This super strong man who has guarded the Yanshen Galaxy for thousands of years has almost dedicated his entire life to the human race.

At the same time, Yanshen was also the savior of Ling Yan in the previous life.

When Murong Xingyu and others heard that Yanshen actually praised Ling Yan, they immediately looked at Ling Yan in confusion. How could a genius from a small Tianbei Galaxy have such strength that Lord Yanshen gave him such a high evaluation.

While Yanshen listened to Ling Yan's words, he couldn't help but show admiration in his eyes.

He admired this kind of genius who was decisive in killing the most, which was why Murong Xingyu was only an SSS-level genius, but he directly accepted him as his disciple.

In addition, Ling Yan's talent might be higher than Murong Xingyu's, so he also wanted to accept Ling Yan as his disciple.

"I have selected a team from the Yanshen Galaxy, specifically to conquer this Hell Thunder Dragon dungeon! Ling Yan, are you interested in joining?

If you are interested, you can lead them!

As long as they pass the level, they can get the Hell Thunder Dragon suit!"

Yan Shen smiled and spoke to Ling Yan.

However, as soon as he said this, the ten geniuses who came with him all widened their eyes.

What? Let Ling Yan lead them?

Yan Shen, who came from a small Tianbei Galaxy, actually let him lead these SS+ super geniuses!

What's more, there is an SSS-level Murong Xingyu among them.

Of course, the other nine SS+ geniuses were only puzzled and a little indignant.

In their opinion, Yan Shen just looked down on them.

As for Murong Xingyu, he was not angry but very excited. The giant axe behind him began to tremble slightly at this moment, as if he was going to fight with Ling Yan in the next moment.

"I said, I said this guy must be strong! I can't help it!"

Murong Xingyu's eyes were filled with fighting spirit, and even a perverted smile began to appear on his face.

""I'm sorry, Lord Yanshen, I'm going to get the permission of the dungeon first! Besides

, these ten geniuses are all top geniuses! They are definitely more than capable of running the dungeon!

There's no need for me to do anything."

Ling Yan touched his chin and finally refused.

Facing the Yanshen, Ling Yan was still prepared to be humble.

Sure enough, when these words came out, the Tianbei Star Lord and others around him were relieved. Ling Yan's arrogant character has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If Ling Yan is stubborn and pretends to be cool in front of the Yanshen, that would be a bit bad.

Although Lord Yanshen's character would never make him angry with Ling Yan, and he would even smile, but if this matter spread out, Ling Yan would probably be scolded to death by countless human netizens.

Even the nine super geniuses looked at Ling Yan with a much softer look at him at this time. The geniuses in this small place are still quite humble.

However, just when everyone thought that the matter was over, Ling Yan's next sentence made everyone numb.

"Of course, if they can't beat them, I can come to help!"

Ling Yan said with a smile.

This smile was extremely gentle, as if he was saying something that was a matter of course.

Sure enough, when these words came out, everyone present widened their eyes.

Even Yan Shen was stunned for a moment.

"Hahahaha, you are really arrogant, worthy of being the boy I have my eyes on!"

The next moment, Yanshen couldn't help laughing.

He was a little disappointed when Ling Yan was humble before, thinking that Ling Yan was still too polite.

However, now it seems that he drew conclusions too early.

Ling Yan is indeed arrogant, but his arrogance is not like other people yelling about how awesome he is.

Instead, he said the most domineering words in an extremely calm manner.

However, compared with Yanshen's happiness, the nine strong men were dissatisfied!

What kind of strength does Ling Yan have that makes Lord Yanshen so fond of him?

After laughing, Yanshen also looked at Ling Yan with satisfaction.

"Tianbei, next, I'll leave the things here to you! I have something else to do, so I'll come back to pick up these little guys in a month!

In addition, this is a set of dark gold suits. Although it's not top-level, you can use it first, Ling Yan! Just treat it as a reward for killing the genius of the Staru clan this time!

You can use it to exchange for a dark gold suit within level 100 later."

Then, he slowly spoke to Tianbei Star Lord and Ling Yan.

When he finished speaking, he waved his hand.


Instantly, a set of dark gold suit flew towards Ling Yan.

The level was also LV20, but the total attribute blessing was only 6000!

Obviously, it was the same as Murong Xingyu's set, both were low-level dark gold suits.

However, the only difference was that Murong Xingyu's set could only be used for one month.

It was mainly lent to her because of the Hell Thunder Dragon Dungeon this time.

But Ling Yan's was permanent.

You know, Ling Yan killed 500 SS-level geniuses of the Staru clan, and one of them was SSS-!

This is a huge contribution.

Although it is still a little short of rewarding a complete set of dark gold suits, the gap is not big, and Yan Shen can still make the decision.

Of course, as long as Yan Shen wants, he can give a set even if there is no credit.

But Yan Shen usually won't do such things!

""Thank you, Lord Yanshen!"

Ling Yan also pretended to be happy.

After all, for Ling Yan, it was quite useful. At least in the eyes of outsiders, Ling Yan could directly use this set of dark gold suit.

There was no need to use only the gold suit to cover up.

As for other people, they were extremely envious.

This was not just a set of dark gold suits, but several sets.

Ling Yan could use this set of dark gold suits to exchange for dark gold suits of level not higher than 100.

In total, there were eight sets starting from LV30!

Eight sets were enough for Ling Yan to use for a long, long time.

And the nine geniuses were stunned when they saw the dark gold suits.

At this moment, even if they were fools, they could clearly know that Ling Yan's talent was absolutely terrifying.

At least, it was not lower than Murong Xingyu's. It was even more powerful, because even the dark gold suit used by Murong Xingyu was only the lowest level, and it was only borrowed temporarily.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Your talent certification, because it has reached SSS+! Therefore, it will be successfully certified after the joint decision of the Supreme Council of the Human Race.

During this period, it is estimated that it will take about ten days!

If the certification is successful, you will also have other rewards."

Yan Shen was about to leave, but suddenly remembered this.

"What? SSS+"

"How is this possible? How could a talent of SSS+ appear in such a small place like the Tianbei Galaxy?"

"SSS+Ah, even if the entire human civilization were to combine, only one of them would appear every few years! He was actually an SSS+ genius!"

"No wonder Lord Yan Shen asked him to lead us. Someone who is eligible to be selected as an SSS+ genius talent is indeed qualified!"


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