I Help A NPC Become The Legendary Witch

Chapter 160: hug sister in arms

"I will turn the cannon fodder NPC into a legendary witch (!

At present, Vivian has three "Character Advent Cards".

According to the current situation...

So, it really is the most suitable one.

among the three cards.

Two cards with "Silver Wolf Entangled by Evil Thorns" and "The Little Girl Who Looks Like a Village Girl Is Rolling Dice" faded away.

The last one left by Liao Zixuan was a pattern of "The Chain and the Monster in the Cage" on the card.

The whole process didn't take much time.

After choosing the arrival card, Liao Zixuan continued to walk towards the purple fox who was holding Teddy.

"I warn you, stay away!"

Seeing this, the purple fox's voice immediately became much sharper.

Every step Liao Zixuan took, the pressure on Zihu was like a mountain, there was no way, the body of the poisonous snake was still not far away, and it was not cold enough.

"You... can't you hear me! I told you to back off! Back off!" Zihu's tone became more and more urgent.

Because Liao Zixuan had no intention of stopping at all.

The distance between the two sides is being narrowed a little bit.

And when Liao Zixuan was about to cross the limit that Zihu could tolerate, the expression on her face couldn't hold back any longer.

Zihu's originally pretty and coquettish face began to deform due to fear.

For the last time, she started screaming in an almost frantic tone.

"I'm not joking with you, as long as you dare to take another step, I... even if I die today, I will pull you, my good brother!"

"You really don't care about his life or death! Thanks to him calling you big brother, and claiming to be righteous to destroy evil, bah! I don't think you are any different from us!"

After Zihu's words were almost out of control, Liao Zixuan really stopped.

But the reason he stopped was not because of Zihu's words, but after Zihu's words, even though he was being held hostage and put his life in danger, Teddy still insisted on speaking.

"you are wrong."

"He and I are actually full of plans, and we have only known each other for less than an hour. The reason why I call him big brother is only because he kindly rescued me from the cell."

Even though the knife was on his neck, Teddy said stubbornly.

As a result, his words caused the blade of the purple fox to rub against Teddy's throat, and the extremely sharp blade cut open the skin of the nobles, which is unique to the nobility, and Teddy's blood gushed violently, and then died.

Well, although the effect is not so exaggerated, it stands to reason that at least blood marks should be left, but the strange thing is that Teddy's neck is still the same.

Of course Teddy didn't know about this little detail, but Zihu didn't notice it at all because his attention was focused on Liao Zixuan.

Oh, change it, Zihu is also paying attention to Teddy's words now.

after all...

"What did you say!"

Teddy's words were like a bucket of cold water, splashed on Zihu's body, making her last hope of surviving seem to have disappeared.

She kept shaking her head.

"Impossible! You, you must be lying to me!"

But in fact, when Liao Zixuan didn't care about her warning at all and kept approaching, Zihu had this feeling faintly in his heart.

And what Teddy said next was given to her, the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

"Oh, it seems that the old saying is true. You have such a big chest, but your brain is not easy to use. You don't even think about it. Just like me, can I be a brother with someone like him?"

Maybe it's an anticipation of its own ending.

Then why don't you take advantage of now and talk more, after all, there may be no chance in the future.

As a result, as soon as Teddy opened his mouth, he got stuck again.

"He...Fuck! I just found out now that he TMD didn't even tell me his name!" He scolded extremely depressedly.

Teddy sighed.

"That's the situation, do you care about the life and death of a stranger who doesn't even know your name? So let's face it, and don't keep saying it's impossible in the future. According to my experience, in front of that person , every time you say this, it will come true next.”

After saying this, Teddy closed his eyes.

He now understands a bit why people like to close their eyes before they die, because they dare not see how they looked when they died.

Although Teddy also fantasized, after knowing that it was useless to hold him hostage, Zihu could let him go, but in fact, the people of the treasure thieves were so kind, and they definitely wanted to pull him together.

So, in the end, in the end, I still couldn't escape...

"Brother! Remember to avenge me!"

Teddy didn't hold back after all, and cried out in a weeping voice, and just after the voice fell, Zihu knew that there was no hope, and the blade of revenge began to slash his neck.

