Although the dark gold suit is important, the level is more important.

Even if you have a red suit, so what? A LV100 strongman can still slap you into pieces even without the equipment.


On this side, Ling Yan, who entered the Hell Thunder Dragon copy, did not waste any words. He directly opened the destruction field and began to kill all the wild monsters around.

Of course, it was the eight-element version of the destruction field.

But even so, Su Miaoran and her master, the Ice Domain Master in her sea of consciousness, were shocked.

Ling Yan's previous sealing technique created by fusing eight elements was already powerful enough.

Now he actually has the most complex domain-type skills.

Of course, because Ling Yan has never exploded a domain-type skill above the purple level.

So even if more than ten elements are all exploded in his domain, it can only reach the gold level, not the dark gold level.

The reason why he brought Su Miaoran in this time was to make a deal.

Although the domain used by Su Miaoran before was purple, Ling Yan also knew that the other party must have the use of gold or even dark gold domains.

The reason why he found such a lame reason outside and had to bring someone in was to get the construction method of the domain from Su Miaoran.

In this way, he can completely upgrade his domain to the dark gold level





Amidst the roars, a large number of giant lizards rushed over and finally crashed into Ling Yan's territory, and were instantly killed.

Su Miaoran was also a little surprised by this terrifying attack power. This dark gold suit is really terrifying.

"I'll help too!"

Su Miaoran was about to take action when she saw this, but was stopped by Ling Yan.

"No need, I am enough by myself, even if the BOSS comes out, I can handle it by myself.

This time I brought you in mainly for a deal, I wonder if classmate Su Miaoran is interested!"

Ling Yan slowly told his purpose.

Su Miaoran was stunned when he heard it.

At the same time, he frowned and became alert.

I didn't expect Ling Yan to have other purposes. After all, if he could kill one Ice Thunder Dragon King by himself, he might not be unable to kill two.

"What kind of deal is this?"

Su Miaoran looked at Ling Yan warily. It seemed that the talent she showed was not something that Ling Yan would be impressed with.

Although she wanted to see what Ling Yan was thinking, she was ready to leave the dungeon immediately.

"Hello, let me introduce myself to you again. My name is Ling Yan and I am from Longteng Xinghai Beicheng No. 7 Middle School!"

Ling Yan did not say much, but smiled and spoke.

At this moment, Su Miaoran remembered that this was indeed the first time they had spoken formally.

"Su Miaoran! Longtengxing, Haibei No. 1 Middle School!"

Su Miaoran also introduced himself to Ling Yan seriously.

""Student Su, when I just came out of the Purple Gold Thunderbird dungeon, I saw you use a domain skill in the Dragon Soar broadcast when you were fighting with Jing Yu.

It seems that the level has reached the gold level, right?

But student Su, it seems that you didn't use all its power."

Ling Yan's eyes flashed, and then he said his guess.

Sure enough, when he said this, Su Miaoran frowned slightly.

"How did you tell that?"

Su Miaoran was a little shocked. Her master said that the way a skill is operated determines its level.

Even if a high level suppresses the energy output and only has the effect of a low level, anyone who has a strong understanding of this element can see how strong the true level of this skill is.

Of course, Ling Yan is an exception.

He can control the level of the skill entirely because of the number of elements charged into the skill.

So no one knows that Ling Yan suppressed his own level.

Even Su Miaoran's master can't see it.

Of course, if he uses a skill that is originally a dark gold level, such as the Hell God Tower, then the strong can see it at a glance. However

, it is not easy to see it. First, if it is an elemental skill, you need to control this element yourself!

At the same time, the use of the level requires great research.

Among the elements that Ling Yan has shown from beginning to end, it seems that there is no ice power, right?

"Have you not…………"

Then, Su Miaoran looked at Ling Yan in disbelief.

As expected, as soon as she finished speaking, Ling Yan waved his right hand directly into the air.

""Crack, crack, crack!"

Instantly, an ocean of icy air erupted from Ling Yan's hands.

The ice instantly spread to the ground within a kilometer, and all the giant lizards were instantly frozen.

The next moment, Ling Yan snapped his fingers.

"Pah pah pah pah!!!"

Then all the frozen giant lizards exploded and finally turned into a mixture of broken ice and blood.

"The power of ice, the level is at least LV15!"

Seeing this scene, Su Miaoran couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.

"Nine elements! I didn't expect that such a genius would come from the tiny Dragon Star!"

At this time, even the Ice Domain Lord in Su Miaoran's sea of consciousness couldn't help but sigh when he saw the ice power used by Ling Yan.

Nine elements, and the levels were not low. Ling Yan's talent could be considered top-notch among all humans. At this moment, she wanted to accept Ling Yan as a disciple.

After all, Ling Yan's current ice power level seemed to be much higher than Su Miaoran's.

Su Miaoran was also shocked for a long time before she recovered.

In an instant, she was a little discouraged.

Her ice power level was only LV9. She had always thought that she had a good talent. It was not until she met Ling Yan and saw so many strong people that she realized that the gap between geniuses and herself was so terrifying.

Although her master had a series of growth methods that could improve her talent level, and eventually even reach SSS+.

But SSS+ is just the starting point for Ling Yan now.

"So, what is your so-called deal?"

Finally, Su Miaoran took a deep breath and looked at Ling Yan in confusion. Ling Yan, who had so many good things, actually wanted to trade with her. Could it be a domain?

However, with Ling Yan's talent, it seems that it is not difficult to obtain the method of constructing a domain of the golden level of ice system. Sure enough!

"You may also be able to see that my domain is very simple, because its core structure is just based on a purple skill!

Now it is already the limit to upgrade it to just gold. If you want to increase its power, you need to improve its structural strength!

If you can find a dark gold-level domain construction method, I can give you a material you can't refuse!"

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