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Having figured this out, the consternation on Zhang Han’s face quickly subsided, and replaced by a gentle smile, “It’s over, it’s over, don’t take seriously. But if you want to continue my training, you must treat yourself Even more ruthless, I treat you all person the same. “

“Relax, instructor! I won’t cause you any more trouble.” After letting go of the mustard completely, Mine no longer had the urge to do so, and the whole person was a lot brighter.

Zhang Han was gratified for his nodded, this time was considered crooked, which not only prevented Hill Xiangxiao from tragic fate, but also resolved his contradiction with Mine.

While speaking, a short scream suddenly came from the woods, and the sound just came into my ears, and then stopped abruptly.

Turning his head, Hill saw a shallow purple dress dyed scarlet blood, carrying big scissors and ecstasy step by step out of the darkness.

Passing through Hill’s lovable body, a head fell to the ground in the mottled shadows of trees. With Zhang Han’s superhuman vision, he even saw Seryū’s wide-open eyes showing unwillingness and hatred.

I sighed in my heart, “In this morbid world, living is more painful than dying, I hope she can be truly relieved.”

Seeing Hill coming out of the woods, Mine hurried up and looked up and down at each other carefully, “Are you all right?”

Hill shook the head, looked towards Zhang Han, shyly said, “I’m sorry, instructor, when we leave the base, Mine won’t let me inform you.”

In a word, Mine was sold to a shining … Mine gnashing teeth, if I knew Hill’s natural attributes, I really wanted to come with her for a real solo!

“It’s okay, to be honest, I didn’t expect you to remind me.”

Zhang Han spread his hands and didn’t care at all. Kenbunshoku Haki sensed that the brigade’s security team was coming, and immediately said, “Go, it’s time to go back.”

After finishing the speech, the three left the square together and returned to the base.


Imperial Capital, imperial city.

In the palace, the young emperor was well-dressed, sitting tall, Prime Minister Onesuto stood next to Dragon Throne, holding a piece of raw meat in his mouth, each minding their own business chewed up.

Under the steps, Esdeath held the military cap in his hands and knelt on the ground.

After nearly a month, Esdeath finally returned to Imperial Capital.

In fact, this time calmed the different nations in the north, and the time spent on the war was far less than the time the army rushed.

The maneuverability is too poor. This is a common problem of ancient wars, especially the vast territory of the empire. Every time a war is launched, it is an astronomical financial consumption, and most of it is wasted on the march.

However, Esdeath has always been happy with this kind of game. The more rebellion, the more opportunities she has to wage war, defeat and destroy the enemy!

“General Esdeath, the suppression in the north is very beautiful. As a reward, I have prepared 10000 gold for you.” The little emperor announced the reward for Esdeath loudly, saying, looking for Onesuto looking towards the side.

“Prime Minister, what do you think of this award?”

The guards standing in the great hall are Prime Minister Onesuto’s cronies, all standing upright, looking at the nose and the nose, looking steadily forward, as if they were moving like a sculpture.

If ordinary people see this scene, it is estimated that they will laugh and roll on the ground while covering their stomachs. The 1000-year-old Pang Great Empire inherited the dignified Monarch of the entire Country. Even the award of the opponent ’s general depends on the Prime Minister ’s face.

“Your Majesty handled it well, so do it.”

Compared with the reward of the little emperor, Onesuto is more interested in the meat in his hands. At this time, the Zhengxiang eats, even the speech is ambiguous and the words are not clear.

Below, Esdeath respectfully said, “many thanks Your Majesty reward! I will give these gold to the soldiers staying in the north, I am sure they will be very happy.”

“Well … the general really loves his men.”

Hearing that Esdeath was about to give gold to his soldiers, the little emperor lowered his head slightly and fell into silence. It is not that he is unwilling to give gold to the soldiers in the north. Since the reward is gone, how to deal with it is Esdeath’s own business.

The little emperor just thought that Esdeath had made such a big contribution, and he didn’t want gold. There was no other reward, and it seemed a little unreasonable.

After thinking for a while, the little emperor said, “Since the general does not like gold, I am going to give you some other rewards. Well, what do the generals demand?”

“Well … if you insist on saying …”

Esdeath did not know why, the white silhouette suddenly appeared in his mind, the PP on the left was faintly painful, and with a little itching, as if there were countless small insects crawling on the PP, it was very uncomfortable.

“Oh? Tell me …”

The little emperor didn’t expect that because he didn’t know what he was rewarding, he casually asked, and even unexpected gains could not help but be curious.

Esdeath knelt halfway on the ground and twisted his waist unnaturally. Then he regained his mood and replied with a blush. “I hope to be in a relationship!”

Na-Ne? !

Empire’s strongest general S, killing people like scything flax, Esdeath, even want to fall in love? !

The little emperor seemed to have been sculpted, with his mouth wide open, sitting blankly on the Dragon Throne, and he couldn’t react for a long time. Even Onesuto, who ate meat and flavoured it, stopped chewing and looked at Esdeath below, looking surprised.

“Yes … this is it!”

After a brief silence, the little emperor suddenly realized, “After all, General Fang Lingmao, but still alone, should find a favorite man to fall in love!”

Speaking of which, the little emperor hesitated and raised his finger to side Onesuto. “How does the general think of Prime Minister? Regardless of status, they are quite suitable for the general …”

“This … Your Majesty, no!”

Onesuto didn’t expect that the little emperor would pimp himself and quickly refused.

Below, Esdeath also refused, “Your Majesty, don’t worry about this, I already have someone I like.”

“En? Those who can enter the eyes of generals must be a very good talent!” The little emperor was surprised.

“This is speaking of which, even myself is very strange. I am actually interested in things other than fighting and killing. Every time I think of him, a strange and complicated emotion will arise. As for what is specific, but yet Can’t say it. “

Thinking of Zhang Han, Esdeath pretty face slightly red, but still generous to explain his feelings to the little emperor.

“As a woman, craving the opposite sex is also as it should be by rights.”

The little emperor pretended to be an adult, “Since the general has already had a favorite candidate, I don’t have to worry about it anymore. The general has just returned to Imperial Capital. I suppose people are sleepy. Let’s go and rest for a while.”

After finishing the speech, the little emperor stood up and left the palace.

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