I Help A NPC Become The Legendary Witch

Chapter 172: The fate of the master and servant

After that, Liz, who didn't believe in evil, tried two more times.

The results are strikingly similar.

All bats appeared from the summoning array, and the only possible difference was the various types of bats.

As for why there is no third time.

The magic is exhausted.

On the one hand, her body collapsed, and she couldn't accept that she had a relationship with a low-level creature like "bat". On the other hand, Liz quickly left Vivian's room and couldn't stay any longer.

Only Vivian and Elina were left, and the atmosphere was a little gloomy.

To be honest, it can be considered a rare case to summon the same kind of creature several times in a row.

So after Liz left, the little girl carefully checked the summoning circle several times, but unfortunately, there was no problem.

The only thing that can explain it is that Miss Liz's real name is a summoned beast, or a monster like a bat.


Vivian sighed in disappointment. She finally managed to give Liz something back, but she didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Not only did it not help Liz, but it seemed to have severely damaged the eldest lady's self-esteem.

Liz walked out almost silently when she left.

If you don't understand it well, you can take the place of a beautiful school tyrant on weekdays, and confidently check the college entrance examination results in front of everyone.

The little maid next to her, when Elina saw this, she thought that Vivian had left without saying goodbye to Liz, and was dissatisfied. After all, it could be seen that Vivian had done her best, and the problem was not with the little girl.

"Vivian, you, don't get me wrong, Miss, she didn't mean to blame you, she was just too tired, and she felt a little bit of emotional loss."

"Ok, I know."

Vivian nodded, but her expression was still hazy. She felt a little sorry in her heart. She was blaming her own lack of ability and couldn't see what Liz's problem was.

But in the eyes of the little maid on the opposite side, it's another matter.

Actually, this is quite common.

That is, after you have given others a lot, but just because the results are not ideal, others will show you their faces and blame you.

Once this happens, the relationship is prone to cracks.

As a female address book, ah no, as a little expert in relationship repair, the little maid expresses her duty.

"Vivian, let me tell you a secret quietly, you, you are not allowed to tell the eldest lady!"

Alina gave up.

"Actually last night, the eldest lady found me, and then we were like this... and then we were like that, but suddenly... we had a hard time... and finally... "

The maid told the little girl what happened last night.

After Vivian heard it, she was extremely surprised.

"So, so this skirt..."

"Yes, yes, I bought that when the eldest miss and I were about to die!" Elina slapped the little head fiercely.

"So Vivian, you can see it, Miss, she likes you very much! It's just that there may be a little bit of duplicity!"

The little wolf cub, who witnessed the whole process, said.

It's really young and I don't know the life of the supporting role, Elina!

He was clearly able to misunderstand the plot for several episodes, but your words broke the window paper. Liao Zixuan felt that if he were a screenwriter, he would be the first to write this little maid to death!

Unexpectedly, he may have sensed killing intent.

Elina was unwilling to wait for the shark to be shackled, and even fought back, took the initiative to attack, and used a knife to kill!

"No wonder Liz suddenly wanted to become a Summoner, because..."

"Yes, yes! It's the stinky rascal from last night! Vivian, if you run into it in the future, you must avenge us! Let Xiao Hei fix him and give the stinky rascal a little color!"

The little maid got angry when she thought about it.

Last night, she was submissive in front of Liao Zixuan and was so scared that she hid behind the eldest young lady, but today, she is going to strike hard in front of the little wolf cub.

Why, with Vivienne and Xiao Hei here, to support her, she feels full of security!

"Isn't he just robbing a skirt? As for catching up with us and blocking us from leaving!"

"And let's talk about it, what kind of dress did he buy for a big man? It's a pervert, it must be a pervert!"

How shivering the little maid was last night, and how ruthless she was when she was born after the catastrophe today, this is a woman.

"Wan, what if he bought it for a very important friend? That's why he is so angry."

Vivian couldn't stand it any longer, and interjected weakly.

Because, as a third party.

The little girl felt that although the stinky hooligan in Elina's mouth did have a problem, it was clear that Elina and Liz were not blameless at all, at least it was caused by them.

But this time, the little maid couldn't accept it.

Elina's eyes widened, and she couldn't stop fuming.

"Friend!? Could it be that he also has a friend with an adult height and a pupil's chest!"

"To unite the front, Vivian, how can you turn your elbows out!"

