Ling Moyan gave Ling Yan a cold look.

Of course, although she said that she was afraid of being implicated by Ling Yan, her real intention was just to care about Ling Yan.

It was just that she was too proud to express herself properly.

"Yes, I know.

Ling Yan said seriously.

"Good to know. By the way, your girlfriend Su Miaoran has come to see you several times in the past two days, saying that she went to explore a secret place, and she also said that she would repay your kindness when she came out of the secret place!

What? Did you save her or something? Is she going to marry you?"

Suddenly Ling Mo Ran teased Ling Yan and said、

"But I just traded some things with her, and the benefits I got were no less than hers!

It's not impossible to pledge my love to her!"

Ling Yan touched his chin and then laughed.


However, just as Ling Yan finished speaking, he was hit on the head by Ling Mo Ran and cried out in pain.

"Miaoran is a good girl, so don't bully her in the future!"

Ling Moyan rolled his eyes at Ling Yan, and no matter how much Ling Yan thought, he went back to his room.

"Oh my god, you've only met her a few times, and you're protecting her like this!"

Ling Yan was also a little speechless.

How could my family members be so weird?

However, this warm feeling still made Ling Yan very happy.

"By the way, don’t I have a bunch of Light Holy Dragon Knight job transfer scrolls? How about finding a chance to give them to my sister?"

Suddenly Ling Yan's eyes lit up, the Light Holy Dragon Knight's job transfer scroll is of R+ level!

That's right, it's R+, which is higher than the Three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon Knight's job transfer scroll.

The only reason is because this Light Holy Dragon job transfer scroll comes with life force, and after using it, you can have powerful life force!

Life force is much stronger than any of the three elements of darkness, undead, and thunder.

Therefore, although the Light Holy Dragon is not as strong as the Three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon, after becoming its knight, you can become a more powerful professional.

And the most important thing is that with my sister's current talent, she is qualified to use it.

At that time, she will become the only most powerful genius in the history of the human race who has surpassed the God of War.

"Well! I'll talk to her tomorrow. Besides, I have to make her beg me, hehe!"

Ling Yan smiled smugly when he thought of his sister begging him.

Then he went back to his room, took a bath and went to bed early.


But when he was sleeping, the two rooms next door were extremely restless.

""Hubby, do you think Xiaoyan will be hunted down by other civilizations if he exposes his talent like this?"

Ling's mother sat on the bed in the room with a worried look on her face.

Ling Zhan looked out the window and sighed softly.

"After you and I got together, in order to let the two children grow up safely, we hid in such a remote planet under an assumed name, so as not to let people from other civilizations know!

However, our bloodline cannot be that of mortals after all. I just didn't expect that these two children's talents are so strong. They have just awakened and have not done any reincarnation tasks, but they can reach SSS+!

Perhaps the final achievement will be no less than you and me.

By the way, when did you find out about Xiaoran's awakening? You actually accepted your daughter as a disciple, and how come I didn't know about it?"

Ling Zhan looked at Ling's mother helplessly.

After all, he is the head of the family, and he didn't even know that his daughter's talent had awakened. Isn't it a bit sad!

"You can't blame me for this.

Last year, when you were fighting Talster in the Galaxy Battlefield, I happened to feel Xiao Ran's awakening at home, so I had to pull her into the different space to awaken.

You know this girl, she is the same as you, she likes to fight with others.

I can only accept her as my apprentice with my real identity.

At the same time, let her hide herself, otherwise she would have been assassinated many times by other civilizations in a year.

As for you, you have hardly come back a few times in the past year, all in the battlefield outside the domain. If Xiao Yan hadn't awakened the SSS+ talent this time, you would not have come back, right?

As the God of War of the human race, you don't even care about your son and daughter, and you have the nerve to complain here!"

Mother Ling glared at Ling Zhan.

If outsiders heard the conversation between Mother Ling and Ling Zhan, they would be scared to death.

That's right, the two were the strongest man in the human race, the God of War, and the God of Light, one of the top ten strongest men in the human race: Mo Lingyun. The God of War was the only tenth-level strongman in the human race.

The God of Light was at the peak of the ninth level. The talent levels of the two were R-level and R-!

They could be said to be the most powerful in the entire galaxy.

However, so far no one knew that the two were married.

And they already had two children.

And both children were SSS+ geniuses.

Because if they knew, the other three civilizations would attack together. Although the human race was developing rapidly, its foundation was not good, and the number of strong men was at the bottom.

If three civilizations fought against one, the human race would have absolutely no chance of survival. It would definitely be killed by the three civilizations without a single person left.

"I always felt something was wrong with Xiao Yan's awakening. When he first awakened his SS-level talent, I checked his body and found that he seemed to have hidden something, but it was definitely not above SSS.

But this time when I came back, I didn't expect that his talent had reached SSS+!

I was also a little shocked when Senior Yan Shen revealed his battle footage at the Supreme Council.

Could it be that I was wrong?"

Ling Zhan frowned and said in confusion

"Maybe, didn't you see that Ling Yan also has a talent for stealth?

Maybe he used this talent to block other people's perception.

After all, it is extremely difficult for you and me to see through other people's talents and professions. In addition, he concealed his own talents, so it is normal that he can't see it!"

Ling's mother analyzed it.

Ling Zhan nodded slightly when he heard it.

""Alas, it seems that we have to hide our identities even more deeply. If people knew that our child had a talent of SSS+ right after awakening, it would be possible for the other major races to join forces.

At that time, not to mention Xiaoyan and Xiaoran, even the entire human race would be destroyed. After all, no matter how strong I am, I can't kill the three supreme beings of the three major races in a short time!"

Ling Zhan spoke seriously.

Ling's mother nodded slightly when she heard it.

"I just don't know what's wrong with Xiao Ran. She has been practicing like crazy since she awakened her talent last year.

And her combat talent is also extremely strong. In fact, her combat talent is stronger than many ninth-level masters!

At the same time, the level of those dark gold-level skills I gave her was upgraded very quickly. This talent is definitely better than you and me."

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