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Beside, Akame bit her index finger and looked at the chakras floating in the air curiously. She who didn’t know Kekkei Genkai only felt that those Chakra contained palpable energy, but it was not as intuitive and shocking as Tsuna.

Finally, one day of effort is not in vain!

Looking at the shock on the daughter’s face, Zhang Han instantly gushed out a huge sense of satisfaction.

Proudly said, “Isn’t it just a few kinds of Kekkei Genkai? I’m surprised to see you. If I sort out Kekkei Tōta tomorrow, you must not be scared to death?

Not just … several kinds! ! Kekkei Tōta? !

This breath is greater than beriberi!

Tsuna unable to bear turned Byakugan madly, deliberately attacking 2 sentences, but couldn’t find a suitable vocabulary for a time. Look at those groups of Kekkei Genkai again … forbear!

Looking at Tsuna ’s expression, she knew what she thought and thought. Zhang Han lightly shook the head, reminding with little dissatisfaction, “Do n’t be limited by others’ imagination, no matter how others told you before, from From now on, it ’s best to forget them all! They ca n’t do it, because their ability is not enough, it does n’t mean you ca n’t do it either. ”

“I told you yesterday that your potential is not lower than mine. I can do something like synthesizing Kekkei Genkai. I can do it, and you can do it! Do n’t say this, even if it ’s a higher level Kekkei Tōta And Kekkei Mōra, there is no impossible! “

Tsuna is a little startled, looking thoughtful nodded.

In fact, when she absorbed Reiryōku this afternoon, she had already realized that her potential was indeed exploding, and the speed of Assimilate Spirit Particles was more than ten times faster than before.

At this rate, her strength will reach Lieutenant Rank in another ten days of half a month.

With this standard, looking at the Kekkei Genkai made by Zhang Han is not so shocking.


Time passed silently and silently. In a blink of an eye, Zhang Han returned to Konoha, and half a month had passed.

During this time, apart from eating and sleeping, Zhang Han spent the rest of his time thinking about the synthesis of Kekkei Genkai. Almost all the imaginable combinations were tried by him one after another. Even Kekkei Genkai, which did not appear in the original work, was successfully created by him.

However, after spending Kekkei Genkai and wanting to make Kekkei Tōta again, it is another level of difficulty.

What makes Zhang Han even more frustrating is that he originally planned to make Kekkei Genkai first, and then use Kekkei Genkai to synthesize Kekkei Tōta. Who knows that after some experimentation, it is not the case at all!

Kekkei Genkai already contains 2 kinds of different Chakra’s nature changes. These 2 attributes are fuse together in a mysterious way, forming a very delicate balance inside.

If you use Kekkei Genkai to integrate Kekkei Tōta, you must first break this balance. The old house must be demolished before the new house is built.

In doing so, it is better to use three basic attributes directly to merge.

Of course, it does not mean that the integration of Kekkei Genkai is useless. With such a process, at least Zhang Han adds a lot of experience, so that it will not be as black as the first time.


Hokage’s Office, Yōndaime Hokage Bo Feng Minato sat behind his desk, next to him was Hokage Advisor Nara Shikaku, who was recently promoted by him, and Advisor Utatane Koharu and Hyūga Hiashi.

The opposite side sat back to Jiraiya, who didn’t take long to return to Konoha.

As for another Advisor Mitokado Homura, as long as Zhang Han killed Danzō, he took over Danzō’s position as the new Root leader.

Since Zhang Han returned to Konoha, such a high-level meeting has been held more than once, but he has been unable to discuss the results. At this moment, there is a restless atmosphere in the whole office.

After a long silence, Bo Feng Minato said, “A few of you will talk about what kind of attitude about Zhang Han and Konoha?”

Jiraiya preemptively said, “I still say that, I am not close, nor show any hostility, we should not know Zhang Han’s existence, what should we do?”

“No! Is Danzō dead like that?” Mitokado Homura immediately objected.

Thirty years ago, Zhang Han and Danzō disappeared together, and there was no news. Now that Zhang Han is back, Danzō does not see the silhouette. Everyone can think of taking ass, Danzō must have suffered unexpectedly, and may even be killed by Zhang Han 30 years ago.

To be honest, Danzō has been dead for 30 years. Revenge is not a major event. But the problem is that Root still has a part of Danzō’s hardcore heirloom. These people don’t know that Zhang Han will be that’s all when he comes back. If he gets the news, how can he give up with him?

Mitokado Homura does not have Danzō’s iron will, and wants to stabilize the Root leader. Compromising with these people has become an effective method.

Even more how, when he had a bad impression of Zhang Han, he wished he died on the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, after a battle of 2 battles, Zhang Han not only did not die, but instead achieved the reputation of Konoha’s White Devil, Mitokado Homura’s depressed couple vomiting blood.

The various reasons add up to opposing Jiraiya, which is not surprising.

Just listen to Mitokado Homura’s firm saying, “Before killing Hokage Advisor, Zhang Han’s behavior has long betrayed Konoha. If he is not severely punished, how can we still serve the crowd?”

“I secondly!”

Utatane Koharu nodded echoed.

Wave wind Minato glanced at Utatane Koharu, frowning frowningly.

Before he became Hokage, he had been able to avoid the struggle for power between high-level officials. Now that he has become Hokage, some problems must be taken seriously.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura have long formed an alliance, and he knows it well.

In the past, when Third Generation was there, they would never be able to turn it up together. But since the death of Third Generation, every time he went to a high-level meeting, the two people were holding him back everywhere. Good decrees, often in the middle of noisy, were made completely unrecognizable, making Wave Minato troubled.

In the end, in desperation, only Nara Shikaku and Hyūga Hiashi could be promoted to check and balance them, and the situation showed some signs of improvement.

However, it’s still a bit far away!

Seeing Fourth Generation ’s eyes fall on him, Nara Shikaku straightened slightly, and said seriously, “According to the investigation results of Anbu Squad, it ’s true that, as Lord Jiraiya said, the short book street is not far from the valley, and the terrain has been completely Changes. “


Wave wind Minato was shocked.

Before that, Jiraiya described to him the formidable power of Zhang Han’s punch and the subsequent defeat of Tsunade by Ulquiorra.

It was also because of the fear of Zhang Han’s strong strength that Bo Feng Minato was too slow to make up his mind. At this moment, I heard Nara Shikaku’s words.

It turns out that the high-level bluffs between each other, in addition to delaying the efficiency of work, is not without benefits. Just like this time, if he ordered Zhang Han to deal with it early, he might have been robbed, but his own …

Nara Shikaku took a few photos from somewhere and handed them to Bofeng Minato.

The picture clearly shows the horror of a large plain that was shaken into the abyss.

Bo Feng Minato asked himself, even if he recently created the Wind Release, Rasenshuriken, could not produce such a wide range of effects, and such a scene, just because Zhang Han threw a punch …

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