In the last second before his death, Teddy was still thinking about it, thinking of the encounter between him and Liao Zixuan an hour ago, and the miracles that opened his eyes even though the time was short.

However, no matter how powerful Big Brother is, at such a close distance, it is impossible to save me, right?

This time, Teddy, without the jokes in his heart, returned to the original, real heart.

But the answer to him was a crisp "ding" sound.

Listening to the sound, it was as if some sharp object had stabbed on something extremely hard.


Why is he still thinking now?

Why is there no severe pain in the neck? Does it feel like being cut throat to die?

Countless question mark bubbles flashed through Teddy's mind.

So Teddy opened his eyes.

As a result, it can only be said that it is too bad.

He just saw that the purple fox's blade stabbed hard at his neck again.


Wait a minute, why did he use the word "again"?

And when the next scene happened, Teddy understood, but didn't understand.


It was the same crisp sound as before, and this time the sound was sharper, obviously harder.

What Teddy understood was that the source of the sound had finally been found.

The sharp object is the opponent's knife, and the corresponding hard object is... TMD Lao Tzu's neck! ?

what the hell!

There is a hallucination! ?

Teddy was dumbfounded, and even more dumbfounded was Zihu.

"you you!"

Zihu's hands were numb with the powerful anti-shock force, and what made her pupils dilate even more was an overwhelmed crack on her dagger.

"Monsters...you are all monsters!!"

Zihu's psychological defense line completely collapsed.

For the first time, she saw that she used a dagger to poke someone else's neck, and then there was nothing in the other's neck, but her dagger was cracked by the shock.

What kind of body is this?

Is it all metal?

And she also tried to hold this monster hostage! ?

cheated again.

It turns out that these two people have been acting for themselves, all playing her like a clown.

Whether it's instinct or reason.

Purple Fox just wants to run.

Want to escape these two monsters.

But on the other hand, although Teddy was stunned by his body, when he saw that Zihu was about to run, he immediately used the most foolish method to hold him back.

"Want to run? No way!"

The fool's way means - hug.

Yes, although I couldn't figure out what it was, since he seemed to be invulnerable, Teddy took the initiative to hug Zihu's body when his brain became hot.

While holding her tightly, Teddy shouted desperately.

"Big brother! Big brother come! I'm holding her back!"

But, Big Brother's voice, Teddy, didn't wait, but he was hugged by him. To be precise, it was the painful wailing of the purple fox in his arms.

"Pain! Let... let go!"

"It's about to break! It hurts... please... please... ah!"


Does it sound good? A good sound is a good bone.

Zihu's miserable scream finally turned Teddy, who was holding his opponent tightly with his eyes closed, and opened his eyes to take a look.

good guy!

It didn't matter, it scared Teddy.

I saw that the purple fox was hugged by him, the shoulders on both sides were seriously deformed, and it was sunken inward, as if it was caught by two walls. As for the originally full and majestic chest...


Teddy just glanced at it for a moment, then quickly looked away, and even covered his eyes in fear, not daring to look directly.


It was the friendliest adjective Teddy could think of.

He quickly threw the purple fox, who had already passed out into mud, to the ground. The opponent's bones seemed to fall apart, and his appearance could be described as appalling.

"Broken, broken, broken..."

"Killed... I, I killed? No, no, I... I just wanted to hug her, I, I..."

Just when Teddy was still pale and looked nervous and scared, at this time, another voice that was not too big to watch the fun sounded from behind him.

"Tsk tsk..."

Liao Zixuan, who walked slowly to the scene, looked at the appearance of the purple fox on the ground with a probe, and couldn't help shaking his head and smacking his lips, and sighed at the same time:

"Teddy, Teddy, I didn't expect... You kid is so perverted?"

"Without a word, I took such a beautiful girl into my arms, and then strangled her whole body to deform and fracture. No, this is all a bone fracture, right?"

Liao Zixuan glanced at the bloody, **** purple fox who was forced to squeeze Miaoman's seductive body into what it is now, just by looking at it.

"Hi... Could this be the legend, killing my sister in my arms?"

