I Help A NPC Become The Legendary Witch

Chapter 131: Forever Burning (Part 1)

(Pre-view tips, read this chapter, it is recommended to study "Phoenix Language" to level 4 or above, if you are not proficient, please bring your own dictionary or ask my translator)


"Haw! Haw...haw!"


In a very hidden secret tree hole, there are two fiery red birds, one big and one small.

The fiery red of the former is only the natural color of wings and fur, but the fiery red of the latter seems to move, like a real swaying flame.

However, this did not prevent the two young birds from communicating and playing. Now they both have a small tree branch in their beaks, and it can be seen that there are more broken branches on the ground around them.

The crisp sound of chattering kept coming from the tree hole, as if they were arguing about something, and then, in this sound, the broken branches on the ground were pieced together little by little to form the prototype of the bird's nest.

However, the good times didn't last long, and the bird's nest was only constructed with an outline, but the branches in the tree hole were obviously running out and not enough.


"Squeak! Squeak!"

"Haw!? Haw!"

The slightly larger big red bird waved its wings at the mouth of the tree hole, as if saying goodbye. At this time, there was another blushing bird, which was slightly smaller, but at a glance, I knew it was extraordinary. I thought about it several times. Step out of the tree hole and follow each other to the outside world.

But she hesitated for several times, and in the end she didn't dare to take this step. She could only stay on the edge of the hole, and waved her wings with a slightly lonely, but also looking forward expression.

It looks like the two children who were dragged back by their parents after playing until the evening, and then made an appointment, and they must come out to play again tomorrow.

In this way, the days passed, and the bigger red bird never missed an appointment. Every time, it took some branches from the outside, and then came to this secret tree hole that it accidentally discovered.

Although the number of branches that can be picked up each time is limited, so the efficiency is very slow, but over time, the bird's nest is gradually being completed.

However, maybe this is a malicious joke of life, or it may be just such a coincidental drama.

On the last day of finishing...



The blushing magical bird barely slept all night. It was waiting at the entrance of the tree hole early in the morning, waiting for the other party, but it was clearly at the appointed time, but the other red bird did not appear.



As time passed, the blushing bird became more and more impatient, and kept hovering at the edge of the tree hole, but she didn't realize that the temperature in the secret tree hole seemed to rise with her emotions.

Ever since she was born, a voice has told her that she can't leave here. However, the blush all over her body became more and more restless. In the end, she even seemed to have really come to life and turned into a real flame. She gritted her teeth and broke through her mind. The warning, for the first time, stepped out of the tree hole and came to the outside world.

She spread her young wings to start her first clumsy flight. She flew crookedly through the forest, trying to find the familiar red figure.

But what she didn't find was that as she gradually began to move her body, the bright red on her body completely turned into flames, and every time she flew over a place, she, who had not yet been able to control her power, would turn the flames on her body. , or scratched, or stained everywhere in the forest.

"Ha!" Finally, she caught the familiar figure, and she flew towards him happily.


"Squeak! Squeak!!" The other party looked at her with a look at the stranger, and then showed fear, panic, and even fear.

It flew away from her like an escape, leaving only the broken branches on the ground, and... a small monster corpse that had been hunted with great difficulty.

And when she didn't understand, felt angry, and felt wronged, but when she turned around lonely and saw a forest of fire behind her, she froze.

The big tree in the sky collapsed under the flames, the ground was ignited by a large area, and countless creatures in the forest fled in a hurry in the flames.


The more terrified she shook her head and retreated, the more unstable she became, the more power overflowed from her body, and the monstrous flames seemed to devour more forests.

At this moment, fortunately, a sigh sounded.

In front of her, there was a human woman wearing a hood and couldn't see her appearance clearly. Even if it was the first time they met, the holy temperament of the other party and the radiance of motherhood made her unable to raise any hostility, even The previously fluctuating unease has also stabilized as a result.

"Go to sleep."

"When you wake up, you will understand your power."

The human woman waved at her, and then she felt that her eyelids immediately began to fight up and down, endless sleepiness surged up, and finally her vision went black and she fell into the other's arms.

I don't know how long I slept.

When she woke up again, she found that she had returned to the original tree hole, but the difference was that her body had grown a lot bigger this time, and the small tree hole seemed to have run out of space.

Memories emerged, even though she was very afraid to walk out of the tree hole and saw that the outside was burned by her, I am afraid it has become a scorched forest, but her size has grown, so she still has to leave here.

However, when she actually went out, what shocked her was that in her imagination, the lifeless wasteland did not appear, or even the complete opposite. The forest burned by her fire had undergone an inexplicable change. Afterwards, it exudes stronger vitality.

Under her flame, the giant tree in the sky did fall down, but because it blocked the sunlight, a large area of ​​more vegetation below that was about to die came to life.

The ground was indeed lit, but the ashes of the large leaves and piles after being burned were turned into nutrients, which made the land more nutritious.

The reorganization of ecology has also led to the migration of more diverse monsters and beasts.

Under this scene, she was extremely happy, she was very happy, but soon this joy slowly subsided, because she found that no one could share this happiness with her.

Because the only thing that hasn't changed from before is that other monsters run away in fear, panic, and fear after seeing them.

She finally realized that she was different.

"One day, I believe, you will also have companions, but not now." A familiar gentle voice sounded.

The previous, holy and noble human woman appeared behind her lonely figure.

"Because before that~www.readwn.com~ you have to learn to control your own power and find the meaning of your existence as a forbidden thing."


"Well...you have to learn to speak." The mysterious woman under the hood added after a pause.


"How about it, are you willing to practice with me? I will teach you how to control your power, teach you how to speak, and teach you some basic common sense."


"No, no matter who it is, only the "meaning of existence" cannot be taught by others, you can only find it by yourself."

The blushing bird, whose whole body was covered in flames, finally looked at the forest with nostalgia, and resolutely chose to fly onto the shoulders of this mysterious human woman.

"Okay, from now on, you will be called... Xinyan."


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