Ling Zhan said slowly.

Ling's mother nodded after hearing this.



""Master, what happened just now? Why can't you contact me suddenly?"

In Ling Yan's room,

Su Miaoran, who once again felt the breath of her master, asked anxiously.

The Ice Domain Lord had already concealed her breath at this time.

In her current state, even if she came to the God of War, the other party would not be able to sense it.

After all, the gap in strength was too far.

However, the Ice Domain Lord was a little annoyed at this time. She didn't expect that she was so careless.

At the same time, she didn't expect that Ling Yan and Ling Moyan's parents were actually the strongest among the human race.

At this moment, she finally understood why a small Longteng Star actually had two SSS+ level geniuses.

With the talents of Ling Zhan and Ling's mother, giving birth to two R-level geniuses, although the probability is extremely low, it is not impossible.

Even if the luck is against the sky, R+ talents may be born.

Of course, Ling Moyan became an R+ genius, which still made her a little confused.

"It doesn't matter, nothing happened, I just remembered that there is something I didn't do!"

The Ice Domain Lord did not explain, but made up an excuse.

Although Su Miaoran was puzzled, after all, this situation had never happened before, but she would not disbelieve her master's words.

Seeing that Su Miaoran did not ask any more questions, the Ice Domain Lord looked through the room and looked at Ling Zhan and Ling's mother in the living room.

At the same time, the conversation between the two was also heard in her ears.

Ling Zhan was right. In his current situation, if he really fought, he would not be his opponent.

After all, the residual soul is still a residual soul.

However, it is impossible for the other party to kill him.

It's just that Su Miaoran would not be able to survive at that time. It was not easy for him to cultivate such a talented disciple, so he naturally could not give up easily.

Fortunately, after hearing the conversation between Ling Zhan and Ling's mother later, the Ice Domain Lord was slightly relieved.

It has been hundreds of years since she came to the Milky Way.

During this period, she has found many talented ice geniuses, and even the most talented ice powerhouse of the human race, the Ice God, she has stayed by his side and observed for a long time.

Unfortunately, she gave up on the other party in the end. , because the other party’s soul potential is not good, even with their own training, it is impossible to reach LV500 or above in the future!

But Su Miaoran is different. The basic talent is not good, but the potential is unlimited.

As long as there are enough opportunities, it will be easy to reach LV600 or above in the future.

Of course, the most important thing is opportunity and it takes a lot of time and resources.

If the luck is not enough, let alone LV500, even surpassing the Ice God is impossible!

But fortunately, Su Miaoran has good luck and reached SSS+ so quickly.

Of course, although this life is because of Ling Yan, even if there was no help from Ling Yan in the previous life.

Su Miaoran still reached R-level or above talent and luck after a hundred years.

Before finding Su Miaoran, she also observed the human race’s war god and other strong men.

Almost all the high-level people of the human race are very familiar with it.

Among them, those eighth-level strong men are spies of foreign races, and which ones are truly loyal to the human race. He knows all this.

And among the human race, what she values most is, Naturally, it is the God of War.

His potential is also very strong. If the God of War was born in a large star field or had a powerful master to teach him, his future achievements would be much higher.

Unfortunately, due to the constraints of the human race and the limitations of the region, Ling Zhan's potential has not been fully utilized.

But it is precisely because of this that the Lord of the Ice Domain has taken a fancy to him.

Genius? She has seen too many, and few geniuses with potential ten or a hundred times higher than the God of War are worthy of her attention.

But those who can do this for their own race and civilization are the ones that the Lord of the Ice Domain appreciates the most.

Because in a sense, she and Ling Zhan are almost the same type of people.

"I am just a traveler in the starry sky. I came here accidentally. As long as the human race does not attack Miao Ran, I can give you some help!"

However, at this moment, the voice of the Lord of the Ice Domain suddenly reached the minds of Ling Zhan and Ling's mother in the living room.

In an instant, Ling Zhan and Ling's mother were both shocked.

"Senior, rest assured, Su Miaoran is the pride of our human race. As long as she doesn't do anything to harm the human race, I, Ling Zhan, guarantee with my life that I will never hurt her in the slightest!

At the same time, if you need any help, you can tell me. I swear in the name of the Supreme Council of the Human Race that I will definitely do it!"

Ling Zhan also spoke solemnly to the void.

His previous words were indeed said deliberately.

On the one hand, he wanted to let the other party know that he would not pose any threat to her.

On the other hand, there was actually some warning intention.

After all, such a strong man was here, and in his home, he would naturally be worried.

"" Okay, in that case, here are some materials I need.

Thank you for your help!

In addition, here are some methods and conditions for how to trigger the reincarnation task for each profession within the S+ level. I believe you should need them!"

After hearing Ling Zhan's words, the Lord of the Ice Domain was not polite at all and directly sent a list and a document.

However, after hearing the method of how to trigger the reincarnation task at the S+ level, Ling Zhan and Ling's mother's eyes lit up.

You know, the history of the human race is only ten thousand years.

Therefore, the foundation is not very strong, and at the same time, they know almost nothing about how to trigger many professional reincarnation tasks.

After all, the triggering conditions of different levels of the same profession are not the same.

Even if the level is the same and the profession is the same, the triggering conditions of different people are different! The human race has been studying it all the time, but in the end they only summarized some methods for triggering the reincarnation of professions below level B! And it's not complete..

The most important thing is that even these triggering methods were mostly stolen from the other three civilizations.

After all, the reincarnation triggering methods of such low-level professions, once they are researched, will be placed on the public websites of various civilizations.

This civilization just announced it the previous second, and the next second other civilizations knew it.

So in the entire Milky Way, up to now, there are only B-level and below professional reincarnation triggering methods.

Now, the other party actually gave out the S+ level professional triggering method as soon as he opened his mouth, how could they not be excited.

Because if the human race were to research it themselves, it would be impossible to research to this level in their lifetime.

The reason is very simple, the population base of the Milky Way is insufficient.

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