The little maid looked distressed.

Vivian: "..."

"Stop talking about that, Elina, there's one thing, I, I want to tell you."

"I'm going to... No, it should be after today. I want to move out of the city."

Elina was puzzled at first and asked incomprehensibly:

"Outside the city? Why, Vivian, isn't the Count of Sisle not used to living here? If there is any uncomfortable place, just tell me, I will definitely be able to take care of it for you, don't look at me like this, But as a maid, my ability is still very strong!"

Vivian shook her head after Elina's words.

"No, the Earl's Castle is very good here. It's because it's so good, so I can't live safely. I think, since I will take over the construction tasks of the refugees in the future, as the leader, how can I still enjoy it in the city?"

"That's why I decided to move out of the city too, and go through this difficult time with everyone."

The little girl's tone was firm, obviously she had thought about it for a long time, and she had already made up her mind.

The meaning of what she asked Elina was also obvious.

After all, Elina was Vivian's maid in name during this period. Since Vivian was going out of the city, Elina had to follow her.

But life outside the city and inside the city, especially in the aristocratic castle, is very different, it takes a lot of hardships, and it is far less advantageous than in the manor.

That's why Vivian wanted to know what the maid meant and whether she was willing to continue walking with her.


Alina did hesitate for a moment.

Although she was born in the countryside, as the so-called transition from thrift to extravagance is easy, and transition from extravagance to thrift is difficult, the reason why she wants to climb up is so that she can no longer return to the poor and simple countryside, and can live the quality of the people in the Great Wall. Life.

However, such an idea was only for a moment.

The next second, Elina showed an "understood" expression.

"Yeah! No problem! Then, Vivian, pack your luggage first. I'll go to Mr. Robert to report, and by the way, I'll apply for more supplies and daily necessities for us! I think about it, bed sheets, quilts, toiletries, and a change of clothes, And cleaning supplies, and…”

Elina clasped her fingers and began to ramble on and on, and it was already beginning to show that she was about to be promoted from "maid" to "housekeeper".

"Alina, do you want to think about it again, I don't think it's necessary for you..."

Vivian hesitated, but was quickly interrupted by the little maid.

Elina looked like "Wherever you go, I'll follow you", without giving Vivian a chance to say more, she ran out of the room in a flash and started the intense preparations.

Look at the back of this seemingly uncharacteristic little maid.

Liao Zixuan suddenly understood why Elina was able to break through the siege of many earl maids and become a boss-level character in the future.

Let's not talk about anything else, just the ability to clearly recognize the thigh and hold it tightly, absolutely first-class!



"Huh? Why didn't you see Sister Qing today?"

On the way to Butler Robert, Elina raised her head in recollection and muttered from the bottom of her mouth.

When he got to the housekeeper's room, he found that many maids had been called here.

"What happened?" Elina was a little curious, because in this case, the castle maids usually train regularly, or only when there is an important notice.

"Alina, you came just in time! Lord Robert said he would send someone to find you!"

After one of the maids found Elina, she hurriedly greeted her and dragged her inside.

"Looking for me? Why?"

"Great thing! Elina, Lord Robert is going to promote you to be the deputy head maid!"

"Ah! Really fake!?"

Elina was very excited at first, but after the next sentence of the maid next to her, her excited expression froze.

"Of course it's true, because Sister Qing submitted her resignation to Lord Robert last night, saying that she was going to get married. I heard that the object is a young master from a rich family! Ah... I'm so envious! I can find the golden turtle anytime. Where's my son-in-law..."

After sighing with emotion, the maid continued with Elina in a sour tone:

"Before she left, Sister Qing did not forget to recommend you to Sir Robert, saying that you could take her place! Oh, it's so good, to have such a relationship."

"Yes... is it?"

In the past, Elina would definitely fight back, the maid named "Lina", her nemesis, had a yin and yang tone.

This is a war between the little women at the bottom. Even though they are all maids, the maids are also deep in the water. It is not enough without a snack.

But now, Elina just forced a smile.

Her heart actually started to fluctuate violently.

Qing... Sister Qing is gone! ?

how come!

Didn't she tell me yesterday that she had to save enough money to find her boyfriend to marry? How could he be the son-in-law of a golden turtle? Speaking of which, what is the name of Sister Qing's boyfriend? Damn it!