Liao Zixuan patted Teddy on the shoulder.

It looks like you have gained knowledge and learned it.

At this time, Teddy, who was frightened by himself, seemed to have finally recovered and found the source.

"Big... big... big brother, it's you!"

Teddy's eyes widened at Liao Zixuan.

"What is me? Don't talk nonsense. I haven't even touched anyone before."

"It's you, it's you! It's you!"

Looking at Teddy's expression of a little girl who was about to cry... uh, why a little girl?

Liao Zixuan finally stopped teasing others.

Indeed, if it is for a nobleman who has never even killed a chicken, it is indeed a bit scary and unacceptable to deform a person with his own hands.

Then wait a minute, why are you so light-hearted, who made so many people into meat sauce before, who are you?

Case solved.

Liao Zixuan's previous occupation was definitely the Assassin Master, referring to the Berserker.

Oh no, look, not only that, he must be a veteran galgame player!

"Didn't you seem to understand me well before? Why, you don't understand me this time? Think I can't save you and can only watch you die?"

Looking at Teddy's life after the disaster, he nodded abruptly, Liao Zixuan felt that he had not been able to put on the coercion on this guy before, and now he is all back.

As for the price.

It is nothing more than a [White Character Arrival Card - Forbidden Demon Body].

The Arrival of Characters cards can be randomly made five times a day, but there are always only three left in the inventory at present. Liao Zixuan used one here, just to leave a space where a random new card can be refreshed tomorrow.

"I think what you said just now is quite right. Don't say the word "impossible" in front of me."

Anyway, the vest is used.

Liao Zixuan's face was not blushing and his heart was not beating, he said this kind of words, and he even added in the atmosphere at the end to Teddy, who had little stars in his eyes:

"Because of me, I can do anything."

"By the way, you can call me... Shiro."

He remembers what I said!

He told me his name!

He, he has me in his heart!

Teddy wiped away the tears and snot that he was moved to a mess, and then he couldn't help but asked weakly:

"Brother, you... are you really omnipotent?"

"Well, then tell me, what color are the pants I'm wearing today? You're right, I, I'll trust you!"

The atmosphere came to an abrupt end.

Liao Zixuan tilted his head, stared with death, and glanced at Teddy.


But obviously Teddy couldn't read Liao Zixuan's eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief, then laughed.

"Hahaha, big brother, you are wrong, I don't wear it at all... ah!"

Not finished yet.

Even if the time for the "Forbidden Demon Body" to come to the card is not over yet.

But one is the experience card and the other is the deity. The difference can be imagined. Teddy's body crossed a beautiful parabola in the air and flew out straight up.


Viper's lab is really miserable.

It was originally because of the battle with Liao Zixuan, let's just say it was a battle. The wall had already cracked and collapsed, but now he was hit by Teddy's body like this, and it was a big hole.

After all, Teddy's body is now almost equivalent to a large metal block.

Walking into the hole in the laboratory that was smashed open by Teddy, and seeing Teddy who was coughing in the smoke and staggering to get up, Liao Zixuan asked again:

"now what?"

"Red...cough, it's red! Big brother is awesome! You can know this, and sure enough, it is omnipotent!"

Teddy gave a quick thumbs up and kept nodding.

But at this time, he suddenly found that Liao Zixuan's expression on the opposite side began to change, and he frowned.

scare! ?

Did you say the wrong thing again?

Teddy's heart skipped a beat, he didn't want another punch.

But soon.

When he followed Liao Zixuan's line of sight and looked around him, that is, around the hole he made after he accidentally smashed it, Teddy's expression gradually solidified.

I saw that this should be a more hidden room behind the Viper Lab.

And here, it is no longer those, the bottles and jars and experimental instruments on the bright side of the laboratory.


Pair of dull eyes~www.readwn.com~ Even though they have caused such a big movement, they still have no repercussions, eyes full of dead silence.

Yes, you should be able to guess if you think about it.

How could there be less guinea pigs in the laboratory.


Some of the mice here are not mice, but replaced with chains, their limbs are chained, their whole bodies are exposed, and the festering skin is full of pinholes visible to the naked eye.

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