Suddenly , a deafening dragon roar suddenly came from the endless void. The next moment, a terrifying dragon emperor phantom hundreds of meters tall suddenly burst out from Ling Yan's suit.


Then it exploded and turned into light spots all over the sky, and finally merged into Ling Yan's whole body.

At this moment, the LV40 three-headed hell thunder dragon directly increased Ling Yan's soul power by a full 100,000 points!

It was equivalent to doubling the soul value.

""King's Blood Rage!!"

The next moment Ling Yan shouted, and a terrifying blood force surged out from his body.

At the same time, Ling Yan's all attributes instantly doubled.

Feeling the powerful force in his body, Ling Yan's eyes flashed.

"It's not enough!!"

Ling Yan took a deep breath、

""Heavenly Demon Blood Sacrifice Method!"

Ling Yan did not hesitate and directly sacrificed his lower body


Instantly, Ling Yan's lower body exploded, and blood mist poured into Ling Yan's entire body.


In an instant,���The power surged out from his body.

At this moment, Ling Yan's power surged to four times the original.

And this crazy move made all the professionals in the distance gasp!

"Sacrifice skills, this guy is risking his life!":

"Even if you want to recover after sacrificing your lower body, it will require a lot of resources!"

"Yes, crazy, this guy is absolutely crazy!"


In an instant, everyone looked at Ling Yan and couldn't help but exclaimed


At this moment, because of Ling Yan's sudden increase in strength, the Golden Worm King, who felt the endless threat, suddenly changed his face. He roared to the sky.

A terrifying aura of destruction burst out from his body.

Without hesitation, the Golden Worm King opened his bloody mouth towards Ling Yan.

Endless toxins began to gather in his mouth.

Finally, a huge acidic energy ball condensed out.

The terrifying power made the surrounding swamps begin to boil crazily.


Finally, with a terrifying roar, a terrifying black-purple beam of light rushed towards Ling Yan.

In an instant, the black-purple beam of light hit Ling Yan fiercely.


In just a moment, Ling Yan was evaporated by the powerful beam.

This scene was directly seen by people hiding in the distance.


"Dead!? That powerful undead was actually dead!"

"Alas, after all, it was an emperor-level BOSS, and there was no one else around to share the firepower, so it was normal to be killed in seconds!

What a pity, even if I sacrificed myself, I still couldn't kill the emperor-level BOSS alone."

"What a pity, his magic power must have been exhausted, otherwise he should be fine if he used those powerful phantoms to resist."


Seeing Ling Yan's death, everyone sighed helplessly.

But then came happiness.

Because Ling Yan's death meant that there was no more powerful person to share experience.

In this way, the probability of them getting the ultimate equipment would be greatly increased.

"No, what's that in the sky?"

Suddenly a player pointed at the sky and exclaimed.

Everyone around looked over. At this glance, everyone's eyes widened.

They saw that Ling Yan was standing intact in the sky hundreds of meters high, overlooking the golden worm king below.

"How on earth did he get away!"

"And it appeared in such a high place!"

"Could it be a space-related skill?"

"I am a LV84 professional and I didn't see any trace of him. This person must have used space skills!"


In an instant, everyone started a heated discussion.

Space system, that is a skill that has reached the gold level at the lowest level!

I didn't expect Ling Yan to have it.

As expected, Ling Yan must be a super genius from a powerful family, or from the Yanshen Academy.

It's just that they should have known in advance that there might be an emperor-level BOSS here, so they all came to wait.

However, this time it's a bargain for them.

After all, in their opinion, no matter how powerful Ling Yan is, it's impossible for him to kill an emperor-level BOSS alone, right?


However, at this moment, Ling Yan suddenly raised his hands.

The power of the undead, the power of darkness, and the power of thunder began to surge crazily throughout Ling Yan's body.

"Hell, the Emperor's Tower!!"

The next moment, with Ling Yan's roar, three elements soared into the sky.

Endless power directly blasted into the sky.


In an instant, a huge crack was torn in the sky.

The length of this crack reached a terrifying length of several kilometers!


The next moment, a huge black and red tower fell from the crack, and endless death aura burst out from the entire blood-red tower.

However, although Ling Yan still summoned only a tower base this time, its size was dozens of times larger than the Hell God Emperor Tower used by the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon before.


Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the Hell God Emperor Tower, the golden worm emperor roared to the sky.

At the same time, endless terrifying aura burst out from his body.

In an instant, a devastating aura spread directly within a radius of 100 kilometers.

The terrifying range directly included all the professionals who were watching the excitement, and even the Sky Curtain City, which was dozens of kilometers away, was covered.

However, because the Sky Curtain City was protected by rules, everyone inside would be fine, but everyone outside was instantly judged to be in a combat state.

"Oh no, this BOSS is going to use its ultimate move - mass extinction!"

"Damn, doesn't the Emperor-level BOSS use the ultimate skill only at the end of its life?"

"Don’t think about it, just run!"

"Damn it, I’m locked in and can’t escape from the Apocalypse Continent. What’s going on? There’s nothing around me?"

"Damn it! Could it be that some powerful person used a super large-scale attack? But this is near Tianwei City, so that powerful person can’t come!!!!"


At this moment, all the people who were trapped screamed in fear.

No matter whether they were around the Worm Swamp or near the Sky Curtain City, everyone fled in fear.

However, many people didn't even know which direction to flee, because they didn't even know where the people who attacked them were!


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