At this time, the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon only had the last 400 million HP left.

This blood loss effect is estimated to last at least five seconds. By then, his HP will only be more than 100 million!

However, Ling Yan became serious.

This last moment is when the BOSS is most terrifying.

""Hahahaha! Human, what a human, hahahaha!"

However, at this moment, in the deep pit, the extremely miserable Hell Thunder Dragon suddenly laughed crazily.

""What? Are you crazy?"

Ling Yan taunted the Hell Thunder Dragon below.

The Hell Thunder Dragon flapped its damaged wings and slowly flew up to Ling Yan.

""Human, your power is very strange!"

The Hell Thunder Dragon looked at Ling Yan with a cold gaze.

At this moment, he finally understood why Ling Yan, who only had a set of golden equipment, dared to appear in front of him.

That terrifying crippling attack and strange lethal damage were definitely not something that ordinary people could produce.

Ling Yan was very strange! And, very outrageous!

""Thank you for the compliment, but you will die soon!"

Ling Yan spoke slowly.

At the same time, an elemental sky shield instantly erupted around him!

The dazzling light made the Hell Thunder Dragon's face instantly solemn.

This move was obviously just a defensive skill, but it could instantly burst out with such terrifying strength. What's even more outrageous is that the elemental power condensed into this skill is as high as more than ten kinds.

Even if it had two heads, it couldn't figure out why this skill existed!

""Human, if you can take my next move, I will recognize your strength!

But I advise you to run now!"

The Hell Thunder Dragon suddenly sneered.

"hold head high!!!!"


Instantly, the two remaining huge heads of the Hell Thunder Dragon raised their heads and roared to the sky.

Endless dark power and undead power burst out from his whole body.

The two forces rushed up to the sky and began to combine madly.

In the end, they combined in an extremely strange way and condensed directly in the sky, turning into a huge black hole.

Endless thunderclouds began to gather madly around the black hole.

【Alert, the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon is about to use its ultimate killing move: Hell Emperor Tower!】

【Ding... Alarm, you are locked by the power of hell and cannot escape from the battlefield! Please escape as soon as possible, please escape as soon as possible! 】

The alarm sounded directly into Ling Yan's mind at this time!

"Finally here, the Hell God Emperor Tower!!"

Ling Yan's eyes instantly became serious when he saw this scene.

This is a dark gold level skill!

""Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, a large amount of thunder struck the Hell Thunder Dragon.

However, after the thunder hit the Hell Thunder Dragon, it was absorbed by the Hell Thunder Dragon at a very fast speed.

At the same time, the thunder gathered at the location of the fallen Thunder Dragon head, and gradually condensed into a new Thunder Head.

Not only that, even the injuries on the body began to repair rapidly.

"This head is gone, how can it regenerate? Shit, is this cheating?"

Ling Yan's face suddenly changed when he saw this scene.

【Tip: The three-headed hell thunder dragon repairs all wounds and the bleeding effect stops! 】

However, what made Ling Yan even more confused was this prompt sound!

""I'm going to trap you, monkey! Are you cheating?"

Ling Yan was speechless.

He was still thinking that losing blood would cripple the opponent.

It turned out that the opponent was so arrogant after being beaten like this by him because he could repair his injuries.

Fortunately, the opponent could not recover blood, otherwise Ling Yan could just wait to die!

However, the most important thing now is not the three-headed hell thunder dragon that has recovered to its heyday, but the black hole in the sky.


Suddenly, endless thunder struck the black hole. In an instant, a huge tower with a diameter of 100 meters slowly extended out from the black hole.

The moment the huge tower appeared, the surrounding space seemed to become heavy in an instant.

The power carried by the dark red tower was extremely terrifying, making Ling Yan feel suffocated.

"Is this the Hell God Emperor Tower?"

Looking at this giant tower, Ling Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

It's not that he didn't want to escape, but in fact, he couldn't escape at all. Now he could only resist.

Because the moment the giant tower appeared, Ling Yan felt as if he was locked in and couldn't escape at all.


Suddenly, a burst of supreme pressure slammed into Ling Yan's elemental shield.

The shield instantly burst into a dazzling light, and the energy was directly filled.


However, the next moment, it was unable to withstand the terrifying pressure and it shattered.

Ling Yan had no time to react and his body was instantly crushed by the terrifying pressure.


Ling Yan's body shattered like glass.


Finally, Ling Yan's body exploded and turned into fragments all over the sky.

At this moment, the pressure directly crushed the land within a radius of one kilometer!


Instantly, the ground within a kilometer radius was sunken by this pressure to a depth of several meters.

The terrifying power was jaw-dropping.

"Humans are really vulnerable!"

The three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon watching this scene in the sky snorted disdainfully.

Although Ling Yan's strength is strong, and he can even resist his Dark Gold-level skill Sea of the Dead, he is just a human after all.

In the face of absolute strength, he is still vulnerable!


The huge Hell God Tower in the sky gradually returned to the black hole.

As the black hole disappeared, everything returned to calm.


Just when the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon thought everything was over, a strange wave suddenly came from the ground.

The three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon's face suddenly changed and he looked over.

He was shocked to find that Ling Yan's figure appeared on the ground not far away.

His whole body was intact, as if he had not suffered any damage.

Except for a small section missing on the little finger of his right hand.

Moreover, what was shocking was that even with such a small section missing, it was still growing rapidly.

It would probably take a short time for it to recover completely.

"Cut off the tail to survive, this is cutting off the tail to survive, how could he have such a talent!"

Seeing this scene, the face of the Three Fighting Hell Thunder Dragon changed drastically.

As a strong man of the giant dragon clan, he naturally knew that dragon creatures such as lizards have a powerful ability to die in place of death.

Cut off the tail to survive.

There are even rumors that their giant dragon clan is a hybrid born from the combination of dragon blood and giant lizards so that the descendants of the Shenlong clan have this powerful talent. Unfortunately, their giant dragon clan did not inherit this powerful ability.

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