But why didn't Ling Yan sell it to the higher-ups?

This was what puzzled her the most!

At the same time, Ling Yan actually gave such a precious thing to her directly. Wasn't he afraid that she would run away with it? At this moment, she was filled with endless curiosity about this handsome and mysterious boy in front of her.

"Alliance? Compared to the alliance, I trust you more!"

However, Ling Yan sneered.

There are already spies from other civilizations among the human race's high-level officials.

Moreover, their status is extremely high!

If it weren't for the consulting resources, Ling Yan would not want to be exposed. It would be good to stay quiet!

There is no need to expose himself like this.

Unfortunately, Ling Yan's time is running out.

When Ling Yan said this, Su Miaoran was stunned.

But she was smart and guessed Ling Yan's thoughts in an instant.

"But you also have the power of ice, and the level is not low. If you can receive the job transfer task of the ice system, you will definitely be able to use it!"

Su Miaoran asked Ling Yan in confusion.

"To change jobs, you need to clear all passive skills and only keep the passive skills after the job change, but! Do you think I need it?"

Ling Yan laughed when he heard it. As soon as he said this, Su Miaoran remembered that the LV30 ice power, which seemed like a natural barrier to her, might not be worth much in the eyes of Ling Yan, who was at the SSS+ level.

Su Miaoran wanted to refuse. If she refused it now, she would never get it in her life.

At the same time, with her master encouraging her to accept it, Su Miaoran finally compromised.

Then she took out a memory crystal from her storage backpack.

"This is what you want! I know that this thing is far inferior to this job transfer scroll, so when I have the ability in the future, I will definitely find a way to compensate you!"

Su Miaoran solemnly handed the thing to Ling Yan.

"Hahaha, then I'll wait for your compensation!"

Ling Yan also laughed, and took the memory crystal and crushed it instantly.


Instantly, a large amount of memories poured into his mind.

Memory crystals are things that store knowledge, and their value is not expensive.

What is precious is the memory in the crystal.

Sure enough, Ling Yan checked it out and found that the knowledge in the memory was about the introduction of the power of the domain.

The level reached the dark gold level, no, not just the dark gold level, there are even some words that Ling Yan feels are beyond the dark gold level."

If you practice according to this memory, the probability of success is more than a hundred times greater than the probability of success of ordinary introductions and practice methods."

Moreover, even the strength is three times stronger than the ordinary golden domain.

""It's worth it! I've made a lot of money!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

After all, exchanging something that he had no use for for such a cultivation knowledge was a win for Ling Yan. By the way, it was also a repayment for the kindness of Su Miaoran's master who saved him more than once in his previous life.

"By the way, don’t you need the Ice Dragon Blood Lotus? This is what I got before!

It’s of no use to me, so I’ll give it to you too!"

Ling Yan thought of what Su Miaoran had said to him in his previous life. It was because she didn’t get the Ice Dragon Blood Lotus in her previous life that it took her ten years to raise her talent level to SS+!

She did this after having several adventures. Even her master said that if it weren’t for those adventures, it would take at least forty or fifty years to reach SS+.

It is conceivable how important this Ice Dragon Blood Lotus is to Su Miaoran.

With the Ice Dragon Blood Lotus in this life, perhaps the speed of talent improvement will be much faster than in the previous life?

Ling Yan's eyes flickered slightly.


Su Miaoran looked at the Ice Dragon Snow Lotus in her hand and didn't know what to say.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that Ling Yan in front of her was very familiar to her, as if he knew everything about her.

Moreover, she had an inexplicable trust in Ling Yan.

"Thank you very much!!"

In the end, Su Miaoran could only say this, and at the same time, she secretly made up her mind that she would repay Ling Yan after her strength improved.

"Okay, now it's time to deal with the monsters in front of us. After I kill the fourth wave of monsters, if you want to continue, you can challenge the three-headed hell dragon with me.

But if you are not interested, you can leave at that time!

After all, leveling up first is important!"

Ling Yan slowly spoke to Su Miaoran.

When he said this, Su Miaoran was stunned.

"The two of us challenge the ultimate BOSS?"

Su Miaoran was stunned. Even the Ice Thunder Dragon King was so powerful, and no one knew how powerful the ultimate BOSS would be.

In her opinion, even Murong Xingyu with nine SS+ geniuses might not be able to successfully defeat the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon.

Not to mention Ling Yan and her.

After all, if they could win, it would be no different from Ling Yan's success alone.

Her own strength was completely a drag.

"The choice is yours! Okay, let's kill the monsters first!"

Ling Yan didn't explain too much, but waved his hand directly.

One by one, soul balls were thrown out by Ling Yan.

"hold head high!!!"

"hold head high!!!"

"hold head high!!"


In an instant, the earth-shaking dragon roars spread throughout the world.

The next moment, in front of Su Miaoran's horrified eyes, the phantoms of dragon emperors and eleven dragon kings appeared at the same time.

The terrifying might instantly suppressed all the dark giant lizards on the earth, making them lie on the ground and tremble in fear.

At this moment, the power of destruction enveloped the entire earth.

"Dragon Emperor Shadow! It was actually Dragon Emperor Shadow. That’s right, the ultimate move of the Ice Thunder Dragon Emperor in this instance is Dragon Emperor Shadow!

Ling Yan could actually use this skill!

With his talent of possessing nine kinds of elemental powers, the power of Dragon Emperor Shadow is even stronger than ordinary dark gold-level skills!"The

Ice Domain Lord instantly saw the power of this skill.

At the same time, he was also impressed. For Ling Yan, Dragon Emperor Shadow was tailor-made.

After all, ordinary people can only summon one Dragon Emperor at most.

But Ling Yan has so many elemental powers. In theory, the number of giant dragon royals that can be summoned is at least a dozen.

Or even more.

"Boom boom boom!!!

Then, the five dragon emperors and ten dragon kings began to wreak havoc on the earth.

Large numbers of dark giant lizards were killed!

As for Ling Yan, he sat there and began to study the method of learning the ice field that Su Miaoran gave him.

As he studied, Ling Yan realized how crude the destruction field he had built before was.

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