I Help A NPC Become The Legendary Witch

Chapter 121: Legendary NPCs in the future will not want to apprentice


A violent explosion sounded, and the fire element giant's body, along with its core, turned into **** fragments and exploded, splashing all over the hall in the tower.

It seems that because the whole process is too fast, the scorching high-temperature energy of the fire element remains on the core fragments.

Many blasted slag, after contacting the ground and walls of the tower, instantly sizzled, and ash smoke rose, burning one scorched pit after another.

This makes the originally built, very beautiful and gorgeous hall of the Vulcan Tower, now it is a bit difficult to see directly, and it is devastated.


Seems to be a little too hard.

Because the last target that Liao Zixuan personally shot was the Abyss Fallen Bone Dragon, he subconsciously used the same strength, but he didn't expect that he would directly blow up the Fire Elemental Giant.

Well, a blast in every sense.

It’s like there is a small bug on the clothes, you can choose to wave your hand to drive it away, or you can choose to be excited and slap it up and flatten it, but in the latter case, you have to bear the responsibility of the clothes being stained with the horrible green bugs The price of juice.

Thank you, the picture comes out, I already feel sick, and I can't ask for clothes.

Huh? What?

It's not my clothes, oh, that's fine.

"Cough cough..."

"I'm really sorry, I saw that you were so embarrassed by it before, I thought it had some strength, but now it seems, um... I overestimated it and didn't control the strength."

To be human, oh no, to be a wolf also has to be a bit of a grace.

But in the face of Liao Zixuan's sincere apology, Chris and Harvey, who had just realized what happened, both twitched at the corners of their mouths, and their expressions were subtly hesitant to speak.


I'm so sorry for the way we are!

Ignoring Chris and Harvey who were hit hard, Liao Zixuan felt the elemental fluctuations in the Vulcan Tower, he shook his head and said:

"It seems that Vulcan's situation is much worse than I thought."

"I can sense that there are more violent elemental creature guards like this in the tower, and even the more you go up, the more and more there are."

After Liao Zixuan said these words, the faces of Harvey and Chris turned pale.

Because even a fire element giant is so difficult to deal with right now, and they almost can't beat it, if there are more to come...

Seeing the despairing expressions of these two legendary NPCs in the future, Liao Zixuan sighed inwardly, was he still too anxious?

In fact, this scene seems familiar.

In the game plot of the previous life, there is also climbing the Vulcan Tower, and even the main NPCs are exactly the same, and because it is too classic, a copy is automatically generated by the game, which can be repeatedly challenged by players in the future.

It's just that the difference between now and the previous life is that at that time, it was already at the end of the version of Yanyu, which was the final battle.

Harvey has long mastered the power of the Flare Sword and was promoted to the fourth-order Glory Knight, and Chris has already become an extraordinary thief under the inheritance of the treasure thief group, and finally there is an extraordinary archmage Damir.

It was under such a luxurious lineup that they led the players who were generally at the level cap at that time, and who were stuck at level 30, climbed the tower together, and attacked the final super BOSS, Archbishop Maggie, who was corrupted by the Fallen Abyss.

Thinking about it, the experience at the beginning is indeed quite heartwarming, and it is extremely missed.

At the moment, Damir's situation is unknown, and the official hacks of Harvey and Chris have not been received. As for the players... uh, well, do you expect war reporters to go to fight?

It seems that this is forced, and I have to pretend.

sigh (ecstasy)

"Humans, for the sake of my long-term friendship with Vulcan, I'll help you one last time." Once the pretense mode is turned on, Liao Zixuan can't stop it, he never needs to play nonsense.

Anyway, it's close to it quietly, is it possible that Vulcan can just hear it?

"Follow me."

the other side.

And...and Vulcan's years of friendship! ?

The players are okay, but they are more and more curious. After all, Vulcan is just a more powerful NPC to them, but Harvey and Chris, who are natives, are completely different.

After Liao Zixuan's extremely informative remarks, the two almost became petrified on the spot, and their jaws dropped in shock.

The most important thing is that they really believed it. After all, in their eyes, just punching the fire element giant with one punch is enough to subvert their perception of power.

Immediately after that, when they quickly recovered from their shock and chased Liao Zixuan's figure upstairs, the scene and images presented next made Harvey and Chris even more convinced.


Bang! Bang!

Does it sound good? Good sound is good fire element.

Liao Zixuan was right in telling them that there were indeed many fire element guards wandering around in the tower, but he was wrong, because now these fire element guards have all turned into **** fragments in one place.

One punch.

Really just one punch.

All, the dignified third-order elemental creatures are still centered on the violent fire element. Just any one of them can fight against a whole well-trained elite knight group, and there are more than enough elemental giants. None of the men of the mysterious man in the dress could hold on for the second time.


Stepping over the ground carefully, the fire element giant has been broken into pieces of slag, and Chris swallowed hard.

He took the pestle with his elbow, and next to him, Harvey, who had the same stiff expression, was the strongest third-order warrior captain in Fire Code City.

"Ha...Harvey, you know that, I haven't...haven't read a few years, that guy said he had a relationship with Lord Vulcan, so how many years did he have to live? "

"How many years? You should say centuries! And I remind you that you should treat me with respect for this ancient and mysterious powerful existence. Don't talk about that guy, that guy's screaming."

Harvey gave Chris a warning look after speaking in a low voice.

"Oh, well, I know...I know..."

But a gangster is a gangster, Chris rolled his eyes, he saw that Liao Zixuan was really just relying on strength, and it was useless to do anything fancy, so he punched all the fire element guards in the way and let them go straight to the table The car approached the top of the tower at the speed of light, making him dry and swallowing several saliva.

Do not misunderstand.

Chris here is imagining Liao Zixuan as himself. If he can also have such power, no, even if it is only half or a quarter, then is he qualified to go to the white man in his heart? Goddess of the Moonlight, what stories have been generated? Are you by Vivian's side? Even say chase... chase...

Chris blushed to his ears~www.readwn.com~ Because he was really shy, he didn't dare to say the last word.

Don't look at Chris as a punk leader, but in terms of love, he is an old DT like Damir.

Seeing that he was about to reach the top of the tower, Chris finally couldn't help it. His restless heart because of the little girl made him even more eager for power.

Therefore, women are always the best catalysts for men to move forward.

Now, with such an excellent opportunity in front of him, how could Chris not be moved.

So, he quietly tugged at the corner of Harvey's clothes again, then rubbed his hands and asked nervously:

"Harvey, you say."

"What about me, if I go to that house...Bah! If that adult apprentices..."

"Will he... accept me?"

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