At this moment, a reincarnation task prompt instantly appeared in Su Miaoran's mind.

""Master, I'm really here for the reincarnation mission!"

Su Miaoran exclaimed excitedly.

""Be calm and see what this mission is all about first!"

After hearing Su Miaoran's words, the Ice Domain Lord spoke quickly.

At this moment, she was happier than Su Miaoran.

Because she had said before that even with her assistance and Su Miaoran's good talent, there was only less than 70% chance that Su Miaoran's talent could be improved to SSS+.

As for the reincarnation mission to improve to R-, although she knew the method, the probability of success was too low, definitely less than 10%.

But it was obvious that Su Miaoran's luck was extremely good, and she actually received this reincarnation mission

""Okay, Master!"

Su Miaoran also regained his excitement and waited quietly.、

【Mission issued: The coming of the Ice and Fire Demon Realm!

Dark Gold Secret Realm: The Ice and Fire Demon Realm will soon descend upon the human territory within three days. You need to enter the secret realm and obtain: The entry-level inheritance of the Ice and Fire Demon God!

If you successfully obtain the inheritance, your talent will be successfully promoted to R-level.

Note: The Ice and Fire Demon God inheritance is not only at the entry level, if you obtain a high-level inheritance, your professional level can be raised to a higher level! 】

Sure enough, the mission soon appeared in Su Miaoran's mind.

Looking at the content of the mission that emerged in front of him, Su Miaoran quickly shared it with his master.

However, when the Lord of the Ice Domain saw the content of the mission, his face became a little solemn.

"Ice and Fire Demon Realm! How could it be this secret realm? There is actually a passage in this secret realm that opens in this small Milky Way!"

The Lord of the Ice Realm was a little solemn.

""Master, what is the situation in this Ice and Fire Demon Realm?"

Su Miaoran asked in confusion.

From the tone of her master, it seemed that there was something wrong with this Demon Realm.

"Speaking of this secret realm, we have to talk about those copies and the origin of the secret realm!"

The Lord of the Ice Domain spoke slowly.

Su Miaoran was stunned. The origin of the secret realm and the copy?

"As we all know, dungeons and secret realms have level restrictions, and some of the creatures in them are obviously very terrifying, but their levels are extremely low.

For example, the Hell Thunder Dragon dungeon you visited before.

Its ultimate BOSS is the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon.

And the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon, if placed in the real world, the level of an adult three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon is at least LV600 or above.

With just one breath, the entire Yanshen Galaxy can be turned into nothingness!

But in the dungeon, it is not only in the form of an adult, but also at a level of only LV20!

Not only him, even if it is an ordinary emperor-level BOSS, if it is in the real world, the level after adulthood is at least 400 or above!"

The Lord of the Ice Domain slowly explained.

As soon as these words came out, Su Miaoran's pupils also shrank violently, a little horrified.

I didn't expect that a dark gold-level BOSS would be so terrifying if placed in the real world!

What if this is a BOSS in the red dungeon? Wouldn't it be able to directly bombard the Milky Way in the real world?

"These things, not to mention the master, in fact, many of your human race’s high-level people know about it, and there are countless people speculating.

These dungeons and secret realms should be projections dragged from a certain place by the Apocalypse Plane.

Because although there is only one Hell Thunder Dragon dungeon in the Milky Way, there are countless in the star field where I am.

And the contents are almost exactly the same.

Similarly, there are high-level emperor-level BOSSes dragged to the dungeon, secret realm, or Apocalypse Continent, and only LV20 is left in the end.

At the same time, there are also ordinary wild monsters that were originally only LV20, but because they were dragged to the dungeon, their levels were raised to LV500!

Or even higher.

Of course, these are not the point. The point is that when a high-quality BOSS lowers its level and enters the dungeon and secret realm of the lowest level, its strength will be very terrifying.

And the monsters in the Ice and Fire Demon Realm are one of them.

The monsters in the Ice and Fire Demon Realm are all demons!

Any type, even the weakest and most common monsters have the enhancement of the three basic attributes, as well as an elemental enhancement passive.

And those high-level BOSSes have several powerful passives.

At the same level and quality, it is even three times stronger than the dragon race!

This Ice and Fire Demon Realm is a secret realm.

Secret realms are different from dungeons. You will not encounter high-level BOSSes in dungeons unless you reach a certain stage.

But a secret realm is like a small world. It is not of uniform level. It is generally LV20~LV50!

Or LV100~LV120!

At the same time, BOSSes do not need to trigger certain situations like wild areas, or kill monsters in the wild area to a certain extent before the ultimate BOSS appears.

If you are unlucky, you may even encounter the ultimate BOSS as soon as you enter.

But the good thing is that this kind of secret realm does not stipulate the number of people entering, but only the level of entry.

So its strategy difficulty is still lower than the dungeon.

But this is for secret realms below the dark gold level.

But this Ice and Fire Demon Realm is a red secret realm!

Its final BOSS, the Ice and Fire Demon Lord, is a terrifying Saint King-level BOSS.

Even if the genius of your human race or even all the geniuses in the Milky Way enter! It will not help.

Because once a large number of people enter, the ultimate BOSS will definitely take action.

At that time, everyone who enters will die! There are no exceptions!"

The Ice Domain Lord solemnly explained the situation of the Ice and Fire Demon Realm.

The horror of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord was still a lingering fear for her. When her professional level had not yet grown, she entered it once with hundreds of geniuses.

However, in the end, less than ten people survived.

And those geniuses were at least SSS+, and the highest even had RS-level talent levels.

"Ah? Master, does that mean that my reincarnation mission is impossible to complete?"

Su Miaoran was a little desperate after hearing what her master said.

Even her master said that it was impossible to complete the mission, so what should she do with her reincarnation mission? Is she going to be stuck at level 99 for the rest of her life?

Her level is not high, let alone SSS+ talent. Even if she raised her talent level to RSSS, she still couldn't beat an ordinary lv300 cultivator!

"You don't need to worry about this!"

Hearing Su Miaoran's anxiety, the Ice Territory Lord also comforted her.

"Your mission is just to obtain the primary inheritance.

In the Ice and Fire Demon Realm, there are several levels of inheritance: low, medium, and high!

The primary inheritance only requires killing an emperor-level demon!

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