Elina stomped her feet secretly, regretting her yesterday's self, because she thought it was a privacy issue, so she didn't ask Sister Qing any further.

Something strange!

There is definitely something strange about this!

With that in mind, Elina has already walked to Butler Robert's room.

"You're here, I heard that Vivian chose you to be the maid? You are ready to hand it over to someone else. You should know the news that Sister Qing is gone. I plan to take her position as the deputy head maid. Give it to you, Elina."

Although Steward Robert's tone was very plain, there was an unquestionable taste.

Many of the maids in the room cast envious glances at Elina.

If Vivienne was a man, the maids would see this deal as a loss, but Vivienne wasn't. Without the opportunity to climb high, the position of deputy head maid would still be very attractive.

It's not about how much higher the salary and treatment are, but the power. You can command the old sisters at once, and you can hand over the dirty work to others. This is what many maids dream of, and this is what the petty people pursue.

The same is true of the former Alina.

But now...

"Luo... Mrs. Robert! I have to accompany Mrs. Vivian to the dinner tonight. If I hand over the job now, I'm afraid..."

"Then tomorrow."

"No, still, and..."

Elina could see that Butler Robert on the opposite side was already frowning, obviously dissatisfied with her words.

But the maid still gritted her teeth, bit her head, and told Vivian what she wanted to live outside the city.

There was a little bit of private goods in the middle, which was to imply that the housekeeper Robert, Vivian hoped that she would be able to accompany her outside the city, so she could not take over the original position of the deputy head maid of Sister Qing.

There was silence in the room, and the maids around didn't dare to speak. Although Elina's behavior was not contradictory, it was considered a violation of Butler Robert's intentions.

"Got it." After being silent for a while, Robert nodded.

This housekeeper is a typical type, who is extremely strict with his opponents, but he is very respectful and cautious towards people of the same level or the upper class, and he is very clear about his identity.

"Then Linna, it's your turn to take over the position of Sister Qing."

After Robert finished speaking, he went out and was busy with other things.

The pressure in the room dropped sharply, and the maids breathed a sigh of relief.

And the maid named "Lina" was even more ecstatic. She was so happy that she took Elina's hand and said gratefully:

"Thank you so much, Elina! I love you!"

In fact, there is some contempt in my heart, laughing at Elina for not being able to distinguish priority from secondary Use, can I still marry you?

"No, it's fine, then I'll go make the preparations for the city first. Everyone, everyone, keep busy and don't bother."

He also left here in a hurry.

He walked out of the room and looked at the Earl's Castle. This place he had been staying for for several years should have been very familiar to him, but somehow, there was still a strong sense of strangeness at this moment, which came from the bottom of Elina's heart.


Get out of here!

If it was a pity that Elina was going to go out of town with Vivian originally, then now, she is definitely rushing to go out!



"Father, me, am I really that bad..."

In Earl Sisle's room.

Liz, who was blinded by tears, rested her head on her father's lap, and clenched her fingers around the earl's shirt.

In front of her relatives, Liz has lost all the temperament of the eldest lady, just an ordinary aggrieved little girl ~www.readwn.com~ who wants to talk to her parents.

"It's okay Liz, this doesn't mean you're bad." The count gently stroked his daughter's soft golden hair.

There were distant memories in his eyes.

"Did you know that before your mother was young, the animals that were raised the most were bats."

"Ah? Really... Really? Mom, why did she..."

Liz got up at once, showing surprise and confusion.

"Yeah, why? I think, maybe it's not that your mother likes bats, but bats... like your mother, right?"

"Father, I, I don't understand..."

"It's okay, you'll understand when you grow up, Liz."

The count's eyes were full of doting.

"Okay, there's a dinner party tonight, so hurry up and make some preparations, Vivienne definitely won't be able to adapt to the way our nobles are. When that time comes, Liz will need you to help her a lot. Don't be swayed. Those nobles made things difficult."

"Yeah! Don't worry, Father, with me here, there will be no problem tonight!"

Liz regained her strength, stopped disturbing the count, and left the room.

When Liz left, the room returned to one person.

The curtain was lifted by an invisible force, blocking the sunlight outside the window. The Count took out a handkerchief with blood stains in the center from his arms and put it on his nose.

"Ah... Liz! I... can't wait..."

"Tonight, let me first..."

Taking a deep breath, the count's facial expression became more and more hideous.

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