Zhang Han is absolutely unambiguous!

“Nani? What the hell joke ?!”

“This irresistible force turned out to be only one third?”

“Are we really so weak?”

Hearing Zhang Han’s eloquent words, Night Raid’s heads were stunned and almost fainted.

“Damn bastard! Obviously has defeated us, why should we use such words to humiliate us? Is it fun?” Said Roar of Leone gnashing teeth. The annoyance and hatred of Zhang Han deepened in my heart.

Lying! Dare to talk back?

Zhang Han instantly didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, did this girl eat explosives? Is your temper so violent?

However, I like to see your unruly eyes, the moment of obedience!

Zhang Han no longer spoke, urging the power of within the body, a horrible imposing manner like Asura’s purgatory skyrocketed.

Unlike the previous time, which was just a simple imposing manner, the imposing manner released this time is mixed with rich baleful qi.

At this moment, the walls and ceiling of the Conference Hall seemed to be experiencing an earthquake, and all were shaking inexplicably. The air was almost frozen, and it was suffocating.

What is even more shocking is that what we see is no longer Conference Hall, but a battlefield.

Getsuga-shaped bay, densely packed Marines, and the rare Pirate that is not equal to the enemy. But it was this extremely unequal quantity, but led by the white clothed man, he slashed and ran unscrupulously.

The illusion of sudden emergence is like a movie that puts them in the Paramount War of Pirate World. 4 Splashing blood, flying limbs and broken arms, and the shock of the scenes are as good as a raging wave in them in the depth of one’s soul.

And they think their killer will be as hard as iron. Under the stimulation of this bloody Jigoku, they are crumbling!

Especially Tatsumi, Mine and the others, who have been madly turning Byakugan, their bodies unconsciously twitched, and their hearts almost collapsed by illusions.

Feeling that everyone has reached the limit, it is estimated that I will be shocked by my own imposing manner. Zhang Han then withdrew the imposing manner, and sat back in the chair again, tilting his 2 legs, his face relaxed.

Huh, huh, huh …

When the heavy mountainous pressure disappeared, the members of Night Raid turned hard and lay on their backs on the ground, breathing heavily, everyone seemed to have just been taken out of the water, batteryd and exhausted .

Rapid breathing filled the room, and no one spoke. Some were just endless depression and frustration, spreading quietly in the room.

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